cancer cell

[ái xì bāo]
Mutant cell
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Cancer cell is a kind of mutated cell that produces cancer Of Pathogenesis Cancer cells and normal cells Different, it has three characteristics of unlimited proliferation, transformability and easy transfer, which can infinitely proliferate and destroy normal cell tissues. In addition to uncontrolled division (unlimited division), cancer cells can also locally invade surrounding normal tissues or even pass through the body circulatory system or lymphatic system Transfer to other parts of the body.
On May 17, 2024, the journal Science published an article that the researchers of the Netherlands Cancer Research Institute found a new way of cancer cell death, with SLFN11 gene playing a leading role. [14]
  • TA said
Kill a PUA Master 2021-09-22 19:45
But every new treatment, every new cured case, is the hope of all mankind, is our courage to face the unknown. ... Details
Content from
Foreign name
Cancer cells
Multiple population
Radiation environment workers, smokers, alcoholics, people over 45 years old
Common location
Except for myocardium, nails, hair and other parts
Common causes
Mutation of proto oncogene and tumor suppressor gene causes cell canceration
common symptom
Any symptom
Non infectious
Route of transmission
Circulatory system
Western medicine name
cancer cell
Internal Medicine - Department of Oncology
Whether included in medical insurance
Physiological characteristics
Unlimited proliferation, convertibility and easy transfer



cell membrane

There is a kind of tumor antigen ( CEA )It can generate corresponding antibodies to prevent the growth and development of cancer cells. This self immunity is another inherent contradiction of cancer cells.


Contemporary molecular biology Of excellence, Reverse transcriptase The role of this reverse transcriptase is to RNA And then take what you've received DNA The mutation telegrams sent back force DNA to resume its normal replication function, so that cancer cells become healthy cells. The human body is actually a community composed of cells. Each cell acts according to the rules, knowing when to grow and divide, and how to combine with other cells to form tissues and organs. And the "drawings" of different organizations are genes.
Modern genetic research shows that everyone has Proto oncogene and Tumor suppressor gene Not everyone has cancer cells in their bodies. Proto Oncogene Supervisor cell division The proliferation cycle, human growth needs it. At the same time, there are tumor suppressor genes in the human body, which can Suppressor cell Abnormal proliferation of. At ordinary times, proto oncogenes and Tumor suppressor gene They play a normal role. They are normal genes in the cell, but Carcinogenic factors Under the action, once the proto oncogene and tumor suppressor gene mutate, they will not be able to regulate the cell division and proliferation normally, and the cell can proliferate indefinitely passage That is, the cell has canceration. Therefore, carcinogenic factors are the "key" to start the growth of cancer cells, mainly including mental factors, genetic factors, lifestyle, and some chemicals material Etc. Carcinogenic factors are prone to induce gene mutation. Only by using multiple "keys" together can "cancer program" be started; The more "keys", the greater the chance of starting. In other words, cancer is the result of the accumulation of gene mutations Canceration of cells Does not cause cancer, it can be Human immune system Identify and clean. We have not been able to crack all the "keys", nor to efficiently remove all cancer cells, so we have not been able to comprehensively tackle cancer.

Growth environment

Space environment It is conducive to the growth of cancer cells
Space medicine( Cosmic medicine )Research shows that space weightlessness environment is conducive to the growth of tissues and cells, Colon cancer The diameter of the cells can grow to 10 mm, and their volume is 30 times that of colon cancer cells cultured in the ground laboratory. [12]

Pathological analysis

Normal cells due to physical, chemical Viruses etc. Carcinogen Resulting Proto oncogene and Tumor suppressor gene mutation And turn into cancer cells [1]
Self setting Multiplication rate We will not be aware until more than 1 billion are accumulated. The proliferation rate of cancer cells Doubling time In calculation, one becomes two, three becomes six, and so on. For example, gastric cancer Intestinal cancer liver cancer pancreatic cancer Esophageal cancer Multiplication of Time average 31 days; mammary cancer The doubling time is more than 40 days. As cancer cells continue to multiply, the more advanced the cancer, the faster it develops.
Inside and outside the cancer cell, there are reversible factors that cannot be overcome or eliminated by itself. This is its characteristic, but also its disadvantage, which creates its instability.
Scientists point out that cancer cells are in the process of metastasis China Council When encountering many difficulties, first we have to undergo dozens of mutations, then we have to overcome the intercellular adhesion and break away, and change the shape to pass through the dense connective tissue After successful escape, cancer cells will pass through capillary Into the blood, where it may also be white blood cell Attack. Next, cancer cells will enter a new organ through microvessels (now called "micrometastasis"). Here, cancer cells face an unfriendly environment (called“ Microenvironment ”)Some cells die immediately, some die after several divisions, and some remain Sleep state Survival rate Only a few hundred million. Surviving cancer cells can regenerate and colonize, becoming "metastasis visible to the naked eye" that can be found in laboratory tests. With the development of metastasis, it squeezes out normal cells and destroys the function of organs, which is fatal in the end.

