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Astronomy is research Cosmic space The subject of the structure and development of celestial bodies and the universe. Contents include celestial bodies Of structure , nature and operation rules, etc. Astronomy is an ancient science with human beings History of civilization Since then, astronomy has played an important role.
It is mainly transmitted to the earth through observing celestial bodies radiation , find and measure their positions, explore their movement rules, and study their physical property Chemistry Composition, internal structure energy Source and evolution law. [1]
In the long history of astronomy, with the improvement and development of research methods, astrometry, astromechanics and astrophysics have been founded successively.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Science (Natural Science)
Research direction
Space objects, structure and development
Disciplinary branch
Theoretical and observational astronomy
Opening colleges and universities
Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University, etc

research meaning

Astronomical research has great practical significance for our life and has a great impact on human's view of nature. Ancient astronomers observed the sun Moon And some other celestial bodies and celestial phenomena to determine the time, direction and calendar. This is also the beginning of astrometry. The history of astronomy has been at least five or six thousand years since humans observed celestial bodies and recorded astronomical phenomena. Astronomy played a very important role in the early history of human civilization. Egyptian Pyramid European Stonehenge Are very famous prehistoric astronomical sites. Copernican Heliocentric theory Once liberated natural science from theology; Kant And Laplace's nebula theory about the origin of the solar system, in the 18th century metaphysics The first gap is opened in the natural view of.
Newtonian mechanics Of appears, nuclear energy 's discovery, etc human civilization Events that play an important role are Astronomical research There are close connections. At present, the research on high-energy astrophysics, compact stars and the evolution of the universe can greatly promote the development of modern science. The research on the sun and solar system objects, including the earth and artificial satellites, has many applications in aerospace, geodesy, communication and navigation and other sectors. Astronomy originated from the acquisition of seasons and divination activities of ancient humans.
Following the development path of observation theory observation, astronomy has constantly extended people's vision to the new depths of the universe. With the development of human society, the research object of astronomy has developed from the solar system to the entire universe. Today, astronomy research method Classification has been formed Astrometry , celestial mechanics and Astrophysics Three major sub disciplines. Classification by observation means has been formed Optical astronomy Radio astronomy and Space astronomy Several sub disciplines. [2]

Research object

With the development of astronomy, the detection range of human beings has changed from sunlight The moon and stars in the sky have reached about 10 billion away from the earth Light year According to the scale and scale, the research objects of astronomy can be divided into: [2]

Planetary hierarchy

It includes planets in planetary systems, satellites revolving around planets and a large number of small bodies, such as asteroids comet meteor And interplanetary matter. Stellar system [2]

Stellar hierarchy

At present, people have observed hundreds of millions of fixed star The sun is just countless fixed star It's a very common one.

Galactic hierarchy

The solar system in which human beings live is only composed of countless stars Galaxy A corner in the. The Milky Way is just an ordinary galaxy. In addition to the Milky Way, there are many Extragalactic galaxy Galaxies further form a larger celestial system, Galaxy cluster Galaxy cluster and Supercluster [2]


Some astronomers have proposed Supercluster A higher total galaxy. According to the current understanding, the total galaxy is the scope of the universe that can be observed by humans at present, with a radius of more than 10 billion light years.
One of the hottest and most difficult topics in astronomical research is about The origin of the universe And evolution. The theories on the origin of the universe emerge in endlessly, of which the most representative, influential and supported by American scientists in 1948 are the most Gamov Proposed by et al Big Bang Theory According to the theory being constantly improved, the universe was born in a violent explosion about 13.7 billion years ago. Then the universe expands and the temperature decreases, producing various Elementary particle along with Cosmic temperature Further down, the matter begins to collapse due to gravity, and gradually forms clusters. stay Cosmic age About 10 years ago, the galaxy began to form and gradually evolved into its present appearance.

research method

The object of astronomical research has huge scale, extremely long time and extreme physical characteristics, so it is difficult to simulate the laboratory. Therefore, the research method of astronomy mainly depends on observation. because Earth's atmosphere yes Ultraviolet radiation , X-ray and gamma ray are opaque, so many space exploration methods and means have emerged, such as balloons, rockets, artificial satellites and spacecraft Etc.
Astronomical theory is often due to the lack of observational information, astronomers often put forward many hypotheses to explain some astronomical phenomena. Then, according to the new observation results, the original theory is modified or replaced by a new theory. This is also the difference between astronomy and many other natural sciences. [2]

Differentiation analysis


the Chinese zodiac

Chinese Zodiac The emergence of the concept has an astronomical background.
In the primitive era, the ancestors experienced the cycle of alternating cold and heat. Song dynasty Hong Hao A Chronicle of Pine Desert 》It is recorded that "Nvzhen was very small in the old days, which was beyond Zhengshuo's reach, and its people did not know how to count the years. When asked, they said, 'How many times have I seen green grass Meng Gong Record of Mong Tartar 》It also said, "It is common that every grass is one year old, and when someone asks how old it is, he will say how old it is." In, another observer found that the cycle of the moon can be used to measure the length of the year, and found that twelve full moons are one year old. This discovery is one of the most accurate results of the early calendar. "Twelve" is regarded as the "great number of days" that conveys the meaning of heaven. The heavenly stems need to be accompanied by earthly branches. The sun and the moon are relative, and heaven and earth are relative.

