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There is strong precipitation in the south of South China and strong cold air affects the central and eastern regions

BEIJING, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, heavy rainfall occurred in eastern Hainan Island and other places yesterday. In the next three days, the central and eastern regions should guard against the impact of strong wind, cooling, rain and snow on transportation, energy supply and facility agriculture; Gansu, Qinghai, Tibet and other places are at risk of snowstorm disasters, which are prone to snow and ice on roads, slippery roads and damage to facilities and greenhouses. Pay attention to the possible secondary disasters caused by heavy rainfall in Hainan Island, Guangdong and other places.

Strong precipitation in the south of South China

From the 17th to the 20th, affected by tropical disturbance, there were moderate to heavy rain in most parts of Hainan Island, central and western Guangdong, southeast Guangxi and other places, and heavy rain to heavy rain in local areas. The Taiwan Strait, the Bashi Strait, the northern and central western waters of the South China Sea, the Beibu Gulf, and the Qiongzhou Strait will have northerly or northeasterly winds of magnitude 6 to 7 and gusts of magnitude 8 to 9.

Strong cold air affects the central and eastern regions

From the 17th to the 20th, affected by the strong cold air, there was a large-scale rainfall and cooling weather process in the central and eastern regions of China. Among them, there were moderate rain and local heavy rain in parts of the eastern part of the northwest region, the western part of North China, the western part of the Yellow River and Huaihe River, and the eastern part of the southwest region; In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the areas to the north of the Yangtze River, there are 4~6 degrees of northerly wind, the temperature drops by 4~6 ℃, and the local temperature drops by 8~10 ℃.

Specific forecast for the next three days

From 08:00 on October 17 to 08:00 on October 18, there was light to moderate snow or sleet in some areas of southern mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, Tibet, southern Qinghai, eastern Qinghai and Qilian mountainous areas of Gansu; Some areas in southeastern Tibet, northern and southwestern Shaanxi, northern Shanxi, western Sichuan Basin, coastal areas in southern Guangdong, Hainan Island and other places have moderate to heavy rain, of which the eastern part of Hainan Island has local rainstorm or heavy rainstorm (100~130mm). There is a force 4-6 wind in central Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and other places.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00, October 17 to 08:00, October 18). Image source: website of the Central Meteorological Observatory

From 08:00 on October 18 to 08:00 on October 19, there were light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of Tibet, southern and eastern Qinghai, northern Sichuan Plateau, northern Inner Mongolia and other places, and moderate to heavy snow (5-8mm) in parts of northern Tibet. Some areas in Southeast Tibet, East Sichuan, North Chongqing, West Hubei, Southwest Henan, Central Jiangxi, West and Central Guangdong, East Guangxi, Hainan Island and other places have moderate to heavy rain, of which some areas in the coastal areas of southern Guangdong, East and South Hainan Island have heavy rain or heavy rain (100~120mm). Some areas in the middle and northwest of Inner Mongolia have a force 4-6 wind.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00, October 18 - 08:00, October 19). Image source: website of the Central Meteorological Observatory

From 08:00 on October 19 to 08:00 on October 20, there was light snow or sleet in some parts of the mountainous areas in the western part of southern Xinjiang, Tibet, the southern part of Qinghai, and the northern part of the western Sichuan Plateau. There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of Southeast Tibet, northern Sichuan Basin, northeastern Chongqing, northern and western Hubei, southern Henan, western Fujian, central and southern Jiangxi, southern Hunan, northern and western Guangdong, most of Guangxi, southern Hainan Island, etc Some areas in northern mountainous areas and southwestern coastal areas of Guangdong have heavy rain or torrential rain (100~140 mm). Some areas in southeast and central Inner Mongolia, Liaodong Peninsula and other places have 4-5 wind.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00, October 19 to 08:00, October 20). Image source: website of the Central Meteorological Observatory

key word: Precipitation forecast Cold air, precipitation, South China

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