Main features

cancer cell
The cancer cells are composed of normal Cell transformation However, it still has some characteristics of the source cell (such as Epithelial carcinoma Still synthetic Keratin )In addition, it also shows the unique characteristics of cancer cells.
(1) Unlimited proliferation
Under suitable conditions, cancer cells can proliferate indefinitely and become immortal cells. In mutual restriction Proto oncogene and Tumor suppressor gene Under the action of, normal cells It has a certain maximum number of divisions stably. For example, human cells can only divide 50~60 times in their lifetime. However, proto oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes of some cells change under specific circumstances, Cellular carcinoma Become a cancer cell and lose the highest number of divisions. For example, in 1951, a black woman (named Henrietta Lacks) cervical carcinoma Cell separation The established HeLa cell line still has a strong ability of division and proliferation many years after my death, so it is still widely used in many laboratories around the world.
Contact suppression Phenomenon loss
normal Cell growth After contact, their movements and separatist activities will stop. Under the condition of in vitro culture Cell adhesion The growth stops when it converges into a single layer. Cancer cells are different. Their division and proliferation do not stop due to cell contact. When cultured in vitro, cells can accumulate into three-dimensional Cell population Therefore, cancer cell contact has no effect on cancer cell proliferation inhibition
⑶ Attenuation of adhesion between cancer cells
Compared with its homologous normal tissue, the adhesion between cancer cells is reduced, so cancer cells are easy to disperse and metastasize in the body. In normal Cell envelope In Fibronectin It is an extracellular adhesion glycoprotein , which enhances the cell's ability to Extracellular matrix Adhesion between. Fibrosis of cancer cells Mucin Significantly reduced or missing, so that Cadherin The synthesis is blocked, thus destroying the adhesion between cells and matrix and between cells. Therefore, cancer cells have the characteristics of invading tissues and being easy to metastasize.
⑷ Easy to be lectin agglutination
Cancer cell reproduction
Compared with normal cells, cancer cells are more likely to be lectin place agglutination Therefore, the concentration of lectin required for cancer cell agglutination is much lower than that of normal cells. The increased agglutination of cancer cells is due to plasma membrane Caused by profound structural changes. Glycoprotein in plasma membrane Sportiness Enhanced, so lectin is easier to convert its receptor( glycoprotein )Clustering to form more horizontal bridges. The enhanced motility of plasma membrane glycoprotein may also be due to its connection Microfilament Caused by damage.
(5) Wall adhesion decreases
In vitro culture, cells adhere to the wall and grow, which is similar to Cell secretion Glucosamine Viscous substances. Glucosamine is the main component of extracellular matrix, which can form hydration Gel: Set & Match. The synthesis of glycosaminoglycan by cancer cells was reduced, which led to the decline of cell wall adhesion.
Cytoskeleton disorganization
In cancer cells microtubule Shortening, disordered arrangement, microfilaments also occur Structural anomaly Src gene (i.e. induced sarcoma PP60src is a protein Kinase, which can make Adhesive spot Protein phosphorylation, which separates the tension fiber from the plasma membrane. Actin filament The quantity of Membrane fluidity Enhanced, cell properties changed. because Cytoskeleton The structure is disordered, leading to the change of cell shape. For example, normal in culture Fibroblast It is flat shuttle shaped, but is birds Sarcoma virus (including src Oncogene )After conversion, it becomes spherical, and the surface appears Vesicle This is caused by the disorder of cytoskeleton components.
(7) Generate new membrane antigen
Cancer cells lost the major histocompatibility antigens on the plasma membrane, and some new relevance Membrane antigen. These new membrane antigens are cell surface It is modified with glycoprotein. At the same time, due to Surface protein The mass movement increases, making the surface protein easier to be agglutinated by the corresponding antibody.
Normal cells in vitro usually contain more than 10% of serum Culture medium The serum contains some growth factors needed for cell growth, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF)、 Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)、 insulin Etc. and Transformed cell But can grow in the culture medium with very low serum concentration requirement Greatly reduced.
In addition, cancer cells have many properties different from normal cells, such as glucose Increased transportation, new cell secretions, and abundant Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus Etc.
Morphological characteristics of single cancer cell
cancer cell
It is mainly manifested in the nucleus and can be summarized into five characteristics:
⑴ Large nucleus: the nucleus of cancer can be 1-5 times larger than normal. but nuclear membrane no Inward folding
⑵ Unequal nuclear size: due to the different enlargement degree of each cancer cell nucleus, the size of cancer cell nuclei in the same field of vision varies greatly.
⑶ Nuclear malformation Nuclear membrane thickening: the cancer cell nucleus may appear obvious malformations, which are manifested as irregular nuclear morphology, nodular, lobular, etc, nuclear membrane There are depressions and folds, which make the nuclear membrane zigzag.
⑷ Nuclear hyperchromatism: due to the cancer cell nucleus Chromatin The number of particles increases, the particles become thicker, and the nucleus is deeply stained, some of which may appear as ink drops. At the same time, because of the uneven distribution of chromatin in the nucleus, the nucleus is stained in different shades.
⑸ Abnormal nucleocytoplasmic ratio: when the cell volume is larger than the cell size, the cancer cell nucleus increases significantly, so Nucleoplasm Out of proportion. The worse the differentiation of cancer cells, the more obvious the nuclear cytoplasmic ratio disorder. In addition, the chromatin of the nucleus moves sideways, and there are huge nucleoli, abnormal mitosis, and the cell volume increases with different sizes, and there are spindle shaped, tadpole shaped, star shaped and other abnormal shapes, which can also be used as an auxiliary for cancer cells Diagnostic basis
(6) Cancer cells are rich in Free ribosome
(7) The surface of cancer cells has changed, and due to the reduction of glycoprotein and other substances on the cell membrane, the cells have changed Adhesiveness Significantly reduced, easy to disperse and transfer in the body
2. Arrangement characteristics of piles of cancer cells
Flaky squamous cell carcinoma cells can still have a certain degree of squamous epithelial arrangement characteristics, such as flat cobblestone Like, but the polarity disappears and the arrangement is irregular; Adenocarcinoma may have irregular glandular cavity like arrangement; Undifferentiated cancer is characterized by bundle (single row) arrangement and mosaic (patch) arrangement, which can be used as the basis for diagnosis and classification of cancer cells.
(II) smear "Positive background" of
Because tumor tissue, especially Invasive carcinoma And poorly differentiated cancer, prone to hemorrhage and necrosis. Therefore, flakes of red blood cell And necrosis Cell debris This background often indicates that the smear may be positive, so it is called positive background. Early cancer The smear background is mostly clean, and it is not easy to see necrotic cell fragments. Hemorrhage and necrosis are not unique to tumors, and can also occur in some serious inflammatory lesions. Therefore, before cancer cells are found, cancer should not be diagnosed or excluded only based on the presence or absence of a positive background.