Ancient Egypt

They made their own calendar. Marx said: "Calculation the Nile The need of water fluctuation period gave rise to Egyptian astronomy. " That is to say, astronomical knowledge comes from observation of nature. Ancient Egypt It is found that the rising water of the Nile in the delta area is related to the sun Sirius They set the time between such two occurrences as one year, 365 days in total. Divide the whole year into 12 months, 30 days per month, and the remaining 5 days are used as festivals; At the same time, the year is also divided into three seasons, namely "flood season", "grain growing season" and "harvest season", with each season lasting four months. Herodotus said: "The Egyptians were the first among the human beings to think of the method of counting time with the solar year... In my opinion, their method of counting time is better than that of the Greeks, because the Greeks have to insert a leap month every other year to make the seasons coincide..."
The Egyptians divided the day and night into 12 parts, each part being 1/12 of the time from sunrise to sunset or from sunset to sunrise. The Egyptians calculated the time with a stone bowl. There was a small mouth at the bottom of the stone bowl, and water droplets leaked out of the bowl at a fixed rate. The stone bowl is marked with various marks to mark the hours in different seasons. Don't doubt that the astrology of ancient Egypt was very developed. just as Ancient Egyptian Civilization The characteristics of Twelve constellations It is also represented by the gods of ancient Egypt.
The ancient Egyptians' research and knowledge accumulation on stars originated from remote date The needs of agricultural production. The agricultural production in ancient Egypt depended on the annual flooding of the Nile due to the sowing season and the harvest of fields and orchards. The flooding of the Nile was related to the movement of stars, especially the phenomenon of sunrise, Sirius rising and Nile flooding occurred at the same time every 1460 years. Therefore, monks began to make celestial maps very early. Egypt's astronomy, like mathematics, is still at a low level of development and lags behind Babylon
In the ancient Egyptian literature, there is neither a description of mathematical instruments nor solar eclipse , lunar eclipse or other celestial phenomena. The Egyptians once regarded the planets as roaming bodies, and called the named ones stars and constellations (which can rarely be equated with modern ones). Therefore, their only creation can be exaggerated as the name of "astronomy".
Some of the inscriptions preserved from the Old Kingdom to the later Ptolemaic times include a list of sky divisions. Known as "Deccan" in Greece( Ecliptic Ten degree division) is the so-called 12 hours at night depicted with a graph. People use Deccan to divide the year. A year consists of 36 consecutive weeks with 10 days. The 36 Decams are 360 days in total, constituting a year. However, there are still five days missing. Therefore, every few years, the time when Deccan appears every week must move back. The Egyptian concept of the universe was often explained by different myths, and retained some paintings of different celestial bodies.
On the picture in the tomb of the New Kingdom, we can see Nute, the sky goddess in the image of the celestial bull, whose body bent on the earth to form a dome of the heavenly palace, with the sky in its belly and decorated with the so-called "star belt". There are two along the front and back of the star belt Sun boat One of them carries the sun god Ra, who patrols the sky by day boat and evening boat every day. God of Atmosphere Shuli Under the belly of the cow, raise your hands to support the belly, that is, the sky. The limbs of the longicorn are supported by two gods. According to another legend, the sky goddess Nute and the earth god Gabor embraced together, and his father, the atmospheric god, used his hands to support the goddess and separate it from Gabor, so that only Nute's feet and fingers could contact the ground, while Gabor was half lying on the earth. These myths and legends reflect the Egyptians' vague concept of heaven, earth and stars.
Some monks in Egypt were designated as "time recorders". They monitor the movement of stars at night every day. They need to record the fixed order of stars, the movement of the moon and planets, the rising and falling times of the moon and the sun, and the orbits of various celestial bodies. These people also collated the above information and put forward reports on changes and activities on celestial bodies. In the tombs of Ramesses VI, VII and IX, the maps of different times of star division are preserved. They are composed of 24 tables, one for every half month interval. Along with each table, there is a description of the constellation diagram. The astronomical map in the Cenemut tomb during the reign of Hatshepsut in the 18th Dynasty can be said to be the earliest known astronomical map.
A group of stars known to temple astronomers is "Ikem Seku", that is, "stars that never disappear". Apparently Polaris The second group is "Ikem Willedou", that is, "the star that never stops", which is actually a planet. Whether Egyptians know the difference between planets and stars has not been reported. The star they know is Sirius Orion , Ursa Major, Cygnus Cassiopeia , Scorpio Aries Palace Etc. The planets they noticed were Jupiter Saturn , Mars Venus Etc. Of course, their knowledge of stars is not accurate, and the relationship between stars and constellations can rarely be equated with modern knowledge. The worship of the sun occupies an important position in Egypt. Since the early dynasties, the sun has been depicted as a scarab Egyptian religion Occupies a prominent position in. Moreover, the sun at different times has different names. In different regions and times, there are other sun gods. The Egyptian civil calendar is divided into 12 months, 30 days a month, 360 days a year, and then added 5 days, 365 days a year. However, in fact, this calendar is not accurate. Because, 1 Astronomical year It is 365.25 days, so the Egyptian civil calendar is one day later than the astronomical calendar every four years. However, in the ancient world, this was the best calendar. The Julian calendar in Rome is Julius Caesar (J. Caesar) Solar calendar It is added with leap year. Gregory, the Pope of the Middle Ages, reformed the Julian calendar and became the universally recognized Gregorian calendar. In this respect, it can also be seen that Ancient Egypt People's great contribution. [2]


Astronomy should be separated from astrology. The latter is an attempt to predict a person's fate through the movement of celestial bodies Pseudoscience Although their origins are similar, they were often mixed together in ancient times. However, there are obvious differences between contemporary astronomy and astrology: modern astronomy is a discipline that uses scientific methods and takes celestial bodies as the research object; Astrology, on the other hand, corresponds the positions of celestial bodies with personnel by means of comparison and association; In a word, astrology focuses on predicting people's fate. [2]

Core Disciplines

Astronomy can be divided into theoretical astronomy and observational astronomy. Astronomical observers observe the sky year after year and sort out the information they get. Only then can theoretical astronomers develop new theories to explain and predict natural phenomena.
According to research methods, astronomy can be divided into:
Celestial mechanics
Astronomical techniques and methods
According to the means of observation, astronomy can be divided into:
Optical astronomy
Radio astronomy
Infrared astronomy
Space astronomy
Other more detailed disciplines:
History of Astronomy
Amateur astronomy
Galactic astronomy
Supercellar astronomy
Far-infrared astronomy
Gamma ray astronomy
High-energy astroastronomy
Radio astronomy
Solar system astronomy
Ultraviolet astronomy
X-ray astronomy
Plasma astrophysics
Relativistic astrophysics
Neutrino astrophysics
Planetary physics
Cosmic magnetohydrodynamics
Cosmic gas dynamics
Lunar science
Lunar quality
Kinematic cosmology
photograph Astrometry
Neutrino astronomy
Azimuth astronomy
Nautical astronomy
Aeronautical astronomy
Extragalactic astronomy
Stellar astronomy
Post Newtonian celestial mechanics
Basic astrometry
Space astrometry
Almanac astronomy
Spherical astronomy
Radio astrometry
Radio astrophysics
Measured astrophysics
Practical astronomy
Chemistry of the solar system
Galactic dynamics
Galactic astronomy
Astrodynamics [2]

Detailed Chronology of Events

Astronomical Events


Ancient Egypt People built it 4700 years ago Pyramid , partly used to observe the sun and other celestial bodies.
In the 14th century BC, China Yin Dynasty Oracle bone inscriptions (unearthed in Anyang, Henan) solar eclipse And lunar eclipses, as well as the oldest prominence in the world.
In the 12th century BC, China used 28 constellations to divide the sky in the late Yin Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty.
In the 11th century BC, it is said that the Zhou Dynasty in China established a sight measuring station to measure the angle of intersection of yellow and red.
China's The Book of Songs · Xiaoya has the world's first reliable solar eclipse record (776 BC).
From 722 BC to the end of the Qing Dynasty, China recorded the date with trunks and branches without interruption. This is the longest way to record the day in the world.
In about 700 BC, there were records of comet observation on Chinese oracle bone inscriptions (unearthed in Anyang, Henan Province).
In the seventh century BC, China used the Tugui to determine the winter solstice and the summer solstice and divide the four seasons.
In 687 BC, China recorded the earliest Lyra meteor group.
In 611 BC, China had the earliest record of comets.
In the seventh century BC, the Babylonians discovered the Saro cycle of the solar lunar eclipse cycle.
In the sixth century BC, China adopted July leap month method in nineteen years Coordinate the lunar and solar calendars.
In 585 BC, ancient Greek Thales The first total solar eclipse is predicted.
In 440 BC, Murdon in ancient Greece found that the phase of the moon repeated the same date of the current solar calendar with a cycle of 19 years.
In the fifth century BC, ancient Greece Odox Proposing that the sun, moon and stars move in concentric circles around the earth.
In the fifth century BC, ancient Greece Parmenides Democritus It is argued that the earth is spherical, and that the Morning Star and Evening Star are the same Venus. It is suggested that the Milky Way is formed by many stars.
In the fifth century BC, the ancient Greek Anasakura proposed the cause of the lunar eclipse and believed that the moon was bright because of the reflection of sunlight.
Around 350 BC, during the Warring States Period, China Gander Shi Shen The first catalog was compiled, which was later called the "Gan Shi Catalog".
Around 350 BC, during the Warring States Period, it was recognized that the eclipse of the sun and the moon was a phenomenon of mutual concealment between celestial bodies (Shishen, China).
In the fourth century BC, ancient Greek Aristotle The book Tianlun was published, putting forward the theory of earth center.
In the fourth century BC, Democritus of ancient Greece put forward the theory of atomic rotation of the universe, believing that the universe is composed of countless rotating, invisible and indivisible atoms in an empty space.
In the third century BC, the ancient Greek Eratosthenes used astronomical observations to calculate the size of the earth for the first time.
In the third century BC, ancient Greece Aristak It is the first time to calculate the ratio of the distance between the sun and the moon and the earth, and the ratio of the size of the sun, the moon and the earth. It also proposes that the sun is the center of the universe and the earth moves around the sun.
In the second century BC, Sima Qian Tianguan Book, one of the Shiji (Records of the Historian) of the Western Han Dynasty, was the earliest work that recorded the astronomical phenomena in detail.
In the second century BC, ancient Greece Hippak The first sun and moon movement table and the first western star table were compiled; The discovery of precession divides the brightness of stars into six magnitudes.
In the second century BC, the Chinese Han Dynasty adopted the 24 solar terms for farming.
In 134 BC, there was the first detailed record of nova in the Hanshu Astronomical Annals of the Han Dynasty.
In 104 BC, the Han Dynasty fabricated《 Primordial calendar 》, containing solar terms, outlook lunar eclipse And the precise convergence period of five stars. This is the first major reform of the Chinese calendar, but the accuracy is poor (China Luo Xia Hong, Deng Ping).
In the first century BC, China Luoxia Hong invented the armillary sphere in the Western Han Dynasty to measure the equatorial coordinates of celestial bodies.
In 46 BC, Rome issued the Julian calendar (Old Calendar).
According to the Records of the Five Elements in the Book of the Han Dynasty, in 28 BC, China had the earliest record of sunspots in the world. [2]

