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Choerodon Pig Teeth Fish is an open source and multi cloud technology platform, which is based on open source technology Kubernetes, Istio, knave, Gitlab, and Spring Cloud to realize the integration of local and cloud environments, and achieve the consistency of enterprise multi cloud/hybrid cloud application environments. The platform helps the organization team to complete software lifecycle management by providing lean agility, continuous delivery, container environment, microservices, DevOps and other capabilities, so as to deliver more stable software faster and more frequently. Choerodon provides: 1. Comprehensive tool chain
four hundred and thirty-seven
The Blue Whale Smart Cloud PaaS platform is an open development platform that allows developers to create, develop, deploy and manage SaaS applications quickly and easily. This open source is BlueKing PaaS Community Edition, which provides an application engine, front and rear platform development framework API gateway, scheduling engine, unified login, common components and other modules help users build support tools and operating systems (collectively called SaaS applications) quickly, at low cost and without operation and maintenance. It is a SaaS application from creation to deployment,
2024/05/01 tencent
six hundred and seventy-six
ERMEB offline PHP encryption online submission source code system organizes and deforms the source code of your PHP program irreversibly in advance, and finally encrypts the deep level special algorithm. At the same time, it supports extended encryption schemes. Even if the code is downloaded, it cannot run or restore the real original code, so as to realize the deep level PHP code protection scheme.
2023/07/11 ERMEB View diagram
two hundred and sixty-five
The ERMEB cloud disk card issuing system official system card issuing system is simple, convenient and easy to understand. The front end of the system's WeChat applet uses nuiapp, the back end uses think PHP6, and the front end of the PC uses vue development. Use scenario: file upload and storage. It is suitable for individuals/individuals/small and medium-sized enterprises. The system is used in cooperation with WeChat applet. File download and card secret collection of card issuing products need to enter the applet to obtain download codes and card secret collection. The applet can be set with points recharge and task to obtain points. It supports WeChat incentive ads to receive file download codes and card secret products, which can achieve dual income, The ERMEB cloud disk card issuing system has multiple sets of PC side templates that can be selected randomly. The ERMEB cloud disk card issuing system storage supports Tencent Cloud COS, AliCloud OSS, Qiniu Cloud, and FTP storage methods. The upload and download speed is not limited, and the link validity period can be set to prevent others from maliciously downloading the system.
2023/06/29 ERMEB View diagram
two hundred and twenty-eight
The WeChat Online Learning and Examination System closely links "video learning, test exercises, and online examinations" to create an online learning system that integrates "learning, practice, and examination". "On demand/live broadcast", "question brushing/testing", "test paper generation/examination", summarize comprehensive scores according to different weights of learning content, and generate learning certificates. Support online payment (WeChat payment, Alipay payment); Use recharge cards and learning cards to cooperate with offline marketing; Web end, APP, applet, multi terminal for easy learning.
2023/04/07 Song Leiming View diagram
three hundred and eighty-two
The match trade ultra efficient exchange matching engine adopts the LMAX open source Disruptor framework of the London Foreign Exchange Exchange, distributed memory access, and atomic operation. Use the data flow method to calculate the matching sequence, and then use the price level independent matching logic to achieve efficient big data matching.
two hundred and forty-nine
Jcseg is a lightweight Chinese word segmentation device based on mmseg algorithm, which integrates the functions of keyword extraction, key phrase extraction, key sentence extraction, and automatic article summarization. It also provides a Jetty based web server, which facilitates direct http calls by major languages, and provides the latest version of Lucene, Solr, Elasticsearch word segmentation interfaces! Jcseg comes with a file for quick configuration to get word segmentation applications suitable for different occasions, such as: maximum matching word length, yes
four hundred and eighty-five
Live2d widget is a webpage plug-in that can add cute Kanban Niang to the webpage. Live2d widget feature: add Live2D Kanban Niang to the webpage. It is compatible with PJAX and supports loading without refreshing. Warning: This project uses a lot of ES6 syntax and does not support old browsers such as IE 11. You can also carry out secondary development within the allowed range. Here are some examples demo.html, which show the basic effect login.html. A short installation of Kanban Niang on the landing interface page imitating NPM: just put the following three lines
2023/01/11 View diagram
nine hundred and seventy
IoTClient is an Internet of Things device communication protocol implementation client, which will include mainstream PLC communication reading, ModBus protocol, Bacnet protocol and other common industrial communication protocols. This component is open source and free for life, and adopts the most relaxed MIT protocol. You can also modify and use it commercially at will (please evaluate and test it for commercial use).
four hundred and twenty-five
Smart license is an open source project for security reinforcement. It mainly serves for non open source products, commercial software, paid software with trial function, etc., and provides authorization system for software use. Smart license application scenarios: non open source products, commercial software, and paid software. To limit the spread of the product, each customer has an exclusive license. The same software distribution package provides different service capabilities according to different licenses. Smart license features: open source, fully open code, Lic
2022/12/11 View diagram
six hundred and ninety-six
Lianliankan game code is a research way for novices to learn game development. Lianliankan algorithm is difficult and needs to be understood by developers with strong mathematical and logical abilities!
2022/12/06 Red Shadow Realm View diagram
five hundred and six
Machete is a PHP website system without database based on file and directory management. It includes four types of website navigation, document website, image website and video website.
2022/11/15 Galloma View diagram
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Tinyriscv is a RISC-V processor core written from scratch, which is extremely simple and easy to understand. The tinyriscv project implements a single core 32-bit mini RISC-V processor core (tinyriscv), which is written in verilog language. The design goal is to benchmark ARM Cortex-M3 series processors.
four hundred and forty-eight
The AutoLoadCache cache management solution is an efficient cache management solution based on AOP+Annotation and other technologies, which decouples cache and business logic, and increases asynchronous refresh and“ Borrowing mechanism”, To adapt to the use of high concurrency environment. There are many cache technologies used today, such as Redis, Memcache, EhCache, and even ConcurrentHashMap or HashTable. But when the cache
five hundred and eighteen
The point cloud purchase, sales and inventory system is developed based on thinkphp+layui. Functions include: purchase, sales, retail, multi warehouse management, financial management and other functions, and ultra detailed report functions (purchase report, sales report, retail report, warehouse report, fund report, etc.)
2022/08/11 Point cloud View diagram
one thousand one hundred and ninety-four
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