Main types

cancer cell
Cancer cells can be roughly divided into three categories: Squamous cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma Undifferentiated carcinoma
1. Squamous cell carcinoma
It generally originates from squamous epithelium, and can also originate from squamous Columnar epithelium According to the degree of differentiation of most cancer cells in the picture, squamous cell carcinoma can be divided into two categories: well differentiated and poorly differentiated.
High differentiation (Keratization type) squamous cell carcinoma is mainly composed of cancer cells similar to surface cells, and a small number of middle layer cancer cells can be seen. These cancer cells are relatively mature and show Polymorphism , such as fiber shaped, tadpole shaped, snake shaped and other cancer cells, which are often scattered. cancer cell Cytoplasm Keratinization is obvious, so it is called keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma.
Low differentiation (Non keratinizing) squamous cell carcinoma cells are similar to the bottom Squamous epithelial cells There are a few squamous epithelial cells similar to the middle layer, and there are no or few surface cancer cells. The shape of cancer cells is mainly round and oval, most of which fall off in pieces, or can be scattered alone, with little cytoplasm and no keratinization. HE staining Dark red, Pasteurization It is dark green with large core, nucleolus Clear.
2. Adenocarcinoma
It generally originates from columnar epithelium and Glandular epithelium Adenocarcinoma can also be divided into two types according to the size of cancer cells, the amount of mucus in the cells, and the formation of glandular cavity like structures.
Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma often forms an adenoid arrangement. The cancer cells are large and rich in cytoplasm. HE staining is light red, pasteurization is light green, and mucus vacuoles can be seen. Nuclear power, Nuclear chromatin The granules are thick, the staining is deep, and the nucleolus is huge.
Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma The cancer cells are small with few cytoplasm, Basophil Mucus vacuoles are rare. The cancer cells often fall off in clusters and are closely arranged to form Mulberry Sample structure. The nucleus is slightly deviated, and the marginal cytoplasm is uplifted. The nuclear chromatin is thick and the nucleolus is small.
3. Small cell undifferentiated carcinoma
It is generally believed that it originated from a bronchial tube Epithelious Argyrophil cell , can produce polypeptide hormones and cause endocrine symptoms, so it belongs to Neuroendocrine tumor The cancer cells are small, round, oval or melon seed shaped. Few cytoplasm, nucleus Jobic lymphocyte More than half to one time, with obvious nuclear malformation and deep staining, the cancer cells are closely arranged without overlapping, and when they appear in patches, they tend to be mosaic like structures; When arranged in a single line, it is in bundle shape. This is the characteristic manifestation of undifferentiated carcinoma.

Formative factors

cancer cell
Cancer cell research has become biomedical science Explore on Canceration mechanism It is an active field in the regulation of tumor formation. There is no consensus on the causes of cancer cells. Some people think it's normal Cell transformation It is a cancer cell because Carcinogenic virus Induced. Most people agree that the cause of many cancers proposed by Beverly in 1914 is Somatic mutation The theory of. One of the arguments supporting this view is that the incidence of cancer increases with age, and the other is that all known genes that can induce mutations Chemical mutagen Or physical factors, almost all of which are carcinogenic, such as asphalt Some Chemistry in material Frequent contact with skin can cause Skin cancer large dose Benzene poisoning Can induce leukemia (blood cancer); Caused by smoking lung cancer , which is similar to the nicotine of Frequent contact radioactivity Substance or engaged in Radiation People working, leukemia Bone marrow cancer The incidence rate is high. Therefore, strengthen environmental protection, eliminate environmental pollution, and timely check suspicious Carcinogen The incidence of cancer can be reduced by taking precautions and strengthening safety protection for radioactive work.
Internal causes
cancer cell
Under normal circumstances, there are cancer related genes in the cell. The normal expression of these genes is Ontogeny cell proliferation Tissue regeneration etc. Life activities Inevitably, these genes only exist when mutations occur Carcinogenesis , become Oncogene These have caused cell canceration Potential genes are called proto oncogenes. Proto oncogenes belong to Dominant gene Allele If one of them mutates, it will cause the cell canceration Although there are proto oncogenes in normal cells, the activities of proto oncogenes are strictly and precisely regulated, and their coding products are Cell growth It is necessary for differentiation and will not cause canceration. However, when proto oncogenes change and produce products beyond the requirements of cell activities, it will cause cell canceration. This change of proto oncogene is called proto oncogene activation.
Cancer starts from a cell mutation, and the human body is composed of a large number of somatic cell Composed of. It takes about 10 ^ 16 times in one's life cell division Even without contact Carcinogen , each gene occurs Natural mutation The probability of is 10-6. It can be calculated that every gene will have a mutation probability of 10 ^ 10 in a person's life. It is estimated that a mutant cell should have many genes related to cell proliferation mutated and lost the ability to regulate cell proliferation. However, in fact, the incidence of human cancer is not as high as expected. Thus, one mutation is not enough to transform a healthy cell into a cancer cell. The canceration of a cell requires several separate mutations in a cell, and they can induce the canceration of a cell only when they work together. According to statistics, a cell transformation requires 3 to 7 separate random mutations.
Although cancer starts from a cell mutation, the offspring of the mutant cell must undergo several mutations to form cancer cells. epidemiology The statistics show that the incidence of cancer increases with age, and Geometric series The incidence of cancer is 3, 4 or even 5 power of age. The gradual occurrence of cancer is not cold in a day. It takes several years internal cause The role of external cause Induced by, Carcinogen Dosage required Cumulative effect The occurrence of cancer requires the joint action of many factors. There is also an immune monitoring system in the body, which can eliminate cancer cells at any time. Therefore, many cancers are not inevitable.
There is another kind of gene in the cell, which is related to the inhibition of cell proliferation Inactivation , which can also cause cell canceration. These genes are called anti oncogenes or Tumor suppressor gene (tumorsuppressorgenes)。 The tumor suppressor gene is different from the proto oncogene. The tumor suppressor gene is Recessive gene Both alleles need to be mutated and inactivated to cause cell canceration. If Parental generation If one of the alleles of a tumor suppressor gene passed to the offspring has no function, the offspring will be prone to cancer. In normal cells, proto oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes coordinate to maintain normal cell proliferation.
cancer cell
Such factors are the main causes of tumors, which have a wide range of sources and types. After investigation and Animal experiment More than one thousand kinds of chemicals have been found that have been proved to have carcinogenic effects, of which those closely related to human beings Chemical carcinogen There are hundreds of them. Chemical carcinogenesis incubation period It is relatively long and does great harm to human beings. It widely exists in food, production environment, pesticides, and medical drugs. Well known Aflatoxin (also known as aflatoxin) sorghum , rice, etc grain crops It has been proved that it can cause liver cancer Occurrence of. Widespread in nature Nitrosamines (higher content in cured fish, meat and chicken) and smoked or burnt food (especially High protein food , such as fish, meat, eggs) Carcinogen The type and content of Benzopyrene , 2 Methylbenzene Anthracene Diphenylanthracene The air polluted by carcinogens and dioxin pollution will have an impact on the human body, and in serious cases, it will induce and lead to lung cancer Nasopharyngeal carcinoma esophageal cancer Cardiac carcinoma gastric cancer , liver cancer, leukemia Bladder cancer Colorectal cancer Carcinoma of scrotum Skin cancer Etc.
Physical carcinogenesis
Physics Carcinogenic factors Including burning, mechanical irritation, trauma ultraviolet rays , radiation, etc. It is worth attaching great importance that radiation hazards can come from environmental pollution or iatrogenic. Such as repeated acceptance X-ray Exposure inspection or Radionuclide inspection It can increase the tumor incidence of the tested population Radiotherapy Treatment of some diseases can also induce some tumors. Data report available, in use Radionuclide Phosphorus therapy Polycythemia After a certain incubation period, a considerable number of patients developed leukemia. pulmonary tuberculosis Patient repeated Chest X-ray Inspection, can induce mammary cancer
Biological carcinogenesis
Many researches on such factors are Viruses modern scientific research It has been proved that more than 30 kinds of animal tumors are caused by viruses. It is found that some human tumors are closely related to viruses cervical carcinoma , liver cancer, leukemia and other patients can be found in the serum of the corresponding virus antibodies. It is reported that, schistosomiasis It can induce colorectal cancer, liver cancer, etc.
To sum up, it can also be said that cancer cells are caused by oncogenic factors that activate proto oncogenes.

