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Meedu knowledge payment solution is a network school station building system developed in php. MeEdu knowledge payment/online training solution PC online school/H5/applet/APP full coverage, low-cost build your private online school. Functional features: Multi terminal support provides private independent deployment, PC terminal, H5 web page, WeChat applet full coverage; The educational administration scene supports various forms of teaching and training, such as recording, live broadcasting, pictures and texts, and examination exercises; Enrollment diversion courses are quick to kill, group purchase, distribution fission, and multiple combination marketing help you promote diversion; Background management course management, data details, system configuration, and store decoration;
2024/06/05 View diagram
one thousand two hundred and thirty-three
BookStack is an online document management system based on MinDoc and developed by Beego. Its functions are similar to Gitbook and Cloud View. During the development process, some things have been added and removed, which are no longer compatible with MinDoc (after all, the data table structure, fields, and indexes are different), and only the markdown editor is supported.
2024/05/29 View diagram
eight hundred and sixty
ShowDoc is an online document sharing tool that is very suitable for IT teams. It can speed up the efficiency of communication between teams. Through showdoc, you can easily use markdown syntax to write beautiful API documents, data dictionary documents, technical documents, online excel documents, etc.
six hundred and seventy-four
Smart doc is a tool that supports the generation of JAVA REST API and Apache Dubbo RPC interface documents at the same time. Smart doc is the first in the industry to propose the concept of derivation based on JAVA generic definition. It analyzes and generates interface documents completely based on interface source code, and does not use any annotations to intrude into business code. You only need to write comments according to the java doc standard, and smart doc can help you generate a simple and clear document of Markdown, HTML5, Postman Collection 2.0+, and OpenAPI 3.0+.
one hundred and forty-four
Torna interface document solution aims to make interface document management more convenient and fast. Torna uses teamwork to manage and maintain interface documents, and brings in different forms of documents for unified maintenance. Torna makes up for the shortcomings of traditional document generation tools (such as swagger), enriching and enhancing some practical functions while maintaining the original functions.
five hundred and fifty-four
PhpMyFAQ is a FAQ system that supports multiple languages, similar to Baidu Knows, and supports multiple databases. PhpMyFAQ has content management functions, picture management, support for multiple users, user groups, news systems, user tracking, language modules, and support for Microsoft Active Directry Active Directory. PhpMyFAQ has the following specific features: it supports multiple MySQL databases, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, IBM Cloudscape, Apache Derby, Oracle, Interbase, or Firebird.
2024/03/27 View diagram
sixteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven
PicHome can convert online disks, file directories, Eagle libraries and Billfish libraries into websites. After being converted to a website, you can share files and display materials with more people on any device.
2024/03/22 Ao Tuwen View diagram
seven hundred and fifty-four
Excelize is a basic library for operating Office Excel documents written in Go language, based on ECMA-376 and ISO/IEC 29500 international standards. You can use it to read and write from Microsoft Excel? A spreadsheet document created in 2007 or later. It supports multiple document formats such as XLSX/XLSM/XLTM, and is highly compatible with documents with complex components such as styles, pictures (tables), pivot tables, slicers, etc. It also provides streaming read-write APIs for processing workbooks containing large-scale data.
five hundred and eighty-eight
PESCMS DOC document management system is an open source document management system released under the GPLv2 protocol. You only need a server with PHP7+and MYSQL5.5+, and you can write, manage, and share documents anytime and anywhere through a modern browser.
2024/02/23 PESCMS View diagram
five thousand seven hundred and nine
Zyplayer doc is an online documentation tool that is completely open source at the front and rear ends. There are API interface documents (Swagger, OpenApi, self built interface), WIKI documents, and database documents (database table structure view management, SQL execution).
four hundred and eighty-three
Smart doc is a tool that supports the generation of JAVA REST API and Apache Dubbo RPC interface documents at the same time. Smart doc is the first in the industry to propose the concept of derivation based on JAVA generic definition. It analyzes and generates interface documents completely based on interface source code, and does not use any annotations to intrude into business code. You only need to write comments according to the java doc standard, and smart doc can help you generate a simple and clear document of Markdown, HTML5, Postman Collection 2.0+, and OpenAPI 3.0+.
four hundred and seventy-two
Zuny is a simple file sharing display system developed with PHP+SQLite, which has the functions of uploading and sharing files for users to download.
2023/04/11 MAIYUN.NET View diagram
four hundred and seventy-one
Support: Android, IOS, WeChat, Baidu, Tiaoyin, Alipay, qq applet, 360 applet, quick hand applet, fly book applet, JD, nail and other applets, as well as H5, quick application.
2023/01/31 View diagram
four hundred and seventy-two
Wenku is an example similar to Baidu Library implemented by spring boot+Libroffice+swftools.
four hundred and eleven
Wps view java is a background service based on wps online editing and preview.
2022/12/13 TusP
four hundred and fifteen
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