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The ninth batch of national drug centralized procurement presents four characteristics

The ninth batch of national drug centralized procurement has come. On the evening of October 13, the Joint Drug Procurement Office of the State Organization announced that the ninth batch of centralized procurement of drugs organized by the State will continue to focus on all varieties with high procurement amount, full competition and strong social impact. This centralized procurement covers 42 kinds of drugs, including aripiprazole oral liquid, atropine injection and aciclovir injection.

"The varieties of this centralized purchase involve nervous system drugs, digestive system and metabolic drugs, cardio cerebrovascular system drugs and anti infective drugs, which is in line with the setting of the National Health Insurance Bureau for centralized purchase at the beginning of the year, that is, we should use all the drugs and speed up and expand the coverage." said Xu Xun, fund manager of Xinghua Fund.

Injection type accounts for a large proportion

Tu Honggang, president of Wuxi Medical Library Software Technology Co., Ltd., said: "This centralized procurement has four characteristics: first, the varieties of drugs purchased are gradually inclined to clinical and surgical drugs, and some anesthetic first-aid drugs are included; second, the drug dosage forms are gradually improved, and the competitive drugs around related drugs are fully covered as far as possible; The third is to adapt to the market demand to 'check and fill gaps', and include the urgently needed special drugs and new drugs in the market; Fourth, according to the market situation in the early stage, common drugs with huge price changes are also included. "

From the perspective of purchase volume, calculated according to the agreed purchase volume in the first year, rabeprazole oral constant release dosage form is the single product with the largest purchase volume in this collection, followed by voglibose oral constant release dosage form for the treatment of diabetes. The least is the antibiotic terdazolomide phosphate injection.

From the perspective of treatment field, 42 varieties cover more than 10 treatment categories, focusing on nervous system drugs, digestive system and metabolic drugs, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system drugs and systemic anti infective drugs. According to the data from Mi Nei Wang, in 2022, the market scale of terminal digestive system and metabolic drugs, systemic anti infective drugs, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs in China's public medical institutions will all exceed 100 billion yuan, and the sales scale of nervous system drugs will approach 100 billion yuan.

From the perspective of sales scale, the data of Zhongkang Kaisi system shows that in 2022, the sales of nine of the 42 types of hospitals will exceed 1 billion yuan, namely, Esomeprazole, Citicoline, Piracetam, Propofol, Fluvestran, Kapofengin, Rabeprazole, Urapidil and Acetylcysteine; Two of them are close to 1 billion yuan, namely, dexamethasone and lenalidomide. The total sales of these 11 varieties exceed 22 billion yuan.

"One of the characteristics of the ninth batch of centralized procurement is the large proportion of injections, which also continues the trend of the eighth batch of centralized procurement." Jin Chunlin, director of the Shanghai Health and Health Development Research Center, said in an interview with the media earlier that from the distribution of dosage forms, injections and oral regular release dosage forms are still the main players, of which about 60% are injections.

Xu Xun said that while the speed of centralized purchase expansion is faster, the rules are more reasonable, and according to the results of previous centralized purchase, the quotation of enterprises is also more rational, and they no longer blindly pursue low prices to win the bid. From the market feedback, the market has already given a reasonable undervalue for the varieties to be intensively purchased, and it is expected that the market will not overreact to the acceleration and expansion of centralized purchase.

Drug procurement cycle is 4 years

From the perspective of pharmaceutical enterprises involved in this centralized purchase, most of the enterprises involved in large varieties are multinational pharmaceutical enterprises. For example, the market share of drugs such as Esomeprazole and Fluvison produced by AstraZeneca exceeds 50%, while drugs such as Propofol, Kapofengin, Urapidil and Lenalidomide are mainly produced by pharmaceutical enterprises such as Aishijian, MSD, Takeda and Xinji. In addition, Jichuan Pharmaceutical, Qilu Pharmaceutical and other pharmaceutical enterprises also have large sales varieties involving centralized purchase.

"A significant change in this centralized purchase is that the drug purchase cycle is four years, which is conducive to the development of long-term development strategies for enterprises and avoids overcapacity and other market problems after capacity expansion," Tu Honggang said.

"In combination with the high attention paid by the National Health Insurance Bureau to ensuring that hospitals use sufficient and collected drugs, once non original research manufacturers lose their labels, it is likely that their products will have a four year empty window in the hospital market." Li Xiang, a senior researcher of Zhongkang Technology, told reporters.

With the normalization of chemical medicine procurement in quantity, the concentration of the chemical medicine industry has further improved. In order to seize more market share, drug marketing and sales have become the focus of pharmaceutical enterprises. However, due to the large impact of volume purchase and the adjustment of medical insurance catalogue, many listed pharmaceutical enterprises admitted in their regular announcements that their performance changes were affected by the centralized purchase policy.

Jin Chunlin said that under the trend of centralized procurement normalization, chemical medicine, Chinese patent medicine, biological medicine, etc. are all covered. For enterprises, this also means that the market competition pattern will become more and more severe.

key word: medicine Dosage form drugs varieties

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