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1234 Stroke input method v5.12

1234 stroke input method is a free entry-level Chinese input method software. Its main purpose is to help netizens who can't spell five strokes to input text by keyboard. Function introduction 1 Support keyboard input and mouse click input. 2. Support customized key position setting of large keyboard and numeric keypad. 3. Support single word input, word input and word association input. 4. Words that cannot be typed can be input using the mouse tablet and the correct split of strokes can be queried. 5. A small dictionary for Pinyin stroke query is provided to facilitate batch query of word pronunciation and stroke split. 6. User defined words
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  • Software language:
    Simplified Chinese
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  • Software size:
    7.57 MB
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  • Software classification:
    Input method software
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1234 stroke input method is a free entry-level Chinese input method software. Its main purpose is to help netizens who can't spell five strokes to input text by keyboard.

Function introduction

1. Support keyboard input and mouse click input.

2. Support customized key position setting of large keyboard and numeric keypad.

3. Support single word input, word input and word association input.

4. Words that cannot be typed can be input using the mouse tablet and the correct split of strokes can be queried.

5. A small dictionary for Pinyin stroke query is provided to facilitate batch query of word pronunciation and stroke split.

6. The user-defined words function can be used to customize words or set user-defined fault tolerance codes for certain words.

7. Support the generation of user-defined thesaurus, and you can customize how to input words and words (such as the first four last one code input mode).

eight It is allowed to input in the form of~ellipsis: in stroke input, there are often some wordless and meaningless repeated input; For example, characters such as Chang, Lin, Peng, and so on, if they are input in the ellipsis mode, the number of input strokes and the input error rate will be greatly saved.

usage method

What should I do if there is garbled code after typing on the screen?

Random code is generally caused by the default input language of the system in English input state.

Just change the system input language back to Chinese by default

1. Move the mouse to EN, right click to open the menu, and click: Set

2. After opening the settings, select: Chinese (Simplified, Chinese) - Chinese (Simplified) - American keyboard

3. After selecting, press OK.

4. After confirmation, exit and restart again: 1234 stroke input method.

After completing the above operations, there should be no garbled code.

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