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RuoYi Vue permission management system v3.8.7

RuoYi Vue privilege management system is a front end and rear end separation privilege management system based on SpringBoot, Spring Security, JWT, Vue&Element
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language JavaScript
Function introduction

The RuoYi Vue rights management system is based on SpringBoot, Spring Security,JWT,Vue & Element The front and rear ends of the.

Platform Introduction

The front-end uses Vue and Element UI.

Spring Boot Spring Security、Redis & Jwt。

Jwt is used for authority authentication, which supports multi terminal authentication system.

It supports loading dynamic permission menu, and allows easy permission control in multiple ways.

Efficient development. Use the code generator to generate front and rear codes with one key.

An Oracle version RuoYi Vue Oracle is provided to keep synchronized updates.

Do not separate versions, please move to RuoYi, microservice version, please move to RuoYi Cloud

Thanks Vue Element Admin, eladmin web.

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Built in functions

User management: the user is the system operator, and this function mainly completes the system user configuration.

Department Management: configures the system organization (company, department, group). The tree structure displays data permissions.

Position Management: configure the job of the system user.

Menu management: configure system menu, operation authority, button authority identification, etc.

Role management: role menu permission assignment, setting roles, and data range permission division by organization.

Dictionary management: maintain some fixed data often used in the system.

Parameter Management: dynamically configure common parameters for the system.

Notice and announcement: system notice and announcement information publishing and maintenance.

Operation log: record and query the normal operation log of the system; System exception information logging and query.

Login Log: The system login log record query contains login exceptions.

Online user: status monitoring of active users in the current system.

Scheduled Task: online (add, modify, delete) task scheduling includes execution result logs.

Code generation: CRUD download is supported for the generation of front and rear code (java, html, xml, sql).

System interface: automatically generate relevant api interface documents according to business code.

Service monitoring: monitor the current system CPU, memory, disk, stack and other related information.

Online builder: Drag form elements to generate corresponding HTML code.

Connection pool monitoring: monitor the current system database connection pool status, and analyze SQL to find system performance bottlenecks.


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Update content

Characters violating scheduled tasks
Uncheck department when resetting
New warning message prompt returned
Ignore unnecessary attribute data return
Remove the pre cache configuration when modifying parameter key names
Verify data permissions before importing and updating user data
Compatible with the problem that too many contents of Excel drop-down box cannot be displayed
Upgrade echarts to the latest version 5.4.0
Upgrade core js to the latest version 3.25.3
Upgrade oshi to the latest version 6.4.0
Upgrade kaptcha to the latest version 2.3.3
Upgrade druid to the latest version 1.2.15
Upgrade fastjson to the latest version 2.0.20
Upgrade pagehelper to the latest version 1.4.6
The problem of too much pop-up content and incomplete display
Optimize the usage cache of swagger ui static resources
Open TopNav without submenu Hide sidebar
Delete fuse invalid option maxPatternLength
When the sub list of optimization exported objects is empty, [] problem will occur
When optimizing the editing of avatar, the transparent part will become black
Optimize the problem of misaligned layout of head portrait interface on small screen
Fix invalid code generation check attribute
Fix the file upload component format verification problem
Fix the problem of echo data dictionary array exception
Fix the exception that the sheet exceeds the maximum number of rows
Fix the problem that the log annotation GET request cannot record parameters
Fix the problem that the data does not change after multiple clicks in the scheduling log
Fix that the theme color will not load in the Drawer component
Fix the problem that the file name containing special characters cannot be downloaded
Fix the problem that more buttons in the table switch theme colors are not effective
Fix the problem that some environment generated codes become garbled TXT files
Fix the problem that the image/file generated by the code cannot be verified if it is required when selecting a single option
Fixed the problem that the role and department in the user edit dialog box could not be modified
Other details optimization

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