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V1.0: Thinkjs based mass mailing, including adding email addresses, deleting email addresses, and sending html visual content. To use this product, you need the following knowledge: Nodejs, thinkjs, ejs, mysql, html, css, and jquery are for learning and use. Only basic functions have been completed, and no further optimization has been made in the interface and program. The details need to be adjusted by yourself. Installation: 1. Install nodejs and thinkjs2. Modify the index method under the index controller, and add your sender's mailbox and password. 3. Refer to this
2014/10/24 Storm View diagram
two thousand and twenty-three
System description: This email mass sending system can be used for website promotion and product promotion. Its feature is that it can automatically collect email addresses from web pages and import them into the system to complete the mass sending function, which is simple, convenient and fast to use. System functions: 1. Manage the sender's information account password; 2. Manage recipient information, and upload files to import email addresses in batches; 3. It can automatically collect mailboxes in the web page and export them to files; 4. Complete the function of mass mailing, and set the interval of sending each email; 5. Windows installers can be generated
2014/02/20 View diagram
three thousand one hundred and two
This program supports basically all the mainstream free mailboxes in the market, which can be set once, and can be logged in to the set mailbox with one key for a long time.
2013/07/15 Dean View diagram
three thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight
Write an email and store it in the database. After selecting, extract the email and send it to the target user's mailbox. Interface with external systems: smtp, pop. Custom client interfaces use ASP NET/C#, When writing the three-tier architecture, it is necessary to fill in new letters, including the title and content of the letter, number the new letters in order, and store them in the web page database. It is necessary to extract all (some) players'“ Registration mailbox” The function of sending the new letter mentioned above can be queried or called from the web page database
2009/08/29 View diagram
five thousand four hundred and seventy-eight
The interface imitates gmail, and can send attachments to understand the network programming of C # and the operation of the database. It can also be used for the internal communication of small enterprises. The Sql database is under DB_51aspx, and the default login account/password can be added: 51aspx/ The background function of the administrator is simpler [the source code is provided by 51aspx]
2009/07/14 View diagram
six thousand and ninety-eight
Main functions The mail sending system is mainly composed of [Re login], [Mass Mail], [Add Friend], [View Friend], [View Email Information], [View Emergency Email] and other modules. After entering the mail sending system, you can add the emails of all your friends to the program, so that multiple messages can be sent when sending messages, There is no need for everyone to send an email once. Operation precautions Before using the Mail Sending System, users should pay attention to the following: (1) The user name of this system is 51aspx, and the password is 51aspx. When using this system, please follow the
2009/01/01 View diagram
twenty-seven thousand and two
A three-tier news system that can add, manage and comment on news, At the same time, it can realize user registration and multi-level management background management functions include: managing existing news, adding news content, auditing the latest news, news comment management, news category management system, user system environment: Windows XP/Windows 2000 Server and other systems, background login address: admin/Admin_Login.aspx, default account/password: 51aspx/51aspxDB_5
2008/08/19 View diagram
six thousand one hundred and thirty-six
Email module sending and receiving source code
2008/07/28 Programming Alliance Friday View diagram
five thousand five hundred and forty-six
The main functions are as follows: Send mail Outbox Trash Bin Label Management Group Management Filter User Management System Configuration Change Password Default login account/password: 51aspx/51aspxDB_51aspx is Sql database file (default format is Sql2005, Sql2000 format will be released to source code Q&A as soon as possible), and can be added [the source code is provided by 51aspx]
2008/04/25 View diagram
eight thousand five hundred and forty-seven
The source code of Xiaowei's internal mail sending and receiving system includes inbox, outbox, online mail sending and receiving (internal mail transmission, not supporting smtp), self built folder, friend management and other functions, which support users to register online. MVC is suitable for beginners to download and learn. The page layout DIV+CSS. The database file is under the database SQL 2000+VS2005DB_51aspx, and the default test account can be attached: 51aspx, Password: 51aspx
six thousand one hundred and forty-three
Mail batch sender (including source code)
six thousand four hundred and fourteen
The client software of the mail system based on B/S is all written in java, The Web page is developed using easyJWeb framework of It mainly uses java mail to realize the open source and simplified version of mail sending and receiving. It is a simple modification based on the commercial version, making it separate from the MayboMail Server environment. It supports the b/s version of mail sending and receiving software of various mail servers. It is a simplified version of MayboMail Web
six thousand eight hundred and seventy-six
Simple online mail sending function
ten thousand eight hundred and eighty-one
1. Simple debugging and modification. Modify 2. Friendly management interface. 3. The password is encrypted for more security. 4. Any illegal login attempt will be recorded by the system and the super user will be notified. 5. Mail content supports HTML. 6. Support super users to delete subscribers. 7. Users can unsubscribe from the list. 8. Super users add users online. Note: There are some problems in this procedure, which is only for learning
eight thousand and three hundred
Online email sending is a program for online email sending. As long as you add the recipient's email and title, the content can be sent directly to the webmaster without entering your mailbox
eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-two
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