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Children always say that they need to check leukemia for leg pain

http://www.sina.com.cn       Family Health News  

His son often cried out that his legs hurt. Mr. Wang, who was busy with his work, didn't care much at first. He remembered that he also cried out that his legs hurt when he was a child. His mother said that he was short of calcium, so she bought him a lot of calcium tablets to eat; The elderly grandparents said that it was growth pain, and every child would have it. But as his son cried more and more times, and the pain time became longer and longer, Mr. Wang's heart was not secure. He took the child to the hospital, and his son was diagnosed with leukemia. The news was like a bolt from the blue, which was hard for Mr. Wang to accept.

In daily life, children cry about pain in their legs and feet. Many parents do not care if there is no obvious trauma. In fact, children's leg pain is mostly a physiological phenomenon in the process of growth and development, which is often referred to as "growth pain". For growth pain, it can be generally alleviated through rest and calcium supplementation.

Little known is that leukemia can also cause leg pain in children. Because a large number of white blood cells in the bone marrow cavity proliferate, compress, infiltrate and destroy the periosteum, bone cortex and joints, causing bone and joint pain, it is one of the early symptoms of leukemia. There is no obvious difference between leukemia and ordinary leg pain. In addition, the child's description is not clear, so it is easy to be ignored by parents.

In addition, some immune diseases, connective tissue diseases, tuberculous osteoarthritis, and so on can also cause joint pain. Therefore, if the child repeatedly suffers from joint pain, parents should not be careless. It is better to take the child to a regular hospital for blood examination. Only after the pain caused by the disease is eliminated, can it be considered as growth pain.        

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