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Yunxin IM UIKit is an instant messaging UI component library developed based on the NIM SDK (NetEase Yunxin IM SDK), including chat, conversation, circle group, search, group management and other components. With IM UIKit, instant messaging applications with UI interface can be integrated in less than half a day. IM UIKit simplifies the application development process based on the NIM SDK. It can not only help you quickly implement UI functions, but also support calling the corresponding interface of the NIM SDK to implement instant messaging business logic and data processing. Therefore, you only need to focus on your own business or personalized expansion when using IM UIKit.
2024/06/07 View diagram
Vxe table is a table component based on vue, which supports addition, deletion, modification, virtual scrolling, lazy loading, shortcut menu, data verification, tree structure, print export, form rendering, data paging, modal window, user-defined template, flexible configuration items, rich extension plug-ins, etc Design concept: modern browser oriented, efficient and concise API design modular tables, on-demand loading, plug-in extension designed for single row editing tables, support addition, deletion, modification, query and more extensions, powerful functions and performance functions: Basic table Grid
one thousand one hundred and twenty-five
Vxe table is a table component based on vue, which supports addition, deletion, modification, virtual scrolling, lazy loading, shortcut menu, data verification, tree structure, print export, form rendering, data paging, modal window, user-defined template, flexible configuration items, rich extension plug-ins, etc Design concept: modern browser oriented, efficient and concise API design modular tables, on-demand loading, plug-in extension designed for single row editing tables, support addition, deletion, modification, query and more extensions, powerful functions and performance functions: Basic table Grid
nine hundred and twenty-five
Ionicons is a completely open source icon set, which contains more than 1100 icons designed for Web, iOS, Android and desktop applications. Ionicons is built for the Ionic Framework, so icons have both Material Design and iOS versions. We intend to use this icon package with Ionic, but it is not limited to this. Whether you are an individual or a business user, you can use them in the right place. They are free of charge and licensed under MIT.
2024/05/19 View diagram
eight hundred and seventy-six
Vant mobile terminal component library is a lightweight and reliable open source mobile terminal component library. Through Vant, you can quickly build pages with a unified style and improve development efficiency.
five hundred and eighty-one
Wechat miniprogram plugin is a WeChat applet plug-in based on JetBrains platform.
2024/04/24 zxy View diagram
four hundred and fifty-nine
Plumelog is a simple and easy to use java distributed log component. It supports 10 billion level logs. It is convenient and fast to search logs from collection to query without having to read logs in files. It supports querying logs of a call chain, supports link tracking, and checks the time consumption of the call chain. It can also query associated logs in distributed systems, which can help to quickly locate problems. It is simple and easy to use, without code intrusion, and the query interface is friendly, efficient, and convenient, As long as you are a java system, do not do any project transformation. Access is used directly. The log does not fall on the local disk. There is no need to care about the problem that the log occupies the application server disk. I think the project
2024/03/13 View diagram
six hundred and twenty-eight
ECharts (Enterprise Charts commercial product chart library) provides commonly used charts for commercial products. The bottom layer is based on ZRender (a new lightweight canvas class library), creating basic components such as coordinate system, legend, tips, toolbox, and so on, and building broken line chart, column chart, scatter chart K line chart, pie chart, radar chart, map, chord chart, force oriented layout chart, dashboard and funnel chart, as well as any dimension stacking and multi chart mixed presentation. Echarts deviceEcharts explore
2024/03/07 Baidu View diagram
twenty-two thousand and two
HandyControl is a set of WPF control library, which rewrites almost all the native styles and contains more than 80 custom controls.
2024/03/02 View diagram
one thousand four hundred and seventy-two
FreeMarker is a template engine, a general tool for generating text output based on templates, and is written in pure Java. FreeMarker is designed to generate HTML Web pages, especially applications based on MVC mode. Although FreeMarker has some programming capabilities, it usually prepares the data to be displayed by Java programs, generates pages by FreeMarker, and displays the prepared data through templates. FreeMarker is not a web application framework, but a component of the web application framework. Fr
2024/02/04 View diagram
five hundred and fifteen
FineUIPro is a professional ASP based on jQuery NET control library - easy to use, fast, colorful skin, economical!
Lock4j is a distributed lock component, which provides a variety of different support to meet the needs of different performance and environment. Lock4j is a declarative and programmatic distributed lock based on Spring AOP. It supports RedisTemplate Redisson、Zookeeper。
four hundred and eighty-nine
The Mybatis PageHelper paging plug-in is a paging plug-in system applied to Mybatis. If you are also using Mybatis, it is recommended to try this paging plug-in. It must be a very convenient paging plug-in.
one hundred and twenty-five
JustAuth third-party login open source components, as you can see, it is only a tool class library authorized by a third-party login. It allows us to get rid of the tedious third-party login SDK and make login so easy! JustAuth integrates dozens of third-party platforms at home and abroad, such as Github, Gitee, Alipay, Sina Weibo, WeChat, Google, Facebook, Twitter, StackOverflow, etc. For more information, please refer to the integrated platform functions: integrating dozens of third-party platforms at home and abroad to achieve fast access
five hundred and eighty-seven
Vant mobile terminal component library is a set of lightweight and reliable mobile terminal Vue component library. Through Vant, you can quickly build a page with a unified style to improve development efficiency. Vant mobile terminal component library features: 1. 60+high-quality components 2. 95% unit test coverage 3. Perfect Chinese and English documents and examples 4. Support for on-demand introduction 5. Support for theme customization 6. Support for internationalization 7. Support for TS8. Support for SSR. It is recommended to use webpack with babel, so that you can use the rich plug-ins and personalized configuration provided by webpack
eight hundred and twenty-six
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