Research principle

I cytology principle
cancer cell
Inside and outside the cancer cell, there are reversal factors that can not be overcome and eliminated by itself. This is its characteristic, but also its disadvantage, resulting in its instability.
One on cell membrane upper
The survival and development of cancer cells are inseparable from the synthesis of proteins Synthetic protein Must be taken from healthy cells Asparagine However, symbiotic with asparagine Asparaginase But it can control the growth of cancer cells, which is the first contradiction it cannot overcome.
A large number of scientific experiments have proved that there is a C-Amp (ring type Adenosine phosphate )This substance is the main component to control or adjust the metabolism of cells (it does not disappear because of canceration). The most interesting thing is that C-Amp also has the most significant ability to turn cancer cells into healthy cells (which is valuable).
There is a kind of tumor antigen CEA ), it can trigger immune system The generation of corresponding antibodies prevents the growth and development of cancer cells. This self immunity is another inherent contradiction of cancer cells.
Two in cytoplasm in
American scientist Shay discovered in December 1994 that one of the cancer cells can make the cancer cells continuously replicate and maintain its Genetic characteristics Telomerase. If the activity of this enzyme is inhibited and destroyed, the replication engineering of cancer cells will have to stop and end.
2、 Principles of Biology
Cancer cells are similar to embryonic cells (morphology, function, metabolism) and have distinctive biological behavior. Cancer cells are generated by cells in harsh environments and are particularly resistant. After the cells become cancerous, feedback control If it weakens or disappears, it becomes irregular. Once encountering adverse conditions (stimulation, slander), it can metastasize, or even hide (cancer cells have this kind of dormancy Feign death Ability, from splitting Proliferative phase It quickly enters the GO phase, and any medicine has no effect on it.) Cancer cells are afraid of heat (hot compress is conducive to dissipation). Cancer cells have strong metabolic capacity, absorb more, and excrete more, which is very destructive to the body.
3、 Principles of Biochemistry
China's national level outstanding contributions cancer Researcher Dai Qianhuan in his cancer“ Two zone theory ”And "transcriptional genes"“ Carcinogenesis Of Key steps It is the intersection between complementary alkali pairs "(People's Daily, August 15, 1993)," the carcinogenic mechanism is complementary Code shifting Moreover, wearing Qianhuan also quantum chemistry Calculation method, it is found that "compounds have carcinogenic effect in vivo necessary condition It can produce two active alkylation reaction centers in the process of metabolism in the body, and the optimal distance between the two centers is 2.8-3.0 ami (1/ 10000000000 meters ), which is exactly the same distance as the Deoxyribonucleic acid The distance between the (DNA) interstranded complementary bases and the negatives is consistent ". I think that since "complementary frameshift variation" can change the structure of DNA and make cancer cells, similarly, if the compounds we use into the human body are not "cancerous" (its alkylation reaction Center spacing 2.8-3.0 Em) nitrite Or 3-4 Benzopyrene The distance between two alkylation centers is greater than or less than 2.8-3.0 nm, and can be combined with it more actively to free it aspirin For example, chloroquine, quinine, etc., the DNA is restored, and cancer cells become healthy cells again.
Especially, the substances that promote cell canceration (DNA complementary base on negative atoms Conjugates )It is not stable, and it is easy to form new substance groups with the distance between alkylation centers different from that between 2.8-3.0 em., which means that substances with the distance between alkylation centers between 2.8-3.0 em. can cause cancer, while substances with the distance between alkylation centers between 2.8-3.0 em Chemical activity Strong alkylation Center distance Compounds larger or smaller than 2.8-3.0 ami can cure cancer and transform cancer cells, which is Dai's“ Two zone theory ”Dai's deduction is by no means an empty assumption or illusory assumption, which is Dai's great contribution to mankind.
4、 Physiological Principles
Human immune system In defending the body and eliminating differences, maintain static equilibrium On the other hand, it is not only lively and active, but also powerful. This immune mechanism not only does not provide suitable survival and development conditions for cancer cells, but can promote the self peak reversal factors of cancer cells to be relatively strengthened and indirectly reversed. At the same time, it can directly interfere with, prevent the replication of cancer cells, and even kill cancer cells. Therefore, the use of drugs to mobilize the internal resistance of the human body is the core and key in cancer treatment engineering.
Mobilize the unified cancer control ability of all major organs of the human body, and comprehensively enhance cellular immunity humoral immunity Tissue immunity is also of great significance in promoting the reversal of cancer cells.
Darwin's Organs Correlation law It shows that if one organ is damaged, multiple organs will be affected. The body is unified Organic entirety This cannot be ignored in the process of cancer treatment.
5、 Principles of Design
After the cells become cancerous, the activities of various reversing factors inside and outside the cells are relatively weakened or decreased, but the activity of Shea's cancer reoxidase is increased, ensuring DNA Crazy copy Without changing its genetic characteristics, in this case, if we can help the body to apply targeted drugs, reduce or eliminate the activity of Shea's cancer reoxidase, enhance C-Amp and Reverse transcriptase The cancer cells will have to be transformed into healthy cells. This means that, Internal and external causes The combination of, Subjective initiative and objective condition It has special value in promoting and accelerating the reverse engineering of cancer cells (transformation can be achieved through transformation, and transformation can be achieved without transformation).

