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Hyperledger Fabric is an open source blockchain distributed ledger initiated by the Linux Foundation. Hyperledger Fabric is an open source blockchain implementation. The development environment is built on the VirtualBox virtual machine. The deployment environment can be self built network or directly deployed on BlueMix. The deployment method can be traditional Docker based, consensus based algorithm plug-in, and support the development of smart contracts with Go and JavaScript, especially enterprise level security mechanisms and me
2024/06/05 Linux Foundation
one thousand six hundred and fifty
Blockj is a simple blockchain (alliance chain) project implemented in Java, including encryption tools, wallets, P2P transmission, block synchronization, network consensus and other basic implementations. It is implemented using the SpringBoot+Tio network framework. It is a very good blockchain learning project. At present, it only implements the POW consensus algorithm. If it is to be used in production projects, it needs to modify the consensus according to its own project needs.
three hundred and sixty-seven
Opennft is an open source NFT trading platform. NFT, The full English name is Non fungible Token, which means non homogenous token, and it is indivisible, irreplaceable and unique. NFT is a concept that exists relative to homogeneous tokens. Homogeneous token, namely FT (Fungible Token), is a token that can replace each other and be split at will. For example, a Bitcoin in your hand is not different from a Bitcoin in my hand in essence. This is a homogeneous token, and NFT is unique and inseparable. For example, we cast NFT from game props, digital artwork, tickets, etc. through the blockchain, Then these assets are unique and non replicable.
five hundred and thirty-five
ChiaTools is an alternative to the P diagram function of Chia's official wallet. It provides a P diagram function that is simpler, more convenient and more practical than the official wallet. At the same time, HPool and Huo coin ore pool mining functions are integrated.
2022/06/28 View diagram
three hundred and ninety-six
FexCoin wallet is a mobile wallet for storing encrypted currency, which belongs to blockchain digital asset management tool.
four hundred and sixty-seven
Hyperledger Fabric is an open source blockchain distributed ledger initiated by the Linux Foundation. Hyperledger Fabric is an open source blockchain implementation. The development environment is built on the VirtualBox virtual machine. The deployment environment can be self built network or directly deployed on BlueMix. The deployment method can be traditional Docker based, consensus based algorithm plug-in, and support the development of smart contracts with Go and JavaScript, especially enterprise level security mechanisms and me
2021/03/10 Linux Foundation
four hundred and four
Fcc is a government data sharing blockchain based on super ledger fabric, taking real estate registration business as an example. Functional characteristics: About the business process regional chain (alliance chain based on certificate access), network business process timing, about the super ledger, about blockchain, super ledger, smart contract and other concepts, please go to Google and Durian. It is suggested to refer to the official website document directly to explain this example. This example is only limited to building prototypes to verify the technical feasibility, which is far from being available at the product level; This example uses three organizations, each with two nodes, for endorsement nodes in three departments: real estate, housing management, and tax; 3 smart cards
four hundred and thirty-five
Blockchain java is a simple blockchain (federation chain) project implemented in Java, including encryption tools, wallets, P2P transmission, block synchronization, POW consensus and other basic implementations. Single node deployment is very simple. It is just like running an ordinary SpringBoot project. By default, a single node uses node1 node configuration. The multi node deployment project deploys three nodes by default and creates three configuration files, application - {env}. yml. If you want to deploy more nodes, create more
2020/10/13 View diagram
five hundred and twelve
Md blockchain is an open source java blockchain platform, which can be used as an alliance chain and a private chain, but is not applicable to public chains. Each node knows the IP address and maintains a long connection. The consensus mechanism adopts PBFT. No virtual currency, which can be used to store various types of data without mining. It can not only be used for ledger, but also for various customized storage requirements. The idea comes from Tencent's trustsql. Encryption, public key and private key, network module, storage module, etc. Project description: mainly including storage module, network module, PBFT consensus algorithm, encryption module, block parsing and warehousing. The project
five hundred and one
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