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Element website rapid prototyping tool v2.15.14

Element (Element ui framework) is a set of Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website quickly form. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente. Element characteristics: 1. Consistency is consistent with real life: consistent with the process and logic of real life, and following the language and concepts used by users; Consistent in the interface: all elements and structures should be consistent, such as design style, icon and text, and element location. 2. Feedback; Control feedback: users can clearly perceive their own operations through the interface style and interaction dynamics; Page feedback: After operation, the current status is clearly displayed through the changes of page elements.
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size 2.88MB
language JavaScript
Operating environment JavaScript
Function introduction
Element (Element ui framework) is a set of Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers. It provides supporting design resources to help your website quickly form. Open source by the front-end team of Elemente.

Element property:

1. Consistency
Be consistent with real life: be consistent with the process and logic of real life, and follow the language and concepts used by users;
Consistent in the interface: all elements and structures should be consistent, such as design style, icon and text, and element location.
2. Feedback
Control feedback: users can clearly perceive their own operations through the interface style and interaction dynamics;
Page feedback: After operation, the current status is clearly displayed through the changes of page elements.
3. Efficiency
Simplify process: design simple and intuitive operation process;
Clarity: the language is clear and the meaning is clear, so that users can quickly understand and make decisions;
Help users identify: the interface is simple and straightforward, allowing users to quickly identify rather than recall, reducing the burden of user memory.
4. Controllability
User decision-making: users can be given operation suggestions or safety tips according to the scenario, but cannot make decisions on behalf of users;
Controllable results: users can operate freely, including undo, rollback, and terminate the current operation.


npm install element-ui@next

Element website rapid prototyping tool update log:

Bug Repair
Fix the problem of toggling value
Repair input copy
Repair DatePicker Copy
Repair Skeleton Copy
Repair vue version

Newly added Azerbaijani translation
Update Slovenian translation
Update Slovak translation
Newly added translation of Icelandic
Newly added Bengali translation

Due to compatibility considerations, the update of node sass in 2.15.7 is withdrawn and will be launched in the appropriate subsequent version after re evaluation
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