Post Christian

During the Eastern Han Dynasty in the first century, he created the ecliptic copper instrument, and found that the moon moved faster or slower, and measured the near point moon (Jia Kui, China).
During the Eastern Han Dynasty from the first to the second centuries, a water borne armillary sphere (i.e., a planetarium or a celestial sphere) was created. The angular diameters of the sun and the moon were measured to be half a degree, and the angle of intersection between yellow and red was 24 degrees. The view that moonlight is the reflection of sunlight is put forward. In books such as Illustrations of the Celestial Sphere and Lingxian, the "theory of the muddy sky" (China Zhang Heng )。
In the second century, Ptolemy of ancient Greece compiled a relatively complete catalog at that time, and first discovered the phenomenon of atmospheric refraction of starlight.
In the second century, the complex system of the current wheel and the average wheel was used in Ptolemy's On Greatness in ancient Greece to elaborate the "Earth centered theory".
Around 230 years ago, the Wei Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms discovered the eclipse limit of the sun and the moon, and calculated the eclipse fraction and the azimuth of the initial loss (China Yang Wei )。
Around 330 years ago, the Jin Dynasty discovered the precession and measured the westward shift of the winter solstice point as once every 50 years, which was more accurate than that in the West. He also wrote An Tian Lun, believing that the sky is immeasurable, but there is still a limit under which all celestial bodies move freely (China Yu Xi )。
In the fourth century, the phenomenon that the atmosphere refracts starlight was discovered in the late Qin Dynasty and correctly explained (Jiang Ju, China).
During the Southern Qi Dynasty in the fifth century, the Da Ming Calendar was compiled, which included the precession for the first time, and accurately measured the time of the intersection moon and the week of Jupiter, which was the second major reform of the Chinese calendar (China Zu Chongzhi )。
In the sixth century, China Zhang Zixin In the Northern Qi Dynasty, it was found that the sun moved slowly in winter and summer.
The seven volumes of Danyuanzi's "Walking Sky Song" written in the Sui Dynasty were widely spread among Chinese people, which played a great role in popularizing astronomical knowledge at that time. In the seventh century, Wang Ximing in the early Tang Dynasty compiled Han and Jin Annals for interpretation.
In 619, the Tang Dynasty fabricated《 Wuyin Yuan Calendar 》The change from Pingshuo to Dingshuo is the third major reform of the Chinese calendar (China Fu Renjun )。
In 725, the length of the meridian was measured for the first time in the world (China Nangong said).
At the beginning of the eighth century, in the Tang Dynasty Liang Lingzan The brass armillary sphere was made to measure the position of stars and found that the ecliptic coordinates of stars were different from those in ancient times (China Monk and his entourage )。
In 814, the Arabs Baghdad Harry Under the organization of Faal Mamun Mesopotamia The length of the meridian was measured.
In the tenth century, accurate measurements were made Yellow declination angle , the precession constant has been improved, and a more accurate sun moon running table has been compiled (Al Batani, Arabia).
In the tenth century, the Hakamit Astronomical Table (Ibn Younis, Arabia) was compiled.
In 1054, there was the first record of supernova explosion in the History of Song Dynasty in China. The remnant of the supernova formed the Crab Nebula seen today.
According to Meng Xi Bi Tan, from 1067 to 1077, Wei Pu and other officials of the Song Dynasty formulated a calendar "Fengyuan Calendar" (Shen Kuo, China) that was completely based on the 24 solar terms.
In 1088, the Song Dynasty made the water transport instrument pedestal, which is the pioneer of modern clocks (China Su Song )。
In 1092, the New Instrument Image Method of the Song Dynasty was a monograph on the manufacturing methods of astronomical instruments (Su Song, China).
In 1247, the Song Dynasty Stone Carved Astronomical Map (still in Suzhou) was the oldest star map (China Yellow dress )。
In the 13th century, Nasiletin Tutsi of Iran compiled the Ilkhan catalog.
In 1252, Alfonso X of Spain compiled the list of Alfonso stars.
In 1276, the Yuan Dynasty produced 13 kinds of astronomical instruments, such as simple instruments, all based on actual measurements《 Time service calendar 》The abolition of the ancient calendar is the fourth major reform of the Chinese calendar. The calendar has the same nature as the modern Gregorian calendar. It was promulgated in 1281 and has been in force for about 400 years (China Guo Shoujing , Wang Xun Xu Heng Etc.).
In 1276, the Yuan Dynasty manufactured nearly 20 kinds of astronomical instruments (Guo Shoujing, China).
In 1385, the Ming Dynasty of China was founded in Nanjing observatory It is the earliest well-equipped observatory in the world.
In 1420, according to the actual measurement, the star table and the planetary movement table (Ulu Bo, Mongolia) were compiled.
In 1542, Polish Copernicus put forward the theory of the sun center, which believed that the celestial layer of the star did not move, and the earth revolved around its axis once a day, and as a planet, it revolved around the sun once a year.
In 1543, Copernicus of Poland published his Theory of the Movement of Celestial Bodies, "since then, natural science has been liberated from theology", making great strides forward.
In 1572, Denmark Tycho Brahe The discovery of Cassiopeia supernova is the second new star in the Milky Way.
In 1582, many Western European countries implemented the Gregorian calendar, the predecessor of the current Gregorian calendar.
1584, Italy Bruno The publication of On Infinity, Universe and World defended and developed Copernicus' theory of the sun center.
1596, Fabry, Germany Schuss The first variable star (蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭蒭 2).
In 1600, Bruno was burned by the church in Rome because he opposed the geocentric theory, supported Copernicus' theory of earth movement, and believed that the universe was infinite.
In 1604, Kepler, Germany, discovered the Ophiuchus supernova, the third supernova in the Milky Way.
From 1609 to 1619, Kepler of Germany discovered three laws of planetary motion based on the data of Tycho Brahe's observation of planetary positions.
Italian physicist, 1609-1610 Galileo Make the first astronomical telescope, and use it to observe the celestial phenomena, and discover the mountains and valleys on the moon: discover the four largest moons of Jupiter, discover the profits and losses of Venus, and discover the sunspots and the rotation of the sun. The realization that the Milky Way is composed of innumerable stars provides a series of powerful proofs for Copernicus' theory.
In 1627, Kepler, Germany, compiled the Ludorf astrolabe.
In 1631, the transit of Mercury was observed for the first time (Garsanti, France).
Published by Galileo in Italy in 1632《 Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems 》It proves that Copernicus' "sun center theory" is a new blow to theology and scholasticism after Copernicus, and an important work in the history of modern scientific thought.
1639, England Horox The transit of Venus was observed for the first time.
In the 17th century, Xu Guangqi, China, published the Chongzhen Calendar in the Ming Dynasty, in which the star record was a relatively complete all sky star map of China at that time.
In the 17th century, Xu Guangqi of China first used a telescope to observe the celestial phenomena at the end of the Ming Dynasty.
In 1645, China adopted western data and revised《 Chronological calendar 》, that is, the summer calendar. This is the fifth reform of our calendar.
Germany, 1647 Herville The first detailed lunar surface map and monthly and daily lunar phase map were published.
In 1655, Huygens of the Netherlands discovered Saturn's largest moon Titan, which is also the second largest satellite known to the solar system so far.
In 1659, Huygens of the Netherlands discovered the rings of Saturn.
In 1666, French Cassini discovered the rotation of Mars and Jupiter.
In 1667, France established the Paris Observatory.
In 1671, Cassini, France, discovered Iapetus, a moon of Saturn.
In 1672, French Cassini discovered one of Saturn's moons, Rhea, and for the first time measured the precise distance between the sun and the earth.
In 1675, French Cassini discovered a circular slit in Saturn's ring.
In 1675, Britain established the Greenwich Observatory.
In 1678, Harley, England, compiled the first South Celestial Catalogue.
In 1684, Cassini, France, discovered two of Saturn's moons, Triton and Tethys.
In 1692, British Newton proposed the "classical universe theory" from the mechanical mechanics system.