Reason for transfer

Cancer cells are often restless and quickly spread to other organs, which is related to the growth mode of cancer and the characteristics of cancer cells. The reasons can be summarized as follows:
1、 Cancer cells multiply rapidly. Due to the sharp increase in the number, the original space cannot accommodate so many cells, tumour The marginal cells are squeezed into the surrounding tissues.
2、 Due to the special chemical composition and structure of the cancer cell surface, the adhesion between cancer cells is low, the connection is loose, and it is easy to separate from the cancer block, creating conditions for diffusion.
3、 Cancer cells secrete special substances to dissolve and destroy surrounding tissues, opening the way for diffusion and metastasis.
4、 Cancer cells contain a Thrombosis The special substance of Vascular wall Or other parts and continue to grow Hematogenous metastasis Lay the foundation.

Evolution mode



The metastasis of cancer cells may be caused by awakening the sleeping embryonic development relevant transcription factor Caused by.
Generally speaking, metastasis of cancer cells can be divided into several stages:
The first stage is called invasion, in which cancer epithelial cells It will loosen the connection between cancer cells, so that cancer cells can "regain their freedom" and move to other places.
The second stage is called Introgression (intravasation), cancer cells pass through blood vessels or lymph gland Of endothelium get into circulatory system
The third stage is called Extravasation (extravasation) In this stage, survivors who have been baptized by the journey of the circulatory system will pass through capillary Of endothelial cells Arrive at other organizations.
The final stage is the migration of these cancer cells from the new world, and they multiply and thrive in other tissues to form metastatic Malignant tumor
Common cancer cell metastases are as follows:
Lymphatic metastasis - It is common in all kinds of cancers. Cancer cells invading lymphatic vessels first arrive at the local area with lymph lymph gland It can metastasize to adjacent or distant lymph nodes if it continues to develop. If breast cancer first metastasizes to the same side armpit Lymph nodes, which can then be transferred to clavicle Bottom and Supraclavicular lymph node And even the opposite axillary lymph nodes.
Hematogenous metastasis - Common in various sarcoma Endocrine cancer and undifferentiated cancer, directly invading blood vessels or re entering blood vessels through lymphatic vessels Tumor cell It reaches other parts with blood flow. The most common metastatic sites were lung, brain, liver and bone. Gastrointestinal cancer It often metastasizes to liver and lung, breast cancer renal carcinoma Osteosarcoma The lung cancer is easy to metastasize to the brain, prostatic cancer It is easy to transfer to bone.
Planting transfer - The tumor cells shed from the tumor surface grow in the thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity and cerebrospinal cavity. Due to gravity, they are often planted in the lower part of these cavities, such as Costophrenic angle , rectal bladder fossa Skull base Etc.

Spontaneous explosion

Sweden Karolinska Medical College Scientists found that a compound can make the most dangerous brain tumor —— Glioblastoma The cells of mice The experiment is confirmed. This discovery is believed to open a new cancer treatment mechanism and provide ideas for the treatment of other types of cancer. Relevant research results were published in the journal Cell.
Glioblastoma is a malignant tumor of the brain. Because of its rapid growth, the course of disease is generally short. The average survival time of patients is only 15 months radiotherapy and chemotherapy Mainly, but the effect is not ideal, so it is urgent to find a better treatment.
According to the Physicist Organization Network, in order to achieve this goal, the researchers of Karolinska Medical College will Glioblastoma cells Exposed to more than 200 molecules for testing. After careful screening and experiments, this compound named Vacuinol-1 was finally found.
Researchers found that this compound can lead to uncontrolled vacuolization of cancer cells: cancer cells will continuously bring external substances into the cells, and eventually lead to the rupture of cell membranes and necrosis of cancer cells. Further research found that this Transportation process Through intracellular Vesicle System, and 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine The results are very similar. Three scientists discovered that Transport system ——Vesicular Regulatory mechanism And won this award. [2]


