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10 Tips to Improve Pregnancy

http://www.sina.com.cn       Health Times  

In addition to age, our ovarian function, uterine environment, living habits, and stress index are all related to our fertility geometry. If we know how to maintain, even at the age of 40, our fertile body can have healthy fertility

1. Enjoy sex sports - 2.5 years younger

The survey found that women who keep regular sex are 2.5 years younger than those who quit early. In addition to loving life more, regular orgasm experience can increase the secretion of vagina and cervix, which can act as the escort and pioneer of sperm, weaken the acidic environment in vagina, and make sperm easy to survive. Moreover, when sexually excited, the cervix will also open the door for sperm, which is conducive to sperm entry and makes pregnancy possible.

2. Maintain a healthy weight - too fat or too thin is too much

Few women with exercise habits are overweight, and weight is also related to women's fertility. Experts found two extremes - people who are too heavy or too light are not easy to get pregnant. The reason is that low body weight will cause insufficient secretion of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland, which will reduce the production of eggs by the ovary and gradually lead to chronic anovulation and infertility. However, overweight will lead to the increase of androgen in the body, leading to polycystic ovary and hirsutism, further leading to chronic anovulation and infertility.

3. It's good to be vegetarian - but it's better not to be all vegetarian

German experts divided the women who participated in the experiment into two groups. In one group, except for eating a small amount of cheese and milk, other foods were all vegetarian; The other group ate normally. After the 6-week weight loss plan, the researchers found that the weight of the two groups of experimenters had dropped by the same extent, and under the same amount of exercise, 78% of the women who took all vegetarian diet had physiological phenomenon of ovulation cessation, and almost all the groups had shorter menstrual cycles than normal. But in the normal diet group, 67% of women ovulated normally, and their menstrual cycle did not change significantly.

4. Vitamin E supplement - oil the ovary

Beauty salons use essential oil to maintain ovaries, but the essential oil smeared on the skin cannot reach the ovaries deeply buried in the body through the skin, muscles, abdominal cavity, etc. A better way to maintain the ovaries is to increase the intake of edible oil. Because all kinds of edible oils contain a large amount of vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, animal experiments have found that proper supplementation of vitamin E can delay the process of gonadal atrophy and play an anti-aging role. The daily intake of vitamin E is 150-300 mg.

5. Wear less tights to prevent endometriosis

According to the latest research report of British scientists, tight clothes and pants generate great pressure around the uterus and fallopian tubes. When tight clothes are removed, the pressure on the fallopian tubes will be reduced, but the pressure on the thicker uterus will remain for a period of time. The pressure difference makes endometrial cells leave the uterus and enter the ovary, forming endometriosis. According to British official statistics, at present, about 10%~15% of women of childbearing age in Britain suffer from endometriosis, while Indian women wearing loose sari suffer from endometriosis less.

6. Regular exercise - pregnancy requires exercise

Don't either stay still, or you'll be tired to death. Experts say that exercise is the lesson of constant flow of fine water. Long term sitting will lead to lymphatic or blood embolism, which will make the fallopian tube impassable.

It is suggested that women who postpone the pregnancy plan indefinitely should maintain about 30 minutes of exercise every day. Or at least stand up and stretch every 40 minutes. For example, walking, swimming, yoga, etc. after work can effectively improve the circulatory barrier caused by sedentary. Keep your fertility in good condition.

7. Wear less high-heeled shoes to minimize health risks

Not to be a mother, she gave up the chance to be a beautiful lady. High heels are still needed in the context of Party and workplace diplomacy. However, experts warn that wearing high heels for a long time will cause the body to tilt, thus reducing the angle with the ground, and the pelvis will also tilt. Over time, it will not only displace the pelvic cavity, but also easily cause the uterus to tilt forward, increasing the probability of infertility. Therefore, it is better to prepare more comfortable flat shoes.

8. Good contraception - protect your pregnancy resources

Consult your doctor to choose a suitable contraceptive method, because repeated abortions after frequent and unexpected pregnancies are the biggest overdraft for pregnancy. Experts said that scraping the endometrium with forceps made the uterine wall thinner and the endometrium less and less. Even because the curettage was too heavy, the basal layer of some endometrium was involved, making it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant. Secondly, after abortion, it is easy to be infected, causing gynecological inflammation, which further affects the motility and survival time of sperm, and reduces the fertility as well.

9. Refuse to have sex during menstruation - don't let your body get hurt at the most vulnerable time

The debate about whether menstruation can make love is still ongoing. But if you care about your fertility, don't take risks. Experts found that the reproductive tract mucosa during menstruation is in a damaged state. If you have sex, it will open the door for sperm and its antigen to enter the blood, sperm and immune cells to contact, and it is easy to produce ASAb antibodies. Once this antibody is produced, the sperm injected into the body will agglutinate, lose its activity, and will not be able to successfully conceive. Among women with unexplained infertility, about 80% found ASAb antibodies in serum tests.

10. Reduce vaginal flushing - too much is too little

Experts believe that vaginal irrigation should not be carried out too frequently and can be used under the guidance of doctors when necessary. Because frequent flushing will destroy the balance of vaginal environment. The survey found that the risk of ectopic pregnancy of those who used washing equipment was 3-4 times higher than that of those who never did vaginal washing. In addition, vaginal irrigation may also become an inducement for salpingitis and pelvic inflammation. Therefore, if you have gynecological inflammation, please see a doctor in time.

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