In 1693, Harley of England discovered the long-term acceleration of the moon movement.
In 1705, Harley of England discovered the first periodic comet and predicted that its cycle would be about 76 years, which was later confirmed.
1712, England Franstide A large catalog has been compiled.
In 1716, British Halley proposed the method of observing the transit of Venus to determine the solar parallax (or distance).
In 1718, British Halley discovered the self motion of stars, proving that stars are not "constant".
In 1725, Bradley, England, discovered the aberration of light, which is also a clear proof of the earth's revolution.
In 1729, France Bouguet invented the photometer to compare the brightness of celestial bodies.
In 1745, he proposed the catastrophe theory of the solar system caused by comet collision (Fabufone).
In 1747, the nutation of the earth's axis was discovered (Bradley, England).
In 1749, the mechanical theory of precession and nutation was established (d'Alembert, France).
In 1750, it was first proposed that the Milky Way is a flat system composed of all stars in the sky, shaped like a wheel (British Reiter).
In 1752, the first triangulation method was used to measure the distance between the moon and the earth (La Cay, La Lande, France).
From 1753 to 1772, a detailed lunar movement table was prepared, and an accurate theory of the motion of the moon around the earth was first established (Euler, Switzerland).
In 1754, he put forward the hypothesis that tidal friction slowed the rotation of the earth and destroyed the solar system (Kant, Germany).
In 1755, he invented the method of measuring longitude at sea by observing the angular distance between the moon and the stars (Johann Mayer, Germany).
In 1755《 Introduction to the History of the Universe 》He put forward the hypothesis that the condensation of nebulae forms the sun and planets (Kant, Germany).
In 1760, the basic principles of photometry were put forward and "photometry" (Bouguet, France) was born.
In 1761, the infinite level universe structure was proposed to explain the infinity of the universe in space (Germany Lambert )。
In 1767, the British Greenwich Observatory began to publish nautical almanac.
In 1772, the rule of planetary arrangement distance was published (Baud, Germany).
In 1781, he discovered Uranus (Fer Herschel, England).
In 1781, the first nebula catalog was published (France messier )。
In 1782, the first double star catalogue was compiled (by Sir F. Herschel of England).
In 1782, the light change period of the five variable stars in Daling was measured, and it was believed that the light change was caused by a dark companion moving around it and covering it periodically. At the same time, two new variable stars were found (Goodrich, England).
In 1783, the movement of the whole solar system in space was discovered, and the directional point and speed were determined for the first time, confirming that the sun also has its own motion (Ver Herschel, UK).
In 1785, statistical methods were used to study the spatial distribution and movement of stars, and the first figure of the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy was obtained, which led to stellar astronomy (Ver Herschel, UK).
In 1787, the stability theory of the solar system was proposed from mechanical analysis (Lagrange, France).
In 1787, two moons of Uranus were discovered - Uranus III, IV and the first planetary nebula (Verhofer Herschel, UK).
In 1789, two of Saturn's moons, Enceladus and Enceladus, were discovered.
In 1796, the book "Explanation of the Cosmic System" was published, putting forward the nebula hypothesis of the origin of the solar system based on mechanics and physics (Laplace, France).
In 1797, a new method for calculating the orbit of comets was proposed (Obers, Germany).
In 1799, the book "Celestial Mechanics" was published, establishing the perturbation theory of planetary motion and the theory of planetary shape (Laplace, France).
In 1800, invisible infrared radiation in the solar spectrum was discovered for the first time (Ver Herschel, UK).
In 1801, the first asteroid, Ceres, was discovered (Piazzi, Italy).
In 1802, it was discovered that the binary stars had periodic motion around each other (Ver Herschel, UK).
In 1809, the book "Theory of Celestial Bodies Moving in Conic Curve" was published, which proposed the calculation method of planetary orbits (Germany Gaussian )。
In 1815, a spectroscope composed of a straight light tube, a prism, and a telescope was created. From then on, "astronomical spectroscope" was created, and the black absorption line in the solar spectrum was discovered (Germany Fraunhofer )。
In 1823, the "luminosity paradox" of classical cosmology was proposed (Germany Orbos )。
From 1833 to 1847, 3347 pairs of double stars and 825 nebulae were discovered (Jo Herschel, UK).
In 1837, a hairspring micrometer was used to precisely measure the position of binary stars, and many new binary stars were discovered (Va Struwe, Russia).
In 1837, the radiation heat of the sun was measured for the first time (Puye, France, and Jo Herschel, England).
In 1838-1839, the annual parallax of stars was measured for the first time, which provided strong evidence for the Earth's revolution (Germany Bessel , Va Struwe, Russia, UK Henderson )。
In 1843, the number of sunspots was found to change periodically for about 11 years (Germany Schwab )。
In 1844, the brightness grading method for observing variable stars was discovered, which promoted the rapid development of variable star research (Auger, Germany Randall )。
In 1844, according to the irregular changes in the motion of Sirius and Nanhe, it was predicted that they both had dark companions (Bessel, Germany).
In 1845, it was the first time to take a photo of the sun that can be used to study solar activities (Fizeau, France, Foucault )。
In 1845, according to the irregularity of the movement of Uranus, a new planet was predicted to exist (John Adams, England, France Leverrier )。
In 1846, according to the prediction of theoretical calculation of planetary orbit perturbation, Neptune was discovered, the law of universal gravitation was verified, and Copernicus' solar system theory was confirmed (Galler, Germany).
In 1846, Neptune One (Russell, England), the first satellite of Neptune, was discovered.
From 1847 to 1877, considering the mutual perturbations among the major planets, the movement table of the major planets was reorganized, and the out of tolerance phenomenon of Mercury's perihelion precession was found (Le Ville, France).
In 1848, Titan, a satellite of Saturn, was discovered (USA Bond )。
In 1849, the theory of satellite stability was put forward, which proved that Saturn's halo was not a continuous solid, but composed of numerous small particles (Roche, France).
In 1850, it was discovered that some nebulae had vortex structures (William Ross, UK).
In 1851, two moons of Uranus were discovered, Uranus I and Uranus II (Russell, England).
In 1851, it was found that the geomagnetism and magnetic storms also had 11 year cycle changes completely corresponding to the sunspot number changes (Lamont, Germany, Sabine, England).
Prepared in 1852 Bonn catalogue (Agrandel, Germany).
In 1854, the gravitational contraction hypothesis of solar energy was put forward, which believed that the sun gradually contracted due to its own gravitational action, and potential energy was converted into heat energy, maintaining its outward radiating energy (Helmholtz, Russia).
In 1857, it was the first time to successfully take pictures of stars, and began the astrophotography (Bond, USA).
From 1857 to 1859, the first lunar photograph with clear details was taken (Dralyu, UK).
Establish the basic relationship between the luminosity and magnitude of celestial bodies (Bogson, UK).
In 1858, from the rotation of sunspots on the solar surface, it was found that the sun was not spinning like a solid, but rather making a "poor spin" like a fluid (UK Carrington )。
In 1858, Spoiler, Germany, and Carrington, England found the periodic variation of sunspot latitude distribution on the solar surface.
In 1859, Carrington, England, discovered the solar flare, which occurred simultaneously with geomagnetic disturbances, magnetic storms, auroras and other phenomena.
In 1859, Germany Zeerner invented the photometer, which has been improved and used up to now.
In 1861, the first luminosity catalogue containing 226 bright stars was published (Zeerner, Germany).
In 1862, according to Bessel's prediction, the dark companion of Sirius was discovered. prove Law of universal gravitation It is also applicable to the study of extrasolar Celestial motion (A Clark, USA).
From 1863 to 1864, we studied the chemical composition of stars and nebulae by spectral analysis, and then confirmed the chemical identity of celestial bodies (Saige, Italy, Hawkins, England).
In 1863, the first basic catalog AGK was compiled (presided over by Owers, Germany, with international cooperation).
