Crude fibre

The old name of dietary fiber
zero Useful+1
Crude Fiber (CF), the old name of dietary fiber, is Plant cell wall The main components of, including cellulose hemicellulose Lignin And horniness.
Eating foods containing crude fiber can promote gastrointestinal movement and help digestion to some extent, which is beneficial, but crude fiber can also hinder the digestive enzyme Contact with chyme can reduce the digestibility of nutrients. In addition, crude fiber can also hinder the intestinal absorption of some small molecular nutrients.
Chinese name
Crude fibre
Foreign name
Crude fiber
dietary fiber
cū xiān wéi
Promote intestinal peristalsis

Scientific definition

The crude fiber determined by the conventional feed analysis method is that the feed sample is treated with 1.25% diluted acid alkali After boiling for 30 minutes, the remaining undissolved carbohydrate
Cellulose is a homogeneous polysaccharide polymerized from β - 1,4 glucose; Hemicellulose is glucose fructose xylose mannose and Arabinose Heteropolysaccharide polymerized by the same; Lignin It is a polymer of phenylpropyl derivatives, which is the main nutrient used by animals Limiting factor In the analysis process of this method, part of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin are dissolved in acid and alkali, which makes the content of crude fiber measured low and increases Nitrogen free extract Calculation error of. In order to improve the crude fiber analysis scheme, Van Soest (1976) proposed to use neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL) as indicators to evaluate the fibrous substances in forage grass. At the same time, the hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin in the feed crude fiber are all separated, which can better evaluate the nutritive value
In addition, crude fiber cannot be digested and absorbed by human body. It was before 1970 Nutrition There is only "crude fiber" in, which is used to describe the food residues that cannot be digested and absorbed, and only part of cellulose and lignin are included. It is generally believed that crude fiber has no nutritional effect on the human body, and even eating too much will affect the human body's nutrient , especially the absorption of trace elements, which is harmful to the body, has not been taken seriously. Since then, through a series of investigations and studies, especially people have found that "non nutritive" substances that cannot be digested and absorbed by the human body are closely related to human health and prevent some diseases such as coronary heart disease , diabetes Colon cancer And constipation. At the same time, the concept of "crude fiber" has been recognized as inapplicable, so it was replaced with dietary fiber [1]


When eating coarse fiber, you must chew carefully, and chewing is a kind of beneficial massage and stimulation for teeth, which can promote the growth of teeth; Mastication can also promote the development of the mandible, so that the children's teeth are arranged neatly and their faces are dignified; Chewing can also stimulate continuously salivary glands Saliva is not only convenient for swallowing and digesting food, but also plays a role in mechanical flushing, reducing the retention of food residues in and around the teeth, thus reducing caries and Periodontal disease Occurrence of. Vegetables containing crude fiber are often rich in vitamin C It is also an essential Chinese medicine nutrient for synthesizing tooth matrix. Therefore, if you want children to have neat and white teeth, you should start by eating more vegetables rich in crude fiber every day.

Edible efficacy

Crude fibre food It refers to the food containing more than 2 grams of crude fiber per 100 grams of food, including coarse grain corn, millet sorghum , buckwheat, oats, cassava Sweet potato , bamboo potatoes soybean , green beans, mung beans, red beans peas , cowpea, broad bean, soybean sprout Celery , leek, garlic seedlings day lily , Chinese toon, green pepper, green bean, water bamboo, bamboo shoots, whip shoots, asparagus onion , mustard, cowhide, apple, pear Grape , apricot, persimmon, hawthorn, strawberry, preserved fruit, dried apricot, dried plum, olive, jujube, millet, walnut, peanut, agaric Mushroom , mushroom, cornflakes, eggplant, kelp, laver Nostoc flagelliforme , seaweed agar Etc. All these foods have coarse fiber and are difficult to digest and absorb, which will increase the burden on the stomach stomach trouble Patients should eat less. In addition, the main component of coffee also has coarse fiber.

Edible effect

The so-called crude fiber is dietary fiber. Food containing dietary fiber mainly includes grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, etc. Among them, it is divided into Soluble dietary fiber and Insoluble dietary fiber The former is like gum, gum and Adhesive They are soluble in water and mainly exist in fruits, oats, barley and some beans. Most dietary fibers are insoluble, such as cellulose and hemicellulose Etc. Most crude fiber foods on the market are added with Coarse grain And miscellaneous grains, such as corn wheat bran , rice bran, etc. The crude fiber contains less nutrients and is not easy to digest, but it can reduce obesity Hyperlipidemia , diabetes and other diseases play a certain role in prevention and treatment [1]
The main consumer groups of crude fiber food should be adults and the elderly. When eating, the recommended intake of crude fiber in nutrition should be 20~35g per person per day. Eating more will reduce the utilization rate of other nutrients. In addition, crude fiber can increase the volume of feces, reduce the time for food residues in the intestines to stay in the human body, and accelerate the frequency of defecation. Therefore, children and people with poor gastrointestinal function and frequent diarrhea should not eat more.
The so-called crude fiber is what we usually call dietary fiber. It is a type of carbohydrate Non starch polysaccharide , mainly from plants cell wall Dietary fiber is difficult to be digested and absorbed by the human body, and most of it tastes rough. It is called crude fiber in early nutrition.
Food containing dietary fiber mainly includes grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, etc. It is mainly found in fruits, oats, barley and some beans. Most dietary fiber is insoluble, such as cellulose and hemicellulose Etc. Most crude fiber foods on the market are added with crude grains and miscellaneous grains containing this kind of insoluble dietary fiber, such as corn, wheat bran, rice bran, etc.
Can reduce blood sugar and cholesterol
Crude fiber contains less nutrients and is not easy to digest. For a long time, people thought it had no effect on health. However, with the rising living standard, people's dietary structure is becoming increasingly "westernized" - more and more meat is eaten, but less and less food and vegetables are eaten, dietary fiber As a result, there are many lifestyle related diseases, such as Obesity Hyperlipidemia diabetes Etc. At this time, people found that crude fiber can play a certain role in prevention and treatment of these diseases.
Modern nutrition research shows that eating more crude fiber food has four advantages: first, it can improve gastrointestinal function and prevent constipation , Prevention Intestinal cancer The second is to improve blood glucose production and reduce Postprandial blood glucose Content, help treatment diabetes Third, reduce the cholesterol content in plasma, prevent hyperlipidemia and Cardiovascular disease Fourth, control weight and reduce Obesity Occurrence of.

intended for

The main consumers of crude fiber food should be adults and the elderly, who suffer from obesity, hyperlipidemia diabetes More. But we should also pay attention to the nutrition of crude fiber Recommended intake It is 20~35g per person per day. Eating more will reduce the utilization rate of other nutrients [2]
In addition, crude fiber can increase the volume of feces, reduce the time for food residues in the intestines to stay in the human body defecation The frequency of is accelerated. Therefore, children and people with poor gastrointestinal function and frequent diarrhea had better not eat more.