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Erupt includes low code, VOM view object model, full domain Admin development, zero front-end code, zero CURD, no code generation, zero intrusion, security, stability and high performance, and supports automatic table building, dynamic expansion, user-defined pages, multiple data sources, logical deletion, front-end back-end separation and other functions. Core technologies: Spring Boot, Annotation, Proxy, Reflect, TypeScript, NG-ZORRO, etc.
2024/06/16 View diagram
six hundred and sixty-one
Maku boot is a set of SpringBoot rapid development system developed by adopting SpringBoot, SpringSecurity, Mybatis Plus and other frameworks. The threshold for use is extremely low, and MIT open source protocol is adopted. It is completely free and open source, and can be used for commercial projects and other scenarios for free. By using the component mode and extending different business functions, various business requirements can be easily realized without causing system bloat. If you want to use a component, you can import it on demand, and vice versa.
seven hundred and two
IWebShop is a B2B2C multi-user open source free mall system developed based on PHP language and MYSQL database. The system supports self support and multi merchant settlement, integration of WeChat mall, mobile mall, mobile APP mall, three-tier distribution, video e-commerce live broadcast, WeChat applet, etc. It can carry large amounts of data with excellent performance, and can also cross platforms, Beautiful interface with rich functions is the preferred source code for e-commerce station building.
2024/06/15 aircheng View diagram
one hundred and twenty-four thousand and twenty-three
Sa Token is a lightweight Java authority authentication framework, which mainly solves a series of authority related problems such as login authentication, authority authentication, single sign on, OAuth2.0, distributed session session, microservice gateway authentication, etc.
six hundred and twenty
Gin vue admin is a background management system framework based on gin+vue, integrating basic functions such as jwt authentication, permission management, dynamic routing, paging encapsulation, multi-point login interception, resource permissions, upload and download, code generator, form generator, general workflow, etc.
five hundred and forty
Jessibuca is an open source pure H5 live stream player, which compiles the audio and video decoding library into Js (ams. js/wasm) through Emscripten and runs in the browser. It is compatible with almost all browsers and can run on PC, mobile phone and WeChat without additional plug-ins. Jessibuca function: 1. Support decoding H.264 video (Baseline, Main, High Profile full support, support decoding B frame video) 2. Support decoding H.265 video (flv id==12) 3
nine hundred and sixty-four
EKECMS website management system (computer+mobile), hereinafter referred to as EKECMS. EKECMS is an application based on the rapid development framework of eFrameWork. It is mainly intended to be used as an example of the use of the eFrameWork framework. It has a full range of functions but an older plane. You can modify and expand it according to the actual project requirements. EFrameWork is a public framework, so the default account, password, directory structure and other information are also public. To ensure system security, please read the following carefully.
2024/06/06 E customer development team View diagram
seven thousand and five hundred
The asp. net rapid development framework (eFrameWork) (hereinafter referred to as the framework) is the accumulation of more than ten years of development experience of the E guest development team (EKETEAM hereinafter referred to as e guest), which has been continuously optimized and improved through many projects and customer opinions and suggestions. The framework is mainly used for the development of application systems and websites based on B/S architecture. It does not have sophisticated technology. Everything is designed from the perspective of improving development efficiency and reducing development threshold.
2024/06/06 E customer development team View diagram
fourteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Swagger is a standard and complete framework for generating, describing, invoking and visualizing RESTful style Web services. The overall goal is to make the client and file system update at the same speed as the server. The method, parameter and model of the file are tightly integrated into the server-side code, allowing the API to always keep synchronized. Swagger has never made deploying, managing and using powerful APIs easier.
2024/06/04 View diagram
six hundred and eighty-five
JeeSite Spring Cloud is the integration of a distributed system suite based on Spring Cloud. Features: develop distributed applications with classic development mode, two words [simple] and one word [fast]. It has all the functions of JeeSite4 stand-alone version, unified identity authentication, unified basic data management, and reduced the difficulty of microservice development.. Integrate the Nacos service governance and configuration center, which is an excellent component of Alibaba, and the Sentinel traffic guard; Integrated Zipkin link tracking; Integrate TxLcn, Seata distributed transactions, etc.
2024/06/03 View diagram
six hundred and fifty
Larravel 10.0 is a web application framework with expressive and elegant syntax. We believe that development can only be truly realized if it is a pleasant and creative experience. Larave tries to alleviate the pain of development by alleviating the common tasks used in most Web projects. Features: simple and fast routing engine. Powerful dependency injection container. Multiple back ends for session and cache storage. Database agnostic scheme migration. Powerful background job processing capability. Real time event broadcast. Larave is easy to access, powerful, and can provide the tools required by large, powerful applications.
four hundred and sixty
Scrapy is a set of asynchronous processing framework based on Twisted and a crawler framework implemented in pure python. Users can easily implement a crawler by customizing and developing several modules, which is very convenient for grabbing web content and various pictures.
2024/06/01 dangra View diagram
three thousand four hundred and seventy
Highcharts chart library is a pure Javascript class library for making charts. The main features of Highcharts chart library: 1. Compatibility: compatible with all today's browsers, including iPhone, IE, Firefox, and so on; 2. Free for individual users; 3. Pure JS, no BS; 4. Support most chart types: line chart, curve chart, area chart, area curve chart, column chart, pie chart, scatter chart; 5. Cross language: PHP, or Java can be used. It only needs three files.
2024/05/31 View diagram
two hundred and forty-one
SOFARPC is a highly scalable, high-performance, production level Java RPC framework. SOFARPC in Ant Financial has experienced more than ten years and five generations of development.
three hundred and sixty
Diboot light code development platform is a low code development platform for developers, which automates repetitive work and improves quality, efficiency and maintainability. The Diboot light code development platform mainly consists of diboot core and diboot devtools. The diboot core encapsulates the diboot core spring boot starter component for spring boot, and diboot devtools is also provided as starter. Diboot light code on
2024/05/30 View diagram
eight hundred and thirty-three
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