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Bailihao's charity series "Little Ball Dream" officially launched once it passed the high mountain dream

Baili Haoyao Ming Charity Fund's "Little Dream" series of short films has been officially launched. Baili Haoyao Ming Charity Fund takes table tennis as a link to lead mountain teenagers out of mountains to Lanzhou, across geographical boundaries and see a larger world.

In the short film, the teenagers cross many mountains, try many "firsts" in life, and feel the rich and colorful world outside the mountains. Now, let's witness their "Little Ball Dream"!

The charity short film Little Ball Dream recorded what four teenagers saw and heard in Lanzhou. Search "Baili Haoyao Ming Charity Fund", follow the official website, and charity series will be launched in succession. Baili hopes that more people will pay attention to and devote themselves to the public welfare of helping children and students through the series of short films. In the future, Bailihao Yaoming Charity Fund will also give full play to its own advantages and resources, continue to strive for public welfare and contribute its own strength to the society.

Baili Haoyaoming Charity Fund

The "Baili Haoyao Ming Charity Fund" established in 2018, adhering to the service concept of "taking from the society and serving the society", actively engaged in public welfare undertakings and charity activities, committed to fulfilling social responsibilities, demonstrating the love and responsibility of enterprises, giving back to the society with love actions, helping more groups in need, and contributing to social construction.


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