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Special Service Station at Quanzhong Road, Yangquan Fire Rescue Detachment, Shanxi Province: Fulfill the Pledge of Loyalty Guard with Actions

Chinanews. com, Taiyuan, October 16, by wire, Title: Special Service Station, Quanzhong Road, Yangquan Fire Rescue Detachment, Shanxi Province: Practice the Pledge of Loyalty and Guardianship with Action

Author Huang Jianqiang

Walking into the special service station of Quanzhong Road of Yangquan Fire Rescue Detachment in Shanxi Province, the 16 red characters of "loyalty to the Party, strict discipline, going through fire and water, and dedicated to the people" stood out, and the sacred sense of responsibility and mission in my heart was instantly ignited.

Cross regional earthquake rescue drill of Yangquan Detachment. (Data picture) Qiang photographed by Yin Wen

Pacesetter on the training ground Pioneer in the front line of rescue

"Start! Hurry up..." On the training ground, firemen were carrying out daily training. Just listening to the command, one person clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, carried an air respirator and held a water hose and quickly went upstairs. He had firm eyes and charged ahead at an amazing speed. He is Tian Yaozhao, the former head of the special service station on Quanzhong Road.

On August 20, 2015, Tian Yaozhao came to Yangquan City and devoted himself to the high-intensity training organized by Yangquan Fire Detachment. Whether it is the 5000m weight run, the 10000m run, the 400m comprehensive physical exercise, or the single and parallel bars training, he has always been strict with himself, training hard, and achieved excellent results; In May 2019, Tian Yaozhao, on behalf of Yangquan Detachment, participated in the winter training assessment and elite competition held by Shanxi Fire Rescue Corps, and won the third place in the province in the 100 meter negative restructuring; In October 2019, Tian Yaozhao participated in the first national "Flame Blue" fire rescue skills contest. As the commander of the gun coordinated fire fighting exercise, he finally won the 11th place in the country with an excellent performance of 1 ′ 10 ″ 71; In 2023, he was awarded the title of "Training Pioneer" by the National Fire Rescue Bureau.

Firefighters live half in the training ground and half in the fire.

At 6:30 am on April 2, 2018, a loud noise broke the silence of dawn, and thick smoke covered the sky. A diesel tank truck overturned on the bridge from Potou Expressway in Yangquan City to Pingding County and exploded. After receiving the order, Tian Yaozhao led the team members to the rescue site quickly.

At this time, an explosion has occurred on the tank car. The tank body is broken, and a large amount of diesel oil flows outward along the crack and spreads to the bridge. The smell of diesel oil is everywhere in the air. If sparks and static electricity are encountered, it may lead to a second explosion, with unimaginable consequences.

According to the situation at the scene, Tian Yaozhao immediately issued the battle order. During the rescue, suddenly a strong wind forced the flames to rush towards the firefighters, and the smoke billowed as if it was about to engulf the firefighters. At the critical moment, Tian Yaozhao shouted, "Let me come!" Then, he rushed to seize the foam water gun of the young team members, protected them with his own body, calmly put out the train body and flowing fire at the scene, five minutes later, ten minutes later... Forty minutes later, the fire was put out.

The scene was filled with cheers. At this time, Tian Yaozhao seemed washed all over. The rescue task was successfully completed without causing casualties and secondary disasters.

Fire fighting and rescue drill of Yangquan Detachment at night. (Data picture) Qiang photographed by Yin Wen

"Sharp knife" and "fist" in the fire rescue team

"Why are the special service stations sharp knives and fists?" Qi Yadong, the instructor of the special service station, said that the special service station on Quanzhong Road not only undertakes fire fighting, emergency rescue and social assistance in the area under its jurisdiction, but also gives full play to the role of the main force of emergency rescue and the national team, and undertakes the city's special fire fighting, chemical disaster accident handling, earthquake rescue and other urgent and dangerous tasks, It is the "sharp knife" and "fist" in the Yangquan fire rescue team.

Since the establishment of Quanzhong Road Special Service Station in March 2006, the special agents who have walked on the "sea of fire" and "knife point" for 17 years have honed themselves into a sharp knife and a fist.

One day in April 2022, on the slope opposite Wanxi Homeland on Hongcheng River, a garbage truck was carrying garbage. It was not expected that the ground would break. What's more, there was a gas pipeline under the ground.

After receiving the dispatching order, Qi Yadong, the leader on duty, led the team members to the scene quickly. After field inspection, they found that the garbage truck was stuck in the air between the building and the slope, and the driver squeezed between the car and the wall, making a painful groan. Qi Yadong immediately made a rescue decision. Considering that the garbage truck would fall down and the gas pipe below would break again, he immediately shouted, "Don't use equipment, use your hands."

As time went by, the pressure from both sides made the trapped people breathe more and more quickly. Qi Yadong once again shouted, "Speed up the progress, and you have to pick people out."

The accident led to gas leakage, and the air was full of pungent combustible gas, which might lead to secondary explosion. While waiting for the arrival of professionals from the gas company, the firefighters resolutely blocked the leaking parts with plugging tools to try to control the gas leakage. The spread of harmful gas may endanger Qi Yadong and his colleagues at any time, but everyone was not afraid and insisted for nearly 20 minutes. Finally, the danger of gas leakage was successfully eliminated after the emergency repair personnel of the gas company repaired it.

Whether Tian Yaozhao or Qi Yadong, they always remember the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. The special service station of Quanzhong Road interprets the loyalty, reliability, service and dedication of firefighters in the new era with practical actions. (End)

key word: Tian Yaozhao fist Fire rescue Young players Secret Service

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