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Take multiple measures to ensure a bumper harvest of grain throughout the year

The key to ensuring food security is to ensure food production capacity. To consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way, we should truly implement the principle of "storing food on the ground and technology", and constantly consolidate the material foundation of food production

The rice and beans become waves, and the barn is full of grain. Autumn grain accounts for more than 70% of the annual grain output. At present, all regions and departments are making every effort to pay attention to autumn grain production and take multiple measures to ensure a good harvest of the whole year. This year, China has achieved a good harvest of summer grain, increased production of early rice, and steadily increased the sown area of autumn grain. The overall growth is good, and a good harvest is in sight. Striving for a good harvest of autumn grain will lay the foundation for a good harvest of the whole year and economic and social development.

Food security is "the biggest of the country". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "We should firmly hold the initiative of food security, and pay close attention to food production year after year." Since this year, China's food production has experienced multiple tests, and the achievements are hard won. We overcame the rare "rotten rain" in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, serious floods in the Northeast of North China, local drought in the northwest and other disasters, and the annual grain production is expected to harvest again, providing strong support for promoting the sustained recovery of the economy, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, and striving to promote high-quality development. The heavy harvest in the first season has firmly stabilized the ballast stone of food security, demonstrating the steady power of the "basic plate".

The key to ensuring food security is to ensure food production capacity. To consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way, we should truly implement the principle of "storing food on the ground and technology", and constantly consolidate the material foundation of food production. Cultivated land is the lifeblood of grain production. Only by strengthening the protection of cultivated land, improving the quality of cultivated land, and accelerating the construction of high standard farmland with high yield and stable yield, can we steadily expand the space for agricultural production.

Science and technology are the fundamental way to ensure stable grain production and increase grain production. New technologies have been launched one by one, and Taiwan University agricultural machinery has been galloping around. Scientific and technological momentum is surging in the field, highlighting the hard support of the "golden pole" of agricultural modernization. China has implemented a new round of 100 billion kg grain production capacity improvement action, vigorously promoted high-quality and dense varieties, supported the precision regulation technology model of dense planting and suitable high-performance machinery, promoted the implementation of large area yield increase, and tapped the potential for yield increase. At present, the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress in China has reached 62.4%, the coverage rate of improved crop varieties has exceeded 96%, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest in China has exceeded 73%. By turning more "sky gazing fields" into "high-yield fields" and turning farmers from skilled farmers into "smart" farmers, we can continuously improve agricultural production efficiency.

To develop grain production, the main body is grain farmers. Only when farmers can earn money by planting grain can food production be guaranteed. We will ensure the grain production mechanism, ensure that policies are put into rural areas, improve the "trinity" policy system of prices, subsidies and insurance, implement the "one spray, three prevention" subsidy for summer grain and the "one spray, multiple promotion" subsidy for autumn grain, and issue one-time subsidies to farmers who actually grow grain. We will implement various policies and measures, and adhere to increasing farmers' income as the central task of the "three rural" work, Only by planting grain can farmers become more and more generous and have a better life, can they be more motivated to grow grain.

From the actual situation, to ensure food security, we should also do a good job in agricultural disaster prevention and reduction to minimize agricultural losses. This requires us to carefully implement measures to restore agricultural production after disasters and stabilize the production of grain and important agricultural products, adhere to the bottom line thinking, adapt measures to local conditions and implement policies accurately, find out the situation clearly by region, crop and link, strive to improve the accuracy, effectiveness and scientificity of disaster prevention and mitigation, minimize disaster losses, and try to achieve more production in non disaster areas In light disaster areas, the output should be kept stable, and in severely disaster areas, the output should be reduced to ensure the stability of grain production throughout the year.

Agriculture is the foundation of the nation. Party committees and governments at all levels should thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural country, stabilize the basic agricultural market, tighten the strings of food security, focus on disaster prevention and mitigation, pay attention to autumn harvest management, strengthen the supply and demand connection and service guarantee of agricultural machinery operations, and strive to ensure that the harvest is ready, grain is returned to the warehouse, and pay close attention to grain production, Let the "Chinese rice bowl" be served more firmly and with more quality.

key word: foodstuff production Autumn grain security

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