Food that kills cancer cells
Cancer is "rampant", often very restless, and quickly spread to other organs, which is related to the growth mode of cancer and the characteristics of cancer cells. The reasons can be summarized as follows:
First, cancer cells proliferate rapidly. Due to the sharp increase in the number, the original space cannot accommodate so many cells, and the cells at the edge of the tumor are "squeezed" into the surrounding tissue.
Second, due to the special chemical composition and structure of the cancer cell surface, the adhesion between cancer cells is low, the connection is loose, and it is easy to separate from the cancer block, creating conditions for diffusion.
Third, cancer cells secrete special substances to dissolve and destroy surrounding tissues, opening the way for diffusion and metastasis.
Fourth, cancer cells contain Thrombosis It is a special substance that enables cancer cells to attach to the blood vessel wall or other parts and continue to grow after entering the blood vessel, laying the foundation for blood metastasis.

therapeutic method



It is the earliest method to treat cancer and the first choice for many early cancer treatments. Many early cancers can be cured by successful surgery. Some cancer patients have advanced to advanced stage and cannot carry out Radical operation However, in order to alleviate the patient's pain and prolong the patient's life, surgery can also be performed, which is called Palliative operation for example Colon cancer block Intestinal cavity If normal defecation is not possible, the large intestine should be taken Fistulation Palliative operation was performed to relieve the obstruction of tumor to intestinal cavity. Not all cancers can be operated on, such as blood cancer (i.e leukemia )Can't be removed surgically.
Postoperative care
Cancer patients in chemotherapy Nursing during and after the operation plays a vital role in the rehabilitation of patients, and the following matters should be paid attention to:
(1) Supplying easy to digest and absorb protein Food, such as milk, eggs fish Bean Products Can improve the body Anticancer power Milk and eggs can improve radiotherapy Post protein disorder.
⑵ Take an appropriate amount of sugar to supplement calories. large dose Radiotherapy Patients can Carbohydrate metabolism Damaged, Glycogen The lactic acid in the blood increased and could not be reused; and insulin The function is insufficient and aggravated. Therefore, it is better to supplement glucose. In addition, it is advisable to eat more sugar rich foods such as honey, rice, noodles, potatoes, etc. to supplement calories.
⑷ Patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy should generally eat cold food and drink, but patients with cold feeling should eat Hot food
(6) Diversify diet, pay attention to color, fragrance and taste, and promote patients' appetite; The method of steaming, boiling and stewing is often used for cooking food. It is forbidden to eat food that is difficult to digest and drink alcohol.
vitamin A And C can prevent cells from malignant transformation and proliferation, and increase epithelial cells The role of stability, vitamin C It can also prevent Radiation injury And can make white blood cell Horizontal rise; Vitamin E can promote cell division and delay Cell senescence Vitamin B1 It can promote the appetite of patients and alleviate the symptoms caused by radiotherapy. Therefore, you should eat more foods rich in the above vitamins, such as fresh vegetables, fruits Sesame oil cereal crop peas and beans as well as Animal viscera Etc.


Ready to use Chemicals The treatment of cancer generally refers to western medicine Anticancer drug These drugs can inhibit or kill cancer cells at different stages of growth and reproduction of cancer cells to achieve therapeutic purposes. But the existing chemical drugs can kill cancer cells and at the same time Human cells There is also damage. Therefore, different degrees of side effects often occur during chemotherapy, such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss, etc. Chemotherapy is mainly used for various types of leukemia and for patients who cannot be operated but are not sensitive to radiotherapy. In addition, it is also used as an adjuvant therapy after cancer surgery to kill cancer cells that are scattered or can only be found under the microscope Cancer prevention Recurrence.


General radiation
Yes Radiation Kill cancer cells for therapeutic purposes. Some cancers are effective or sensitive to radiotherapy, such as Hodgkin's disease, non Hodgkin's lymphoma , leukemia, etc; Others are insensitive to radiotherapy, that is, the effect is not good, such as pancreatic cancer , colon adenoma chondrosarcoma and Melanoma Etc. Radiotherapy can effectively kill cancer cells and avoid tissue defects and deformities caused by surgery. When the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or metastasized to other places, and surgery cannot completely remove it, radiotherapy can be used to kill cancer cells. Like chemotherapy, ordinary radiotherapy also causes damage to human normal cells, so it will produce a series of side effects.
Stereotactic radiation
Non invasive stereotactic radiation is a leading technology in the world medical community for the treatment of tumors. It has the characteristics of good efficacy, accuracy, safety, non-invasive, and minimizing the pain of patients. Stereotaxis Radiotherapy Of accuracy Very high. The slight shaking range of artificial surgery can reach 3-4 mm, which is more than 10 times higher than the stereotactic radiation error; Ordinary radiotherapy treats tumors through a single plane, and the radiation dose reaches the tumor level Lethal dose It is bound to seriously damage the normal tissue surrounding the tumor; Stereotactic radiation is to focus all radiation on tumor tissue for precise treatment, with minimal damage to normal tissue. In addition, stereotactic radiotherapy can avoid Planting transfer And blood transfer. In the process of tumor cutting and removal, it is difficult to ensure the tumor Histiocyte It does not fall off completely, and it is easy to plant tumors on normal tissues to form new tumors. This is the common medical implant transfer; In addition, tumor cells may also be transferred through blood during surgery. Stereotactic radiotherapy can avoid such metastasis, infection and complication , as well as the pain and risk brought to patients by surgery.

