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Bk ci Bluewhale Continuous Integration Platform is a free and open source CI service that can help you automate the build test release workflow and deliver your products continuously, quickly and with high quality. Use bk ci to mask all the tedious links in the R&D process, so that you can focus on coding.
one hundred and forty-seven
Wechat miniprogram plugin is a WeChat applet plug-in based on JetBrains platform.
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four hundred and fifty-nine
Bk ci Bluewhale Continuous Integration Platform is a free and open source CI service that can help you automate the build test release workflow and deliver your products continuously, quickly and with high quality. Use bk ci to mask all the tedious links in the R&D process, so that you can focus on coding.
four hundred and forty-eight
Bk ci Bluewhale Continuous Integration Platform is a free and open source CI service that can help you automate the build test release workflow and deliver your products continuously, quickly and with high quality. Use bk ci to mask all the tedious links in the R&D process, so that you can focus on coding. It is usually used for: 1. engineering compilation; 2. static code checking; 3. running test cases to find bugs in time; 4. deploying and releasing bk ci, which provides five core services, namely pipeline, code base, voucher management, environment management, and research and development store, with multiple combinations to meet the needs of enterprises in different scenarios: 1. pipeline: integrating teams
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