In 1864, a spectroscopic study of nebulae revealed their gas structure and found two special green spectral lines emitted by planetary nebulae (Hagens, UK).
In 1865, using spectral analysis, it was found that some bright stars contained sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, bismuth and other elements (Hagens, England).
From 1866 to 1881, it was found from the comet spectrum that comets contain hydrocarbons, and it was confirmed that comets not only reflect sunlight, but also emit light themselves. The gas spectrum of meteors is similar to that of comets, indicating that the two celestial bodies are related (Hagens, UK).
He discovered the chromosphere, the middle atmosphere of the sun, and the helium element on the sun. Later, he also discovered helium on the earth (Rockier, England).
Using a spectroscope, the prominence was observed for the first time when it was not a solar eclipse (Jensen, France).
The first visual spectral classification of stellar spectra is proposed, which divides stars into four categories: white stars, yellow stars, orange stars, and red and dark red stars (Sage, Italy).
The first determination of the apparent velocity of a star (Hawkins, UK).
In 1869, the wavelength of a thousand spectral lines in the solar spectrum was published and expressed in a new unit of angstrom( Sweden Egstrong).
In 1870, it was found that the flash spectrum of the sun and a special green spectral line emitted by the corona were once thought to be a new element, but it was later confirmed to be the forbidden line of iron, nickel and calcium in 1941 (Cha Yang, American).
In 1871, the rotation speed of the sun was measured by the displacement of the spectral lines on the east and west sides of the sun (Vogel, Germany).
In 1874, bright stars up to the fourth order were found concentrated in the grand garden at a 17 degree angle with the galactic passage (Gould, USA).
In 1876, he proposed the dynamic theory of the formation of the gap area of the asteroid belt and the Saturn ring slit (Kekewood, USA).
Put forward the view that there is an "artificial canal" on the surface of Mars (Italy Schiaparelli )。
Phobos and Phobos, two small moons of Mars, were discovered.
It is found that the contact between selenium and metal generates electromotive force under light irradiation Photovoltaic effect The post American Fritz used it to make photovoltaic cells in 1883 (Worth Adams, UK).
The Theory of Sound was published, basically completing the mathematical theory of sound (Rayleigh, UK).
In 1878, according to the repulsive effect of solar radiation, the theory of comet shape was established, and the comet tails were divided into three types (Brekirchen, Russia).
The theory of tidal friction is established, from which the theory of the origin of the moon is put forward. It is believed that the earth is pulled out by the tidal force of the sun, and some of its substances are pulled out to form the moon (Joe Darwin, UK).
Using the empirical formula between the radiation of the blackbody and the temperature, the solar surface temperature is calculated to be 6000 degrees Celsius (Austria Stefan )。
From 1879 to 1882, the polarization photometer was used to compile a large luminosity catalog of 4260 stars with measured magnitudes (American Ai Pickering).
In 1880, the variable star classification was proposed (American Ai Pickering).
In 1881, the study of solar radiation was started by using a resistance thermoradiometer to accurately measure the solar constant of thermal radiation on the surface (Langley, USA).
In 1881, the first photo of a comet was taken (Jensen, France, Draper, United States).
In 1882, observations confirmed that the long-term precession of Mercury's perihelion was out of tolerance, and its data were accurately measured (Newcomb, USA).
In 1885-1886, the spectral classification of stars was established (American Ai Pickering, Ann Murray).
In 1887, the preparation began Photographic sky atlas (In the charge of the Henri brothers at the Paris Observatory in France, international cooperation).
In 1887, according to different stellar spectra, the theory of stellar evolution was proposed to explain that stars are variable (Rockill, England).
Published the "New Catalogue" (N.G.C) (Dreyer, UK).
It is found that the apparent velocity of the five variable stars of Daling changes periodically, thus confirming that it is an eclipsing variable star (Vogel, Germany).
The vortex structure of the Andromeda Nebula was discovered by photographic observation (Roberts, UK).
In 1889, the first spectroscopic binary was discovered (American Ai Pickering, Ann, Murray).
In 1890, he studied the mutual perturbation between Saturn and Jupiter, and established an accurate theory of the motion of the two planets (Joe Hill of the United States).
In 1891, he invented the solar spectrograph and obtained the solar spectrogram (Herr in the United States, De Landard in France).
In 1892, Ganymede, the fifth moon of Jupiter, was discovered (United States Barnard )。
In 1892, according to Bessel's prediction, the dark companion star of Nanhesan was discovered (Sherber, USA).
In 1894, he proposed the "gravity paradox" of classical cosmology (Seliger, Germany).
In 1895, spectral analysis was used to confirm the meteorite structure of Saturn's ring (Keeler, USA).
In 1898, one of Saturn's moons, Titan, was discovered.
In 1898, Eros was discovered. The asteroid was less than 24 million kilometers away from the Earth at its low point, so it was used to measure the solar parallax (Witt, Germany).
In 1900, British scientist Jill And Dutch scientists Captan , published the first southern photographic catalog containing the directions of 450000 stars—— Cape of Good Hope A catalogue of stars.
American scientists Chamberlain and Morton proposed that Star Child Or MSI hypothesis.
In 1904, the Dutch scientist Kaptan discovered the laws of star motion, and thus put forward the theory of "two star streams", which denied the hypothesis that the star's intrinsic motion was irregular.
American scientist Brian discovered the sixth moon of Jupiter, Ganymede.
German scientist Haltmann found that the interstellar medium contains calcium.
In 1905, American scientist Brian discovered the seventh moon of Jupiter, Ganymede.
In 1905, Danish scientist Herz Penlon discovered that K and M stars can be divided into "giant stars" and "dwarf stars".
In 1909, a special perturbation method was proposed to calculate the orbits of comets and planets.
In 1910, German scientist Shane Wilson The temperature of stars was measured for the first time.
Karl Schwarzschild, a German scientist, founded the statistical mechanics of stars and proposed the ellipsoidal distribution law of the speed of stars.
American scientist Schlesinger proposed the "colligative method" for the reduction of astrophotographic negatives.
In 1912, China began to use the Gregorian calendar.
The discovery of the cycle luminosity relationship of Cepheid variables provides an effective method for measuring the distance of distant objects (Levitt, USA).
It is the first time to measure the visual velocity of the Vortex Nebula (Andromeda Nebula) with Doppler effect (Sliver, USA).
In 1913, the "spectrum photometry map" of stars was established, and the theory that stars evolved from giant stars to dwarf stars was put forward (Henry Russell of the United States, Herzborne of Denmark).
In 1914, the rotation of the Andromeda Nebula was discovered (Bis, USA).
The discovery of Jupiter's ninth moon, Ganymede (Seth Nicholson, United States).
"Spectral photometry" of globular clusters was established (Shapler, USA).
In 1916, the method of spectral parallax was invented to calculate the distance between stars (Hua Adams, USA, Kolsch, Germany).
Establishing the Theory of Star Internal Structure (UK Eddington )。
In 1917, the tidal hypothesis of the origin of the solar system was proposed (Kings, England).
In 1918, according to the distribution of globular clusters, we studied the structure of the Milky Way and found that the sun was not at the center of the Milky Way (Shapler, USA).
From 1918 to 1924, the Henry Draper catalog was published, which listed the spectral types of more than 225000 stars (Ann Morrie, USA Cannon )。
In 1919, the total solar eclipse observation was used for the first time to verify the effect of the solar gravitational field on the deflection of starlight (Eddington led the total solar eclipse observation team in Britain).
The real cycle of sunspot discovery and other activities is 22 years (American Earl, Hua Adams). [2]
Year 1920
Found an asteroid with an orbit similar to Saturn, Hidalgo, which is the farthest asteroid known today (German American Bud )。
First direct measurement of star diameter with interferometer (USA Michelson Bis).
A new theory of lunar motion was proposed and an accurate lunar departure table was compiled (Earl Brown, UK).
There is a big debate between the Kapitan universe and the Shapler universe.
