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Shipping ETF (159662. SZ) rose 0.11%, COSCO Energy rose 6.69%

China. com, Finance and Economics, October 16 - Today, the two cities opened at a low price, and the growth of the shipping industry was among the top. As of 11:10, COSCO Energy rose by 6.69%, and the transportation ETF (159662. SZ) rose by 0.11%.

According to the analysis of Essence Securities, the short-term disturbance does not change the logic of the oil transportation business cycle, and is firmly optimistic about the investment opportunities of related companies. The events such as Saudi Arabia Russia production reduction and Russian oil exceeding the price limit belong to the demand side rhythm disturbance, which does not change the boom determination logic brought by the tanker supply side. The fundamentals of post epidemic demand recovery, trade pattern change, long haul distance, little transport capacity to be delivered, serious aging of stock transport capacity, and low shipbuilding willingness of shipowners still have strong certainty, and they are firmly optimistic about investment opportunities in the tanker sector.

key word: Disturbance tanker Transport capacity investment opportunity

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