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Xstar Voting Management System 2.27

1. It can easily manage multiple votes of different types on multiple pages; 2. The voting types are rich, and multiple or single choice ordinary votes, picture votes, questionnaires, multi type mixed votes and other types of votes can be created; 3. Your voting page can no longer only display a single vote, but can display multiple votes of different types, and no longer worry that only one vote can be published at a time; 4. You only need to set the page in different areas once, and then you only need to modify the voting group in this area, without modifying any code of the page; 5. Can create multiple voting sub options instead of
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    Polling Java MySQL
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    fourteen thousand two hundred and thirty-three
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size 13.25MB
language Java
data base MySQL
Operating environment MySQLJSP
Function introduction
1. It can easily manage multiple votes of different types on multiple pages;
2. The voting types are rich, and multiple or single choice ordinary votes, picture votes, questionnaires, multi type mixed votes and other types of votes can be created;
3. Your voting page can no longer only display a single vote, but can display multiple votes of different types, and no longer worry that only one vote can be published at a time;
4. You only need to set the page in different areas once, and then you only need to modify the voting group in this area, without modifying any code of the page;
5. You can create multiple voting sub options instead of a fixed number. If you want, you can even create more than 100 voting options;
6. Decide whether voting users can view voting results according to your voting type;
7. In most cases, you can easily preview the selected vote or voting group by clicking the relevant number, and click the relevant title to quickly view the voting statistics results.
8. The interface is friendly, beautiful and generous. The creation of votes and voting groups adopts the wizard method, which guides you step by step to complete the creation work. Creating and publishing votes has become easy and simple.  
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