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Bootstrap Icons Open source SVG icon library v1.11.3

Bootstrap Icons is an open source SVG icon library of Bootstrap. At first, this icon library was designed and built specifically for its components and documents from form controls to navigation. Now it can be used for any project for free, no matter whether Bootstrap is used in this project or not. Bootstrap Icons are SVG icon libraries, so they can be quickly and easily extended, and can be customized with the use of CSS.
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to grant authorization Open Source
size 3.05MB
language JavaScript
Operating environment JavaScript
Function introduction
Bootstrap Icons is an open source SVG icon library of Bootstrap. At first, this icon library was designed and built specifically for its components and documents from form controls to navigation. Now it can be used for any project for free, no matter whether Bootstrap is used in this project or not.

Bootstrap Icons are SVG icon libraries, so they can be quickly and easily extended, and can be customized with the use of CSS. According to your own settings, you can add Bootstrap Icons to the project in various ways:
Copy and paste SVG as embedded HTML
adopt Element Reference
Use SVG sprites
Include through CSS
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