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Annual fee 199 yuan! How much increase can be brought by the official launch of the Oriental selection membership system

Oriental Selection also has its own paid members.

On October 17, Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, sang "Blue Lotus" live in the Oriental Selection APP to celebrate the official launch of paid member services. Previously, surging journalists learned that Dongfang Select sent all employees' emails within the company, announced the launch of the internal test of APP paid members, opened it to employees, and continued to iterate and optimize according to the feedback content.

It is reported that the price of paying members of Orient Select is 199 yuan/year. The exclusive rights and interests provided by Orient Select for paying members include 88% off on 100 self operated products, 12 membership coupons a year, 66 yuan coupon package, etc. Paying members are expected to save up to 12000 yuan a year. At present, there are more than 155 self operated products on sale in the official store of Oriental Selection.

It is worth noting that Orient Selection also promises that if the user does not enjoy a discount of 199 yuan within one year after purchasing the member, Orient Selection will refund the remaining card fee in cash. For example, a member spends 199 yuan to open a membership card, and the discount for purchasing self operated products with a discount of 88% within one year is 100 yuan. The coupon only uses a 10 yuan coupon. If a member applies for a refund before the expiration of one year, Orient Selection will return 89 yuan in cash.

According to the test of surging journalists, on October 16, this membership system had been launched in a low profile, and many fans had shown paid screenshots on social networks. On the Oriental Selection APP, they also counted the amount of money saved by members through the APP. "A few orders have just been placed, and the membership fee has almost been earned back." A member revealed to reporters.

Due to the popularity of member orders, on October 17, the shopping page of the self run APP of Orient Select appeared stuck for a period of time, and then returned to normal. The insider told the reporter that the number of registered members had exceeded 10000 as early as the internal test period.

"By the end of 2024, it is required to have 400-500 self operated varieties." On October 17, in the live broadcast, Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, proposed the future plan of Oriental Selection to Sun Dongxu, CEO of Oriental Selection.

From the outside world's point of view, Dongfang's selection of online paid members is a bit like online Sam and Costco, and increasing the variety of self operated products is also closer to Sam, Costco and other large retailers. However, the current annual fee system of 199 yuan is not convenient compared with other platforms, especially considering that there are not many categories at present.

Guo Tao, an angel investor, said to the reporter that the payment mode selected by Dongfang could not be equated with the online Sam, because he did not choose to open Costco and Sam's paid purchase consumption qualification mode, but learned the payment value-added game of traditional e-commerce platforms such as Taobao 88VIP and JD Plus, such as providing a variety of coupons, member discounts, etc.

"Dongfang's selection of paid members benefits from its two foundations." Zhang Yi, CEO of iMedia Consulting, told the surging journalists that the first reason is that it has a strong fan base behind it, and the second reason is the quality of its products and its consistent reputation, "The membership system needs its products to be competitive enough to provide the quality and characteristics matching with consumers. In terms of the uniqueness and difference of products, Oriental Selection needs to be further strengthened."

The introduction of paid members is the decision of Orient for a long time.

In the live broadcast in July, Sun Dongxu mentioned the future planning direction of APP: first, to be a platform for selecting good things; Second, we will continue to provide differentiated services to users through independent APP. In the future, Oriental Selection will establish a membership service system to provide premium products to paying members; The third is to be a cultural platform to provide users with meaningful and good content, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

People familiar with the matter told Pengpai that the launch of paid members is also one of the strategies of Orient to select and prepare for the Double 11.

"We are now a multi platform strategy, and there is no main position." An insider of Dongfang Selection said, "This year Taobao, Tiao Yin, and self run apps will all launch activities related to the Double 11, mainly around live broadcast."

Dongfang Selection initially became popular throughout the network from the dithering platform, but it has been expanding other traffic channels, making the outside world frequently question its relationship with dithering. On July 26, "Oriental Select Self operated Products" Tiao Yin Studio suddenly announced that it was closed for three days, and switched to its own APP live broadcast to promote self operated products at a discount of 85%. Product sales and APP downloads continued to grow.

In the end, the sales volume of Orient Select APP for four days of promotion exceeded 110 million yuan, and Orient Select APP once entered the eighth place on the iOS free list and the first place on the shopping list.

On the evening of July 9, Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, publicly responded that the relationship between Dongfang Selection and Diaoyin was very good. The relationship between them was a relationship of mutual achievements and cooperation, as well as a relationship of dependence. Eastern selection needs dithering, and dithering also needs eastern selection. Creating your own platform is a normal behavior for the company to make progress, and we hope you will not over interpret it.

However, the comments did not quell outside speculation. As early as last August, there was a rumor that New Oriental's Oriental Selection suffered from dithering restrictions. At that time, the relevant person in charge of Diaoyin E-commerce denied this statement, "Oriental Selection is a representative business in the high-quality ecosystem of Diaoyin E-commerce, and Diaoyin E-commerce encourages similar high-quality live broadcasting rooms to continue operating and developing on the platform."

At the same time of vigorously developing self run APP, Oriental Selection Officer Xuan entered Taobao. On August 29, Dongfang Selection launched the first live broadcast on Taobao. Yu Minhong and Sun Dongxu led the team and led their anchors to launch a full day live broadcast on Taobao.

As for the future development space of the launch of paid apps, Guo Tao told reporters that with the intensification of competition, e-commerce platforms need to find new profit models and ways to improve user stickiness. Through the introduction of the paid member system, Oriental Selection can not only increase additional revenue sources, but also further subdivide its user groups to provide more personalized services and commodity preferences for paying members. In addition, the paid membership system also helps to improve the loyalty and repurchase rate of users, thus increasing the stability and profitability of the platform.

"The introduction of the paid membership system by Orient Selection is an innovative attempt with certain rationality and prospects. However, the success of this business model still depends on how Orient Selection operates and maintains the membership system, as well as the market acceptance." He said frankly.

Mo Daiqing, an analyst of www. ecommerce. com, believes that Dongfang Select is the first live broadcast e-commerce organization to open a paid membership system. Other live broadcast e-commerce organizations do not open their own APP, but live broadcast on multiple platforms.

"From this point of view, Orient Selection seems to be one step ahead. However, Orient Selection will also face the problem of how to keep traffic. Orient Selection APP has only been online for more than a year, and the number of downloads is only 5 million. Now whether the development of membership business can be effective remains to be tested." Mo Daiqing said.

Guotai Jun'an released a research report that Oriental Selection will re-establish its cross platform strategy in 2023, which is expected to open a new stage of scale growth. The research report pointed out that the iteration cycle of new twitter anchors was shortened, and the operational risk of a single platform was increased. Under the scarcity of content and cross platform layout, Orient Selection is expected to quickly start its business, cover for the first time, and give a rating of "overweight".

key word: Selection GMV New Anchor Multi platform Officially launched

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