The ionization theory of stellar atmospheric structure is established, and the relationship between gas thermal ionization and temperature under thermal balance is derived (Shaha, India).
Invention of Thermocouple Method to Measure the Temperature of Planets (USA Koblenz )。
The infinite hierarchy cosmic model is specifically proposed, which considers that galaxies are the first order celestial system, and proves that there is no "luminosity paradox" and "gravity paradox" in this structure (Swedish Karli Charlie).
The accurate crescent movement table was compiled and adopted in the astronomical almanac (Earl Brown, UK).
Discover the mass luminosity relationship of stars. It is believed that a very massive star cannot exist because the radiation pressure exceeds the gravitational contraction (Eddington, England).
The edge of the Andromeda Nebula and several other spiral galaxies are identified as stars, revealing the essence of extragalactic nebula, and it is found that there is a Cepheid variable star on the outer spiral arm of the Andromeda Nebula, which is used to measure the distance of this nebula (USA Hubble )。
Discovering the asymmetry of star motion (Stromborg, USA).
The morphological classification of extragalactic galaxies was proposed (Hubble, USA).
It is the first time to put forward the view that the Milky Way is composed of many subsystems (Lindbergh, Sweden).
Establishing the classification of open clusters (Switzerland Trumpler )。
The discovery of gravitational redshift of spectral lines of Sirius companion star confirms the existence of high-density matter on the white dwarf (Hua Adams, UK).
It is determined that the special emission line in the spectrum of planetary nebula is the forbidden line generated by the double ionization of oxygen under very thin density, thus denying the speculation of the existence of new elements (US Bowen )。
The pulsation theory of Cepheid variable stars (Eddington, UK).
The first international longitude measurement.
The classification of globular clusters is proposed (Shapler, USA).
Discover the rotation of the Milky Way and calculate the speed of the sun around the center of the silver and the total mass of the Milky Way (Lindblatt, Sweden, Oldt, Netherlands).
It is the first time to discover the rotation of stars (O. Struwe of the United States, Shain of the Soviet Union).
The invention of the quartz clock, which was later used as a standard time, confirmed that the earth's rotation has fluctuations (Marison, USA).
It is clearly proposed to use the inhomogeneity of the earth's rotation to explain some deviations of the moon's motion (Hollandecht).
Put forward the theory of gravitational instability on the origin of celestial bodies (Kings, England).
It is found that the relationship between the luminosity of the galaxy and the red shift of its spectral line indicates that the light from the nebula shows a red shift of spectral line, and its value is proportional to the distance of the nebula (Hubble, USA).
1930 to 1939
According to the perturbation theory of planetary motion, the discovery of Pluto is another verification of universal gravitation (Tombaugh, USA).
Invented the "coronagraph" to solve the difficulty of observing the corona during non total solar eclipse (Liyue, France).
invention Catadioptric telescope (Schmidt, Germany).
The discovery of sub giant and sub dwarf stars (Stromborg, USA Kuiper )。
Measurement of the radiation and temperature of the moon (Ai Poti, Sai Nicholson, USA).
The discovery of interstellar light absorption in the Milky Way reveals the existence of interstellar diffuse matter (Trumpler, USA).
It is confirmed by spectral analysis that the main component of Venus' atmosphere is carbon dioxide (Hua Adams, Durham, USA).
From 1931 to 1933, from the spectral photos of Jupiter, Saturn and other exoplanets, it was recognized that the atmosphere of these giant planets was rich in ammonia, methane and hydrogen, so it was speculated that the atmosphere was composed of water, ammonia, methane and hydrogen when the Earth was formed (American Swiver, American German Wilder )。
From the steady and persistent noise in the radio reception, the radio waves from the extrasolar Milky Way were discovered, and the research of radio astronomy began (Jansky, USA).
Belgium Lemet proposed the universe model of "primitive atom" explosion expansion.
Lie Landau of the Soviet Union used Fermi gas model to speculate the mass of star collapse.
From 1933 to 1938, it was found that the interstellar medium contained molecules of cyanide and hydride (Belgian Swens, Canadian German Herzberg , American Hua Adams, etc.).
The second international longitude measurement.
Established in China Nanjing Zijinshan Observatory
Theoretically, it is predicted that a "neutron star" can be formed when the collapse of a star reaches the nuclear density (Zweiki, USA, Bud, German American).
It is proposed that a cooled celestial body with a mass greater than 1.3 suns will inevitably collapse under the "universal gravitation" (Indian American Qian Cisikeha).
Published a master table of stellar parallax (Schlesinger, USA, etc.).
Photographic observation of meteors confirmed that most meteors belong to the solar system, and the density of the upper atmosphere of the earth was measured using meteor observation data (Weber, USA).
Discovering seasonal variations in the Earth's rotation rate (Stoico, France).
Germany Heidelberg The Institute of Astronomical Computation has compiled a FK8 basic catalog of 1535 stars.
It is proposed that hydrogen is the nuclear fuel, carbon is the catalyst, and helium is the main mechanism of thermonuclear reaction of ashes on the sun and stars, so as to clarify their energy sources (Betty, German American, Christfeld, and von Wetzsack, Germany).
The discovery of two moons of Jupiter, Ganymede and Ganymede (Seth Nicholson, USA).
It has been compiled into a general catalog of 33342 basic stars, including their positions and proper motions (Bowes, USA).
Attest to the unevenness of the earth's rotation (Spencer Jones, UK).
The first "shining star" was found, and its brightness changed in a short time (Van Marnen, Netherlands).
From the study of the spin of the Andromeda Nebula, it is calculated that its total mass is equivalent to that of the Milky Way (Huo Babcock, USA).
According to general relativity, it is predicted that stars can form "black hole" super dense stars in the final stage of gravitational collapse (USA Oppenheimer Snyder )。
From 1937 to 1940, the first parabolic antenna radio telescope with a diameter of 9 meters was established to study the intensity distribution of cosmic radio, and it was confirmed that the radio intensity from the direction of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy was the largest (American Leibo).
establish Zodiacal light Theory (Wiebel, Netherlands).
The morphological classification of prominence was proposed (Ai Poti, USA).
The hypothesis that stars are condensed by interstellar dust matter under the action of radiation pressure was put forward (Spitz, USA).
The telescope that invented the crescent shaped lens (Maksutov, USSR).
The discovery of the mass exchange process of close binary stars (Russian American O. Struwe).
The neutrino theory on the evolution of stars was put forward, and it was believed that after the hydrogen in the stars was exhausted, the stars would become hotter due to further thermonuclear reactions, thus it was believed that life on Earth died due to overheating (Gamov, Russian American).
It is proved that the special spectral line in the coronal spectrum is the forbidden line generated when iron, nickel, calcium and other atoms are highly ionized, which solves the so-called mystery of new elements (Edron, Sweden).
The British Army's radar station discovered the radio of the sun.
Proposed the electromagnetic theory of the origin of the solar system (Sweden Alfen )。
The solar parallax value is accurately measured by observing asteroids, and the precise distance between the sun and the earth is obtained (Spencer Jones, UK).
The core of Andromeda Nebula and its two elliptical companion nebulae were successfully distinguished into one star, which fully confirmed that the extragalactic nebula is a huge celestial system like the Milky Way, and ended the debate on the nature of extragalactic nebula for more than 100 years (Bud, German American).
The fluid turbulence theory on the origin of the solar system was proposed (Weizak, Germany).
From 1943 to 1946, he proposed the classification of various subsystems of the Milky Way (Kokagin, Soviet Union).
Put forward the theory that stars in the Milky Way can be divided into "two star families" (Bud, German American).
Put forward the meteorite hypothesis of the origin of the solar system (O. Schmidt, Soviet Union).
It was found that Saturn's largest moon (Titan) has atmosphere, and the main component is methane (Kuiper, Dutch American).
