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[I and the Silk Road] The "relay journey" between me and my disciples on the "Silk Road"

China News Network, October 16 (Reporter Xie Yiguan) In October 2013, as a key project for the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative landing in Indonesia, China and Indonesia signed an agreement to build the Qingshan Industrial Park in the China Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone.

Over the past 10 years, an industrial park with complete infrastructure and efficient operation has stood on the Pacific coastline at 2 degrees, 48 minutes and 55 seconds north latitude.

As the director of the second service room of the Installation Service Office of the Order Management Department of the Steam Turbine Plant of Shanghai Electric Power Station Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Electric Steam Turbine Plant"), Zhang Huanguo will pack up his bags and go to the Qingshan Molowalli Park in Indonesia this month. Prior to that, he had watched the sunrise and sunset for more than two years in Weidabe Park, Qingshan, Indonesia.

 The picture shows Zhang Huanguo (right) and the Chinese leader of the Qingshan project in the control room. Photograph provided by respondents

The picture shows Zhang Huanguo (right) and the Chinese leader of the Qingshan project in the control room. Photograph provided by respondents

"That's a big marsh"

Zhang Huanguo, 56, has almost retired. Since he entered Shanghai Electric Steam Turbine Works in the 1980s, he still insists on the front line of technical services. He has devoted half his life to the cause of steam turbine technical services.

Looking back on Zhang Huanguo's career of more than 30 years, Indonesia is an unavoidable place.

As early as 2007, Zhang Huanguo had entered the Indonesian wind port coal-fired power plant on Sumatra Island, Indonesia, and engaged in technical services for the assembly of 2 × 100MW steam turbine generators.

Ten years later, Zhang Huanguo, who is more skilled in technology, came to Weidabe Park, Qingshan, Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone as a senior commissioner of the service room of the project office, and carried the "banner" of technical services for the installation and commissioning of 6x250MW steam turbines.

Today's Qingshan Weidabei Park has a lot of factories, living facilities, airports, docks and other infrastructure. However, Zhang Huanguo was still impressed when talking about the scene of just stepping into this land.

"That's a big marsh. One step down and you'll sink into the ground. You can't lift your feet out. If you look around, there's no good way."

 Qingshan Weidabei Park was built in the early stage. Photograph provided by respondents

The picture shows the early stage of Weidabe Park construction. Photograph provided by respondents

What is unbearable is the inconvenience in work and life. Due to lack of resources, the procurement cycle of key equipment is generally long; In addition, communication conditions are poor, and it is much more difficult to deal with some problems than in China.

At that time, he and his colleagues lived in plank houses, with simple facilities, power failure and unclean domestic water. But now that he has undertaken this task, he still insists on stationed in the Indonesian park.

From 2021 to 2022, Zhang Huanguo has been on site for 220 consecutive days, and was rated as the excellent service representative of the project in 2021 by the owner.

"Open the road when encountering mountains, bridge when encountering rivers"

If you want to sum up Zhang Huanguo's work experience in Weidabe Park for more than two years, this sentence may be the best footnote.

When carrying out technical services in the park, he often encountered various problems. He got together with other technical engineers to discuss alternative solutions.

Zhang Huanguo also remembered that once a turning gear in the equipment could not be started when it was started. "We went to analyze and check it, worked all night, found the cause of the equipment failure, and then worked out a solution to gradually implement it."

In the case of lack of resources and technical strength in the park, how to give full play to its technical advantages and make the park's equipment work normally, for him, this process is full of "thorns", but when he finally succeeds, the sense of joy and achievement is also huge.

 The picture shows the on-site installation of steam turbine units in Weidabe Park, Qingshan. Photograph provided by respondents

The picture shows the on-site installation of steam turbine units in Weidabe Park. Photograph provided by respondents

Now, under the cooperation of multiple parties, the processing center, maintenance center, maintenance center and other supporting facilities in the park have been established synchronously.

In addition to overcoming many difficulties technically, Zhang Huanguo also faced difficulties in language communication when he first went to work in the park. In particular, Weidabe Park actively promotes the localization of talents and cultivates Indonesian employees through "mentoring", "mentoring" and other forms. This means that in addition to providing technical services, he is also responsible for relevant technical training.

But "hard work pays off". With the gradual deepening of communication, the communication between people has become more smooth. In this process, Zhang Huanguo also realized the differences between the two countries' personnel and the blending of the two countries' cultures.

Experience "China Speed" in Indonesia

In more than four years, the original marshland has developed into a large-scale industrial park with complete facilities. Zhang Huanguo has witnessed the change of this land.

"When I first went there, the park had just started. By the time I returned home, apartment buildings had been built continuously, and the supporting facilities in the living area such as the canteen and basketball court were gradually complete."

This made him sigh "China's speed". "This construction efficiency is really amazing! With the construction and operation of facilities in succession, the park has grown from dozens of people at the beginning to more than 50000 employees now. The rapid development of the park has also driven the business support and surrounding employment, which can be said to play a pivotal role in the local economy."

 The picture shows the living area of the park. Photograph provided by respondents

The picture shows the living area of Weidabe Park. Photograph provided by respondents

In November 2022, at the national investment planning meeting in Indonesia, President Joko of Indonesia said that the existence of Weidabe Park has led to an annual economic growth of 27% in North Maluku Province.

In Zhang Huanguo's eyes, the construction of Weidabe Park not only drives the employment of employees of both countries and the economic development of one side, but also cultivates a large number of technical and project management talents, who will also help more project construction.

Over the years, Zhang Huanguo has grown from a small technician to a "technology giant". He has not only won many honors, but also served as the first group of technical service representatives to go abroad to support overseas, and has cultivated many "apprentices".

This also made him particularly proud. "The young generation of technical service personnel trained by the teaching also followed my footsteps and served as the technical service representative of the installed machine in the K-2/K-3 overseas first Hualong No. 1 nuclear power turbine generator unit and other projects in Karachi, Pakistan, leaving their presence on the" Belt and Road "."

At present, 20 steam turbines of Indonesia Qingshan series projects are provided by Shanghai Electric Steam Turbine Works. This month, Zhang Huanguo will go to the Morowauli Park in Qingshan, Indonesia, to provide after-sales technical services for 14 sets of steam turbine generator sets.

"We have a set of steam turbine installation service preparation list, as well as a standard installation service specification workflow, and there are many things to prepare." In addition, attending the company's overseas training and safety education is also a "required course" for Zhang Huanguo on each overseas trip. When everything is ready, he will appear in the Morowauli Park on the Indonesian Castle Peak and continue to play the role of light and heat. (End)

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