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PeaZip is a free file archiving utility and rar extractor for Windows and Linux that can handle more than 200 archive types and variants (7z ace、arc、bz2、cab、gz、iso、paq、pea、rar、tar、wim、zip、 zipx...), Handles cross file (001, r01, z01...) and supports multiple archive encryption standards. The project aims to provide a wide range of open source technologies (7-Zip FreeArc、PAQ、PEA、U
six hundred and seventy-seven
RabbitMQ message server is an open source message broker software (also called message oriented middleware) that implements Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). RabbitMQ is an open source message queue system developed using Erlang language and implemented based on AMQP protocol. The main features of AMQP are message oriented, queue oriented, routing (including point-to-point and publish/subscribe), reliability, and security. The AMQP protocol is more used in enterprise systems, and the requirements for data consistency, stability and reliability are very high, followed by the requirements for performance and throughput.
2024/05/16 View diagram
five hundred and ninety-four
Nyxt Web Browser (formerly Next) is a keyboard oriented, extensible Web browser designed for advanced users. The application has key binding (Emacs, VI), which is fully configurable and extensible in Lisp, and has powerful functions for production professionals. Nyxt web browser features: 1. Quick tab switching. Through fuzzy search, you can easily switch between open tabs. If you're looking for , just enter ele, exa, epl, or any of them
2024/04/28 View diagram
five hundred and seventy-two
Elegant Grass Tools for Convenience -- tools for convenience -- youyacao tools -- The front end has been connected with data. Elegant Grass Tools - Data comes from the Elegant Grass API enabling - Elegant Grass Tools for Convenience is a public welfare tool for convenience query created by Chengdu Yiqie Elegant Grass Technology Co., Ltd
2024/04/28 Chengdu Yikeya Grass Technology Co., Ltd View diagram
DGIOT lightweight industrial Internet of Things open source platform is a lightweight Internet of Things open source platform, which can be rapidly deployed in 30 minutes, carried by tens of millions of equipment, and has carrier level stability. Object model - rule engine - data channel - configuration page full process low code development, front and rear end full open source, support for multi industry industrial protocols.
six hundred and fifty-one
The Linux Lab is committed to creating a Linux experimental environment based on Docker+QEMU, which is convenient for everyone to learn, develop and test the Linux kernel. Linux Lab is an open source software and does not provide any guarantee. Please bear any risk in the use process. Linux Kernel Lab&mdash& mdash; Docker/Qemu based learning, development and testing environment for the high-speed Linux kernel. The community has produced several portable Linux Lab system disks without installation
2024/04/06 View diagram
six hundred and twenty
APIOAK is a high-performance distributed API gateway based on OpenResty platform. APIOAK provides full lifecycle management of API publishing, management, and operation and maintenance. It helps users to achieve simple, fast, low-cost and low-risk microservice aggregation, front-end separation, system integration, and open functions and data to partners and developers. APIOAK provides a strong performance almost comparable to native Nginx, provides dynamic identity authentication, flow control and other functions through plug-in mechanism, and supports customized plug-ins based on specific business scenarios. At the same time, it also provides a variety of dynamic
2023/04/29 View diagram
five hundred and eight
RabbitMQ message server is an open source message broker software (also called message oriented middleware) that implements Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). RabbitMQ is an open source message queue system developed using Erlang language and implemented based on AMQP protocol. The main features of AMQP are message oriented, queue oriented, routing (including point-to-point and publish/subscribe), reliability, and security. The AMQP protocol is more used in enterprise systems, and the requirements for data consistency, stability and reliability are very high, followed by the requirements for performance and throughput.
2023/04/07 View diagram
five hundred and twelve
RabbitMQ message server is an open source implementation of the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) provided by LShift. It is written by Erlang, who is famous for high performance, robustness and scalability. Therefore, it also inherits these advantages. There are two main components in AMQP: Exchange and Queue (which will change in AMQP 1.0). As shown in the figure below, the green X is Exchange and the red is Queue, both of which are on the server side
2023/04/07 View diagram
five hundred and ninety-two
Lianliankan game code is a research way for novices to learn game development. Lianliankan algorithm is difficult and needs to be understood by developers with strong mathematical and logical abilities!
2022/12/06 Red Shadow Realm View diagram
five hundred and four
This source code is developed in as3 language, and the core is the demining algorithm. It is easy for beginners to learn!
2022/12/05 Red Shadow Realm View diagram
four hundred and nineteen
The source code of the small MP3 player is relatively simple. First make a simple player page in FLASH, and then write the corresponding code on the frame to read the music file of the playlist folder!
2022/12/01 Red Shadow Realm View diagram
four hundred and ten
Breaking vases is a very interesting little game, which also involves some physical knowledge (elasticity, gravity and friction). In the game, the state of the hammer will be controlled according to the time and the number of hits.
2022/11/30 Red Shadow Realm View diagram
four hundred and thirty
The 45 degree map+A star pathfinding demonstration uses the character's decomposition body state to reflect the walking posture, and also adds the fog effect, that is, the character will slowly wipe the fog when walking to the area, showing the original landform!
2022/11/29 Red Shadow Realm View diagram
four hundred and ninety-nine
Fighting game source code - The battle of beautiful girls is developed in AS3 language, which is a very helpful fighting game source code for novices.
2022/11/28 Red Shadow Realm View diagram
four hundred and sixty-eight
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