Selenium supplement

In 1973, world health organization Declare that selenium is necessary for human body trace element One is that selenium is closely related to the occurrence of cancer. In 1986, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Experts in China Jiangsu Province qidong Three nutrition items were carried out in the high incidence area of liver cancer Selenium supplement Research. After 8 years of observation, liver cancer was found in the selenium group incidence rate relatively control group The average is 49% lower. [3]
Selenium stably produces methylation during metabolism metabolite Its anti-tumor effect is achieved through the following ways:
1、 Inhibition of oncogene expression by enhancing glutathione Peroxidase Activity elimination in vivo Free radical , protection cell membrane Structure to prevent gene mutation;
2、 Effectively strengthen human body immunity
3、 It can enhance the level of CAMP in cancer cells and make DNA RNA The synthesis of protein is inhibited, which inhibits the division and proliferation of cancer cells;
4、 By inhibiting glucose Aerobic enzymolysis , blocking the energy supply of cancer cells and promoting apoptosis of cancer cells;
5、 Immaturity in tumor Neovascularization basement membrane Keep intact and reduce tumor cell get into Blood circulation The chance of distant metastasis.
How should we supplement this trace element? Selenium is divided into Organic selenium and Inorganic selenium , inorganic selenium is mainly Sodium selenite , excessive use will produce Adverse reactions Organic selenium is the best source of selenium. There are 100 micrograms of selenium rich foods Plant active selenium (Selenium rich corn flour )、 wheat germ , garlic asparagus sesame Fungi There are also many seafood. The latest research results show that Plant transformation The plant active selenium obtained by technology is the most safe and effective, and this organic selenium is hardly produced with other drugs Antagonism , beneficial to human absorption. [4]


In patients with cancer, the low immune function often causes the occurrence, development and spread of cancer.
immunotherapy The purpose of cancer prevention is to improve the immune function of the body through various means, so as to curb the growth or spread of cancer. Strengthen immunity Is called Immunoenhancer , which we are familiar with BCG vaccine , and transfer factor interferon Immunoribonucleic acid Etc. Immunotherapy has little side effects, but it is difficult to achieve the goal of radical cure of cancer. Therefore, it is usually used for postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy Adjuvant therapy In order to consolidate the curative effect and prevent recurrence.


It is applicable to the occurrence, development and treatment of diseases closely related to the hormone content in the body, that is, hormones dependence Cancer. These cancers mainly include breast cancer, prostate cancer Endometrial carcinoma and Thyroid carcinoma The principle is to adjust the hormone level in the body by taking or injecting some hormone, so as to control the growth of cancer. For example, use androgen Treatment of breast cancer estrogen treatment prostatic cancer Thyroid hormone tablets for thyroid cancer, etc. Endocrinotherapy is still an auxiliary treatment for cancer and cannot replace surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


It is a relatively new technology to treat cancer. It is different from general chemotherapy in that it will kill cancer cells Chemotherapy drugs Combine with a substance that specifically binds to cancer cells. After medication, most of the drugs are concentrated on cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs can kill cancer cells to the maximum extent and have little impact on normal cells. Therefore, they have high efficacy and little side effects. A variety of monoclonal antibody It looks like Laser guidance The missile "flew" to the cancer cell as accurately as the missile, and the warhead it carried was the drug to kill the cancer cell.

Freezing and heating

Both low temperature (below - 40 ℃) and high temperature (above 45 ℃) can kill cancer cells. So people started to use Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy Superficial skin cancer and some benign skin tumors, as well as local heating treatment for skin cancer, limb cancer and Bladder cancer Heating methods include short wave ultrashort wave , microwave and laser.

gene therapy

Genes are intracellular genetic material chemical composition yes Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)。 Different genes play different biological roles, and the occurrence and development of cancer are related to the changes of genes in cells. Two types of genes directly related to cancer have been found, namely proto oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Changes in proto oncogenes can lead to Tumorigenesis The role of tumor suppressor genes is to prevent cell canceration In addition, many genes are related to cancer treatment. For example, some genes can enhance the effect of chemotherapy, so that cancer cells can Chemotherapy drugs susceptibility Increase, kill more cancer cells under the effect of the same dose of chemotherapy drugs; Someone else will Hematopoietic growth factor Gene introduction Hematopoietic stem cells To reduce the risk of patients suffering from chemotherapy and radiotherapy Hematopoietic function Therefore, it is more conducive to the treatment of cancer. However, cancer Pathogenesis It is extremely complicated, gene therapy Many links and problems in technology still perplex scientists. The vast majority of research is carried out in the laboratory. Although its effect is exciting, it is not ideal when applied to cancer patients. Many key problems in gene therapy remain to be solved. [5-6]