Netherlands vander Hus According to the hyperfine structure of hydrogen atom microwave, the existence of radio waves of 21cm wavelength emitted by interstellar neutral hydrogen is predicted.
The creation of a six color photometric system for stars (Stepping, USA).
The first large-scale use of radar to study meteor showers (Lovell, UK).
The discovery of a globule, which is believed to be the embryo of a star (Bock, German American).
The United States explored the moon with radar for the first time.
The first "radio star" was discovered, later called "radio source" (Hershey, Parson, Jay Phillips, UK).
A new theory of stellar evolution is proposed based on the thermonuclear reaction theory (German American Ma Schwarzschild).
From 1947 to 1948, I used infrared light to take pictures of the core of the Milky Way Galaxy and study its structure (Stepin of the United States, Karinek, Krasovsky, Nikov of the Soviet Union).
Discover the young star group - Star Association (Soviet Union Anba Chumian )。
Sikot Alin Meteorite in the Soviet Union Siberia Land.
find Uranus One of its moons, Eupatorium, reversed from east to west (Kuiper, Dutch American).
Invented telescope Automatic star guide (Huo Babcock, USA).
The discovery of the magnetic field of stars (Babcock and Son of the United States).
A uniform and isotropic steady state expansion universe model is proposed, so that matter and energy are constantly produced from nothingness, and the total entropy of the universe never increases (Bondi, Gold Hoyle )。
propose fixed star Evolutionary theory of matter ejection (Fissenkov, USSR).
Proposed the protoplanet hypothesis of the origin of the solar system (Kuiper, Dutch American).
Invention of radio frequency divider (Willard, MacReady, Australia).
A special asteroid named Icarus was found, whose perihelion distance is less than 0.2 AU, and can enter the orbit of Mercury (Bud, German American).
U.S.A Palomar Observatory A reflecting telescope with a diameter of five meters is installed and used.
Neptune's second moon, Neptune Europa, was discovered.
The discovery of starlight polarization effect and Faraday rotation effect in radio band proves that there is interstellar matter and magnetic field in the Milky Way (Hiltner and Jo Hall of the United States).
propose The origin of the universe The original fireball theory (Russian American Gamov, etc.).
Making the first "atomic clock", now called "ammonia molecular clock" (absorption type), is of great value for establishing frequency and time benchmarks and proofreading astronomy (Li Rong, USA).
Put forward the theory that comets are formed by the collapse of a major planet (Holt, Netherlands).
The discovery of radio in extragalactic galaxies (George Brown, British, Hazeld, Australia).
Recalculate the movement table of the five planets from 1653 to 2060 with an electronic computer (USA Clemens De Brouwell, Ike).
The discovery of various forms of matter bridges between galaxies confirms that the intergalactic space is not a vacuum, indicating that some galaxies are physically related to each other (Zweiki, Swiss American).
False zodiacal light was found (Fissenkov, USSR).
The turbulence hypothesis on the origin of celestial bodies was proposed (Weizak, Germany).
The discovery of Jupiter's twelfth moon, Ganymede. It is a reversal from east to west (Seth Nicholson, USA).
Invention of electronic telescope and photoelectric imaging technology (Larmang, France).
The discovery of 21 cm radio radiation of neutral hydrogen in the Milky Way (Eun, USA Purcell )。
It proves that there is a vortex structure in the Milky Way (William Morgan, USA, etc.).
Invent super Schmidt telescope with large field of view for observation meteor Comet and later man-made satellites (USA Becker )。
Invention of Radio Interferometer (Waugh Christensen, Australia).
Prove that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy (Holt, Netherlands).
It is confirmed that the astrological association near Perseus is expanding (Belau, Netherlands).
To Cepheid Peripheral light relation The zero point value is corrected to make the original Extragalactic galaxy The distance has doubled accordingly (Bud, German American).
A new hypothesis of the origin of the solar system was proposed from the chemical point of view (Yuri, USA).
Invented a lunar camera to accurately determine the position of the moon (USA Markowitz )。
The discovery of this supercluster is Galaxy It is located in the huge galaxy cluster (Vogul, France).
Put forward the hypothesis of hierarchical structure on the origin of celestial bodies (Hoyle, UK).
It is found that the chain like structure of star arrangement is called star chain, which indicates that stars are formed in the fiber nebula (Feisenkov, USSR).
Propose the gravitational agglomeration hypothesis of the origin of celestial bodies (Raiz, USA).
Compiled the "General Table of Star's Radial Velocity", listing the radial velocity and other data of 15106 stars (edited by Lai Wilson of the United States).
The mechanism of star formation by the mixture of interstellar gas and dust under the action of shock waves is proposed (Holt, Netherlands).
The invention of superman difference prism altimeter improves the accuracy of time measurement (Tanjung, France).
It is found that there are basic differences between the Herloths of the two major star families, which indicates that stars belonging to different star families have different evolutionary paths (Sundage, USA).
It was the first time to receive radio radiation from the planet (Jupiter) (Burke and Franklin, UK).
The first cesium atomic clock was made, which has a stability of 10 billionths of a second and is used as the time standard (Essen, UK).
Ambachumen of the Soviet Union proposed the theory of "explosion of ultra dense matter" on the origin of celestial bodies.
U.S.A Fowler It is suggested that the nuclear reaction of supernovae can produce superheavy elements, and the explosion of type I supernovae is caused by the spontaneous fission of californium 254.
China established the Beijing Observatory.
According to the polarized light measurement results, Holt and Walraf of the Netherlands concluded that the magnetic field in the Crab Nebula is in the filament structure of the nebula, and the energy of accelerating particles is enough to make this nebula a strong cosmic ray source.
The United States has detected solar radiation for the first time.
The Soviet Union launched a space rocket to hit the moon and found that it had no magnetic field and radiation belt.
The Soviet Union launched a lunar probe and took the first picture of the back of the moon.
A.D. 1960
The synthetic aperture method of radio telescope invented by Lear and Kuesh in England.
Introduction to Vision
According to the resolution of the 8th International Astronomical Association in 1952, the almanac was adopted since 1960.
In the 1960s, it made achievements called "Four Major Astronomical Discoveries": Microwave background radiation Pulsar a quasar and Interstellar molecules At the same time, human beings have broken through the constraints of the earth and can observe celestial bodies in the sky. except visible light The ultraviolet, infrared radio waves X-ray Gamma ray Can be observed. These make Space astronomy The great development has also had a great impact on the achievements of modern astronomy.
Year 2015
New Horizons takes the clearest picture of Pluto to date
twenty-first century
Introduce magnification
Astronomy has entered a new stage by using many different types of telescopes to collect information about the universe. Most telescopes are placed on the earth, but some telescopes are placed in space and run in orbit, such as Hubble Space Telescope At present, astronomers can also learn some space information by launching space probes.
Over the years, astronomical observation means have expanded from traditional optical observation to all electromagnetic bands from radio, infrared, ultraviolet to X-ray and gamma ray. This led to the discovery of a large number of new celestial bodies and phenomena: quasars Active galaxy , pulsar, microwave background radiation Interstellar molecule , X-ray binary Gamma ray source And so on, making astronomical research unprecedented prosperity and activity.
2m caliber Space telescope It has entered the track and started work. A batch of 10 meter caliber Optical telescope It will be completed. radio Very long baseline interference array and space of aspect Very long baseline interferometer , infrared space telescope facilities, X-ray advanced X-ray astronomical facilities, etc. will soon be available. Gamma ray observatory It has been put into work. The power of these instruments is huge, far exceeding the existing astronomical equipment. Predictably, these Astronomical instrument The input and use of will certainly inject new vitality into astronomy, and raise people's understanding of the universe to a new level. Astronomy is on the eve of a great leap. [2]


