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The "Xing · Quan" Award Ceremony of School of Mathematical Sciences of Fudan University was held successfully

On the morning of September 8, the School of Mathematics and Science of Fudan University held the theme activity of the 39th Teachers' Day in the multi-function hall on the second floor of Yifu Science and Technology Building, "Cultivate the teaching world, make the country strong and have me". At the same time, the award ceremony for the global responsibility award was successfully held, and the outstanding teachers who won the award were commended. More than 70 people, including teachers' representatives of the School of Mathematics and Science, participated in the activity. Wang Guanglin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Mathematical Sciences, presided over the event. Liu Shuiqing, the investment manager of Xingzheng Global Fund, was invited to attend the event and present awards to the award-winning teachers, who witnessed the ceremony together with leaders, teachers and students of Fudan University.

At the meeting, Lei Zhen, president of the School of Mathematical Sciences, first delivered a speech, extending holiday greetings to all teachers and staff who have worked hard to educate people, and expressing heartfelt thanks to all sectors of society who have long cared about and supported the development of Fudan's mathematics discipline. He pointed out that the fruitful achievements of discipline development condensed the cooperation between the school and all sectors of society, and also embodied the hard work of every teacher. I hope that all teachers will continue to set up the ambition and ambition of "working hard in the education arena, making a strong country have me", and actively make contributions in the new era with high loyalty and enthusiasm to the education cause. At the same time, we sincerely hope that all sectors of society will continue to pay attention to, participate in and support the development of mathematics, and jointly contribute to building the world's top mathematics discipline with Chinese characteristics.

Liu Shuiqing, the investment manager of Xingzheng Global Fund, said: "Mathematics is the foundation of finance and most disciplines. The teachers of many colleges and universities have cultivated not only talents in the field of mathematics, but also the mainstay of all walks of life. They may also be pioneers leading industrial innovation and social change. This is also the original intention of Xingzheng Global Fund and Ningquan Asset to launch public welfare projects supporting basic disciplines - to encourage basic scientific research, support education, and practice social responsibility. "

In line with the concept of vigorously supporting education, encouraging basic scientific research, and practicing corporate social responsibility, Xingzheng Global Fund has set up the "School of Mathematical Sciences of Fudan University Xingzheng Global Responsibility Award" since 2013 to reward outstanding teachers with good moral quality and outstanding achievements in teaching, scientific research, and public services, To encourage the development of young teachers and ensure the training of future subject talents.

Xingzheng Global Fund regards responsibility as the most important corporate culture and values of the company. Since 2006, the company has carried out various public welfare activities in education, humanities, environment, health and other fields. Starting from the public welfare incentive plan to encourage core members of investment research to give back to their alma mater, since 2009, the Xingzheng Global Fund has carried out public welfare support for the construction of basic disciplines in universities for 14 years, including Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Peking University, Lanzhou University, Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China and other universities, focusing on supporting basic disciplines in universities The cultivation of future scientific research talents such as young teachers in unexpected subjects.

key word: Fudan University mathematics Scholarship Academy of Science

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