Other therapies

Starve cancer cells to death [7]
The so-called starving of cancer cells is to cut off the human body's supply of cancer cells through surgery. U.S.A Harvard University Dr. Juda Fokman of blood capillary After that, we can get blood and become "crazy". If we try to "strangle" the blood vessels around the cancer cells, the cancer cells will be starved to death for lack of nutrition.
For example, the interventional chemoembolization of liver cancer in western medicine is achieved by hepatic artery Blockage reduces the blood supply for liver cancer to control the growth of cancer cells, and even makes them die due to lack of nutrition. britain Oxford A research team found another method to starve cancer cells, and they showed a Laboratory research Result: Using Ribonucleic acid RNA Molecules directly affect the "mutation" of dihydrofolate reductase gene. This enzyme is the basic substance to stimulate the rapid proliferation of cancer cells. When its gene is "mutated", the rapidly dividing cancer cells will lack basic chemicals Thymine And was "starved to death". It can also help prevent the growth of new cancer cells.
As for why this method is called "starve cancer cells", it is to let ordinary people understand it well. So "starving cancer cells" is a variant of the folk saying, not to reduce the number of patients Dietary nutrition , or not albumin To "starve cancer cells". In fact, the result of not eating or drinking should be that people starve to death first. When people die, the cancer cells will starve to death only when the blood stops flowing.
The treatment of cancer depends partly on medicine and partly on self immunity. If you are weak, Hypoimmunity No matter how good the medicine is, it cannot be effective against cancer. On the contrary, if the diet is normal, the digestion is strong, the mind is cheerful, and 100 micrograms of selenium is properly supplemented, the immunity will be high, the disease will be easy to treat, and the effect will be easy to appear.
Cancer cell suicide
cancer cell
American scientists found for the first time that using a synthetic molecule can induce cancer cells to commit suicide. This will make it possible to develop personalized cancer treatment programs in the future.
U.S.A University of Illinois In the latest issue of Nature Chemical Biology, researchers from Caspase -3 Zymogen Protein. Once activated, this protein will be transformed into a protein called Cysteamine acid protease -3, leading to defective or dangerous Apoptosis However, this activation mechanism in cancer cells is destroyed, so that they will not apoptosis and eventually develop into tumors.
Paul Hergenrod, who is in charge of this research, said in a statement: "We have found a synthetic molecule that can directly activate the caspase-3 zymogen and convert it into caspase-3, thus leading to cancer cells Procedural death 。”
The researchers said that they screened more than 20000 synthetic molecules with different structures and tested their cell culture And 3 kinds of cancer mice This synthetic molecule, which is called "PAC-1" for short, has been found only because of its efficacy. Experiments on 23 human tumor samples showed that "PAC-1" could kill cancer cells.
The researchers said that the role of "PAC-1" depends on the amount of caspase-3 proenzyme. For example, in lung cancer In cells, the number of caspase-3 proenzyme is 5 times higher than the normal level, so "PAC-1" can play a better role. Hergenrod believes that this means that Effectiveness It can be predicted that in the future, the best medical plan can be formulated for different patients according to the difference in the number of caspase-3 zymogen.

Research progress

People glucose Transport protein GLUT1 crystal structure
On June 5, 2014, Tsinghua University announce: Tsinghua University School of Medicine Yan Ning The professor's research team has analyzed the crystal structure of human glucose transporter GLUT1 for the first time in the world, and preliminarily revealed its Working mechanism And the pathogenesis of related diseases. This research achievement is hailed as a major scientific achievement of "milestone significance" by the international academic community. [8]
To survive, cancer cells need to rely on glucose as their "ration". Since the energy produced by cancer cells to digest glucose is less than 15% of ordinary cells, cancer cells need to normal cells Taking in more glucose requires more Glucose transporter GLUT1 completes the process of glucose transport from extracellular to intracellular. [8]
Therefore, if the composition, structure and working mechanism of the transporter GLUT1 can be clearly studied, it is possible to achieve manual intervention of glucose transport by regulating it, which can not only increase the glucose supply in normal cells to achieve the purpose of treating related diseases, but also can specifically block the glucose supply to cancer cells to achieve the goal of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. [8]
Yan Ning also stressed that "many diseases have complex causes, especially cancer, which is the most complex disease, and our scientific research is very basic. There is a long way from basic scientific research to transformation. But through many foundations Scientific research achievements And gradually accumulate clues, which can better understand the pathogenesis and hope that it will eventually cure the disease. " [8]
telomere Too long is prone to cancer
according to University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) scientists led latest genome Research reveals that two common Gene variation Will make chromosomes telomere It becomes longer, but it will also greatly increase the risk Glioma Brain cancer Risk. Previously, many scientists believed that the function of telomere was to prevent Cell aging To keep cells healthy. relevant Thesis online Published on the website of Nature Genetics recently. [9]
On June 8, 2014, these two gene variants were TERT (telomere reverse transcriptase) and TERC( telomerase )51% of people carry the TERT variant and 72% carry the TERC variant. These two genes have the function of regulating telomere behavior and are enzymes that maintain telomere length. This risk gene variation carried by most people is relatively rare. The researchers believe that these mutant genes carrier The telomere length of chromosome is longer, so the whole cell is stronger, but it also increases the risk of high grade gliomas. [9]
January 26, 2019, University of Southern California and Japan Nagoya University Researchers announced the development of a new drug that can destroy cancer cells biological clock To inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Disrupting the biological clock will damage human health The same is true for cells. If it can disturb the biological clock of cancer cells, it can theoretically damage or destroy these cancer cells. This drug may become an effective new weapon to eliminate cancer. [10-11]
China Zhejiang University institute of tumor professor Hu Xun Team discovered "Starvation" of cancer cells Methods, published on the international authoritative journal of biology and medicine elife, which is internationally famous tumour Scholars' affirmation. 30 years since 2012 clinical experience Of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine Chao Ming, a doctor of interventional radiology department, and Hu Xun's team hit it off and devoted themselves to Primary Hepatocellular carcinoma In the research of new therapy, this method is named "targeting tumor lactic acid anion and Hydrogen ion Of Arterial cannulation Chemoembolization ", or" TILA "for short- TACE ”。 What they did clinical research The results show that: 37 patients were treated with cTACE, 18 of them were effective; Forty patients were treated with TILA-TACE, and 40 patients were effective - effective response rate rather than cure. And in this clinical study, liver cancer treated with TILA-TACE All are refractory liver cancer
Israel TEL AVIV University research findings
In September 2022, Skin cancer Transfer to the brain mechanism for the first time. Researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel found that Brain metastasis Of Melanoma In patients, cancer cells will recruit Astrocyte Of cells, Cancer cells interact with them, exchange molecules and destroy them. [13]
Discovery of a new way of "self destruction" of cancer cells
On May 17, 2024, the journal Science published an article that the researchers of the Netherlands Cancer Research Institute found a new way of cancer cell death, with SLFN11 gene playing a leading role. Researchers found that after DNA damage, cells died in a previously unknown way. In the laboratory, they treated the cells with chemotherapy and carefully modified their DNA. By turning off the gene, they found a new cell death pathway dominated by the gene SLFN11. If DNA is damaged, SLFN11 will shut down the cell's protein factory - ribosome. This will put a lot of pressure on these cells and cause them to die. The new approach completely bypasses p53. [14]