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XUI is a simple and elegant Android native UI framework, freeing your hands! XUI includes most UI components: TextView, Button, EditText, ImageView, Spinner, Picker, Dialog, PopupWindow, ProgressBar, LoadingView, StateLayout, FlowLayout, Switch, Actionbar, TabBar, Banner, GuideView, BadgeView, MarqueeView, WebView, SearchView, and a series of components and colorful style themes.
five hundred and two
CalenderView is an elegant, highly customized and high-performance calendar control on Android. It perfectly supports the week view, supports tags, custom colors, lunar calendar, etc., and controls the display of month view, any date interception conditions, and custom week start. Canvas painting, with extremely fast performance and low memory consumption, supports simple customization to achieve arbitrary custom layout and UI, supports shrink and expand, and has very efficient performance. This control has obvious advantages in memory and efficiency, and can really shrink and expand, adapt to multiple scenarios, support multiple colors to mark calendar transactions at the same time, and support multi touch, You really can't imagine that the calendar can be so elegant!
two hundred and fifty-one
Support: Android, IOS, WeChat, Baidu, Tiaoyin, Alipay, qq applet, 360 applet, quick hand applet, fly book applet, JD, nail and other applets, as well as H5, quick application.
2023/01/31 View diagram
four hundred and seventy-two
ZBLibrary is an Android rapid development framework. MVP architecture, providing a set of development standards (View, Data, Event), templates and tool classes, and standardizing code. Less encapsulation levels, simple, efficient and compatible. OKHttp network request, Glide image loading, ZXing QR code, immersion status bar, download and installation, automatic cache, and direct use of various bases, demos, UIs, and Utils.
five hundred and twelve
MDWechat is a WeChat theme module software that enables WeChat material design.
2022/03/05 Eat Xiaomiao's big salted fish View diagram
five hundred and fifteen
Pxpay is a WeChat Alipay personal collection interface. It supports WeChat/Alipay collection monitoring of personal collection, without signing up for Alipay and WeChat payment, and provides an API interface for instant receipt collection for personal accounts of Alipay and WeChat payment. This is the client. There is also an exposed terminal for Android APP to monitor payment notices. The principle is Baidu. Check the version of xposed. There is a big ticket online. It is monitoring notification. So the phone settings are very important. You need to open various permissions. Let the target you want to monitor turn on the notification. The criterion is that you can hear the voice broadcast. (Beautiful and beautiful
2020/12/08 View diagram
five hundred and forty-seven
XUtils includes orm, http (s), image and view annotations, but it is still lightweight (251K), powerful and easy to extend. XUtils features: 1. orm: an efficient and stable orm tool that makes it easier to support cookies and caching when implementing the http interface. Flexible interface similar to linq expression. The performance is consistent with that of greenDao. 2. Http (s): based on UrlConnection and Android 4. After 4, the underlying is implemented as okHttp. Request agreement support
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