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Watch out for cold in front foot, laryngitis in back foot

 Watch out for cold in front foot, laryngitis in back foot
Watch out for cold in front foot, laryngitis in back foot

Acute laryngitis in children is a very dangerous respiratory emergency. Once a child snores in his throat, he should seek medical advice in time.

As the weather turns cold, the child may catch a cold if he is not careful. Although cold is a minor disease, acute laryngitis caused by cold is more dangerous. If it is delayed for a long time or not treated properly, it may endanger children's lives. Ren Rongna, chief physician of pediatrics at Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region, reminded that the temperature has become cold recently, so we should be alert to acute laryngitis caused by children's colds.

   Acute laryngitis is a dangerous respiratory emergency

There is a 3-year-old boy named Doudou in Gulou District, Fuzhou City. Ten days ago, parents took Doudou to her grandmother's house in the countryside. Doudou caught a cold the first night at his grandmother's house. He had a runny nose and a cough. His parents gave him some cold granules, and Doudou slept peacefully that night. But when he woke up the next morning, Doudou's cold symptoms did not improve. In the afternoon, parents took Doudou back to Fuzhou. At night, when Doudou slept until midnight, he suddenly had difficulty breathing, gasped, hoarse voice, and could hardly hear his cry. His parents rushed him to Fuzhou General Hospital for pediatric treatment. Ren Rongna found that the child had acute throat edema and airway obstruction, and was diagnosed with acute laryngitis. Doudou was immediately admitted to hospital for treatment. After a week of treatment, Doudou finally recovered and left the hospital.

According to Ren Rongna, acute laryngitis in children is a very dangerous respiratory emergency. Children under 7 years old are more common, and infants aged 6 months to 3 years old have the highest incidence. At the beginning of acute laryngitis, the child may have bursts of coughing sounds, and snoring sounds in his throat, as if he could not cough with phlegm. If the child has dyspnea, irritability, purple lips, sweating and other symptoms, it is a sign of aggravation of the disease, and parents should be particularly vigilant. The most dangerous is that the child appears pale, incontinence, suffocation, coma and other symptoms, and may even die from suffocation.

   Why do children get acute laryngitis easily?

Ren Rongna pointed out that children are prone to acute laryngitis mainly due to the following reasons:

First, the laryngeal cavity of children is narrow, and the cross-sectional area of the glottis and subglottic area is much smaller than that of adults. Once the laryngeal mucosa is swollen due to inflammation, it will lead to dyspnea.

Second, the throat mucosa and gland tissue of children are rich. Children not only have abundant lymphatic vessels in the mucosa, but also loose tissues under the mucosa, so when infected with inflammation, the swelling is very serious.

Third, the laryngeal cartilage of children is relatively soft and weak in support. When the throat is narrowed due to inflammation, in the inspiratory phase, the negative pressure of the child's chest, trachea and throat increases, causing the laryngeal cartilage to sink into the middle, and the laryngeal cavity becomes more narrow.

Fourth, the laryngeal nerve of children is more sensitive. When sensitive nerves are stimulated, it is easy to cause muscle spasm in the throat, resulting in laryngeal stenosis.

Fifth, the cough function of children is weak, and it is not easy to discharge the secretion in the throat and trachea, which is easy to cause laryngeal spasm and laryngeal infarction.

  Experts remind:

Avoid going to public places with cloudy air

Ren Rongna reminded that acute laryngitis is a respiratory disease, so infants should avoid places with many people and turbid air; Even in winter, the room should be ventilated with more windows. In addition, when the weather suddenly turns cold, children should be provided with clothes in time to avoid getting cold.


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