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Exploring the 134th Canton Fair: national enterprises jointly building the "Belt and Road" actively participate in overseas "repeat customers" and focus on new products and technologies

The 134th Canton Fair opened in Guangzhou on the 15th. It is understood that this Canton Fair will be held in three phases from October 15 to November 4, with the total exhibition area expanded to 1.55 million square meters, a total of 74000 booths and 28533 exhibitors, all of which have reached a new record.

On October 15, the reporter from Securities Daily came to the 134th Canton Fair. The first exhibition hall mainly covered household appliances, consumer electronics and information products, industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing, new energy vehicles and smart travel, electric equipment and other categories. The scene was very lively, and foreign purchasers came in an endless stream. Some of them have signed contracts on the scene.

The number and scale of exhibitors reached new heights

"The key word of this Canton Fair is the large number of people. Although today is the first day of the Fair, many customers are eager to wait. Some customers even came to China three days ahead of time to wait for us to introduce products. Our company is mainly engaged in making devices such as electrical home appliances, mainly B-end customers, most customers in the Middle East, Africa and other places." At lunch time on October 15, After being interviewed by reporters, Mr. Chen, the relevant person in charge of Henan Hengyi Lithium Energy Technology Co., Ltd., hurried to entertain customers.

According to Xu Bing, spokesman of the Canton Fair and deputy director of the China Foreign Trade Center, 28533 enterprises participated in the Canton Fair this year, 3135 more than the previous one, including 27883 enterprises participating in the export fair; There are 650 exhibitors from 43 countries and regions in the Import Expo, of which 60% are from countries jointly built along the "Belt and Road".

Lin Jiang, a professor of the Department of Economics of Lingnan College, Sun Yat sen University, said in an interview with the Securities Daily: "The exhibitors and scale of this Canton Fair have reached new heights. At the same time, 60% of the national enterprises jointly built along the" Belt and Road "have participated in the fair, which reflects that under the" Belt and Road "initiative, their business contacts have been integrated into all walks of life, forming a deep connection."

"I am mainly engaged in machinery and equipment business. This is my thirtieth time to attend the Canton Fair, which is very memorable. Every time I come here, I have different products and different feelings." A buyer from South America told reporters, "In the field of machinery and equipment, China is in the forefront of the world. Especially for some customized products, Chinese enterprises can always meet my needs."

The relevant person in charge of Hisense Group's Brand Department said to reporters that the company of this Canton Fair strengthened targeted investment attraction, highlighted the target market, and focused on key markets such as the "Belt and Road" co construction countries, RCEP member countries, ASEAN, Europe and the United States.

Home appliances and new energy become the focus

At this Canton Fair, home appliances and new energy booths became the focus of buyers. Even at lunch time, these booths were still crowded.

"I am looking for some new products and new technologies, especially in the field of new energy. Chinese enterprises have provided me with many choices, which has never disappointed me," the buyer from Pakistan told reporters.

Mr. Ou, a related person of Tuge Power, who is mainly engaged in outdoor energy storage power business, said that the company's products have always been concerned by purchasers, mainly because the use scenarios are more in line with foreign outdoor culture. At the same time, due to the variety of products, they can also meet customer needs as much as possible, and many customers have intention to place orders.

"On the first day of the exhibition, many old customers (mainly in Latin America, the Middle East and other regions) have been technically 'soul questioning' many products. 'Old customers looking for new technology' is my most intuitive feeling. They mainly focus on energy efficiency and price. Environmental protection and energy efficiency have become as important considerations as price." Midea Group in charge of international marketing said.

"At this Canton Fair, the company mainly promoted full-automatic coffee machine products, and more European and American customers came to consult." Mr. Tan, the sales manager of Guangdong Lianbo Technology Group Co., Ltd., which mainly engaged in coffee machine business, told reporters that at present, the company's products have attracted customers' attention, and it is expected that the market space is very large.

The reporter also noticed at the scene that a group of Russian purchasers were listening carefully to the introduction of the staff at the booth of Dayun New Energy Company. At the same time, they also filmed and tested the products according to their favorite scenes. It is reported that Shanxi Dayun New Energy Company started with motorcycles and has developed and sold new energy vehicles in the past two years. "Many customers originally bought our motorcycle products, and they are very loyal to the brand. Therefore, after the company launched new energy vehicles, old customers are very concerned, and the test drive in recent days has been fully booked." The staff of the company introduced.

key word: customer The Belt and Road Initiative Exhibitions product

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