Astronomy is a natural science that studies the structure and development of celestial bodies and the universe, including the structure, nature and operation rules of celestial bodies.
Human beings are born between heaven and earth, and have been exploring the mysteries of the universe since a very early age. Therefore, astronomy is the oldest science, and it was closely related to human labor and survival from the beginning. It, together with mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geosciences, is one of the six basic disciplines.
The study of astronomy has great practical significance for our life, such as timing, making calendars, determining directions, etc. The development of astronomy has a great impact on human's view of nature.
One of the major topics in astronomy is the origin and evolution of various celestial bodies. The main research method of astronomy is observation. Constantly creating and improving observation means has become a subject of unremitting efforts of astronomers.

Unresolved problems

Astronomy has made great progress in understanding the universe and its related properties. But there are still some astronomical problems that cannot be solved. To answer these questions, there may be new ground or space Astronomical instrument , maybe in theoretical astronomy or Observational astronomy New progress is needed.
What is the source of the stellar mass spectrum? Why do astronomers observe the same stellar mass distribution (initial mass function) regardless of the initial conditions? It may be necessary to have a deeper understanding of the formation of stars and planets.
Is there extraterrestrial life? If there is extraterrestrial life, is there intelligence? If there is intelligent alien life, how to explain Fermi paradox. The existence of extraterrestrial life has important implications in science and philosophy - does the solar system have its uniqueness?
What caused the formation of the universe? Is it right to fine tune the universe hypothesis? Yes, is this the result of natural selection of the universe? What causes the universe to expand, leading to a uniform universe? Why is there baryon asymmetry?
What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? Dark matter and dark energy determine the evolution and destiny of the universe, but mankind is still not clear about its essence. What will be the ultimate fate of the universe?
How did the first galaxy form? How did supermassive black holes form?
What causes super high energy cosmic rays?

Opening colleges and universities

Among the first level disciplines, there are three universities with the "doctoral level" authorization nationwide, and three participated in the discipline evaluation of the Ministry of Education in 2012; Some universities with "doctoral level II" authorization and master's authorization participated in the evaluation; There are 5 universities participating in the evaluation. Note: The following colleges and universities with the same score are listed in the order of school code. [2]

Development prospect

It is understood that at present, there are not many universities offering astronomy at undergraduate level in China, only Nanjing University Peking University , University of Science and Technology of China and Beijing Normal University Guangzhou University There are only a few of them, and most of the researchers working in this field have rich background. It can be said that astronomy is a subject that needs long-term research and solid scientific knowledge. Astronomy is a cross discipline with applied disciplines such as aerospace, geodesy and national defense. Students can show their talents in these fields after graduation. According to the statistics of positions related to astronomy, the area with the best employment prospects for astronomy is Wuhan. Ranked No.1 in the "Astronomy" category.