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EU takes an important step towards aviation decarbonization

According to the official website of the European Council, the European Parliament has recently passed a new regulation on air transport industry: all flights from EU airports, whether their destinations are inside or outside the EU, must use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mixed with kerosene. Analysts believe that the adoption of this law is an important step for the EU to decarbonize aviation.

Focus on industrial policies

According to Reuters, the new regulations of the air transport industry require that by 2025, the sustainable aviation fuel used by aircraft taking off from EU airports will account for 2% of the total fuel, 6% by 2030, 20% by 2035, and 70% by 2050. The EU Council said that the use of sustainable aviation fuel is one of the key measures for aviation decarbonization. The new regulations aim to promote the aviation transport industry to achieve the EU's 2030 emission reduction goal and 2050 carbon neutral goal.

The European Commission recently said that in order to unify the pace of green development in Europe again, the European "Green New Deal" is entering a new stage focusing on industrial policies, and supports each industry to establish an effective business model for industrial decarbonization. In December 2019, the European Commission issued the European Green New Deal (referred to as the "Green New Deal"), which is regarded as the programmatic policy document formulated by the EU for climate change, economic growth and sustainable development. According to the document, the EU committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, striving to reduce them by 55% (based on 1990), and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Since then, the EU has introduced a series of measures in terms of legislative protection, policy planning and financial support to promote the implementation of the "Green New Deal". In July 2021, the European Commission passed a package of legislative proposals on "carbon reduction of 55%" to promote the green transformation of the EU's economic, social and industrial fields, and plans to tax high carbon products imported from the EU through the carbon border adjustment mechanism. In August 2023, the EU Regulations on Batteries and Spent Batteries came into force, and the EU strengthened the management of batteries and used batteries. This new regulation of the shipping industry is one of the measures taken by the EU to promote industrial policy adjustment.

In line with core interests

"As a carbon intensive industry, the air transport industry has always been an important part of Europe's' Green New Deal 'and carbon trading system. The EU uses sustainable fuels in the air transport industry, and adjusts the proportion of sustainable fuels in the total fuel year by year, which can meet the needs of European energy security and energy transformation, and has the operability of continuous implementation." Wang Shuo, Deputy Director of the European Institute of the Chinese Academy of Modern International Relations, made an analysis in an interview with this newspaper.

The European Commission said that Europe has the elements to become a leader in the future net zero technology market, including the long-term goal set by the legislation, high-quality labor force and first-class infrastructure.

"The EU's' Green New Deal 'has entered a stage with industrial policies at its core, which is in line with the EU's core interests in the field of green development." Wang Shuo analyzed that, on the one hand, in recent years, the EU's current energy transformation task is arduous due to the multiple factors such as the Russian Ukrainian conflict and climate change. Compared with last year, energy reserves are more scarce this autumn and winter. It is an inevitable choice for the EU to respond to the current energy problem by tilting the focus of the "Green New Deal" to industrial policies. On the other hand, the EU green industry starts early, has rich experience, and enjoys the dominance of rules. The development of green industry is a good way to revitalize the EU economy. This is in line with the requirements of the EU to promote economic development and meet its needs to ensure energy security. It is also an important way for the EU to enhance its international influence and voice in the field of green development.

Still facing considerable challenges

According to the French "20 Minute", although Karin Kuff, a member of the European Parliament of the Green Party, approved the adoption of the law, he also warned that "there is still a long way to go to make flying a greener travel option." Matteo Milo, aviation manager of the green non-governmental organization "Transport and Environment", also said that, Stable and sustainable aviation fuel supply remains to be guaranteed: "According to the prediction, the demand for renewable energy will be huge, and the current capacity of green fuel is far from enough to meet the demand of all flights."

"The implementation of the new regulations of the EU air transport industry still faces many challenges: first, the current supply of renewable energy cannot fully meet the needs of the air transport industry; second, it remains to be seen whether the increased costs of energy transformation can be accepted by the industry and consumers in the context of the global aviation industry downturn; Third, the new regulation may push up the cost of the EU air transport industry, and at the same time bring some impact on the global air transport industry. Other countries and relevant stakeholders may object to this. " Wang Shuo believes that "it is foreseeable that the EU will also introduce a series of follow-up measures to deal with the energy crisis and promote economic growth, and the trend of relevant industrial policy adjustment deserves continuous attention."

key word: New regulations Green New Deal Air transport industry Aviation fuel industrial policy

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