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Don't Ignore Children's "Sensory Integration Disorder"

http://www.sina.com.cn    10:19, February 14, 2004    Yangzi Evening News  

Children's medical experts point out that some children often bump or fall down, their language coordination is poor, their singing is often out of tune, and they stutter when speaking in class. These are all manifestations of sensory integration disorder, which leads many children to be withdrawn, stubborn, lack of self-confidence, and love provocative fights. In this case, parents should not blame their children, but cooperate with the school to correct their children as soon as possible. Otherwise, the child's psychological pressure will be greater, and the result may be worse.

Experts believe that the reason for children's "sensory integration disorder" is, on the one hand, congenital factors. Some mothers are busy with work, anxious and lack of exercise during pregnancy, and tension has a great impact on the development of their children's sensory system. In addition, the cesarean section rate is increasing, children are not squeezed by the birth canal when they are born, and children skip such important growth stages as crawling in the process of growth, which is very harmful to the children's sense of touch and joints. On the other hand, parents over protect and pamper their children, resulting in their children's lack of operational ability. In addition, many parents have prematurely added the competitive consciousness of adult society to their children, which has increased their children's burden and deprived them of opportunities to play and contact the outside world.

Experts suggest that the best way to correct children's "sensory integration disorder" is to let them play well and contact nature more. Parents and teachers should create a free and relaxed learning and living environment for children, and give children the right to play. Yi Bo

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