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How to prevent breast atrophy and prolapse after delivery

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 How to prevent breast atrophy and prolapse after delivery
How to prevent breast atrophy after delivery

The changes of postpartum breasts will surprise new mothers. The beautiful breasts will shrink and droop. How can we prevent these problems? Mother and Child Health takes you to explore the secrets of postpartum breast changes.

   Yingying's mother's worry:

  Postpartum busy feeding baby, breast gradually atrophy, how to do?

Causes of shrinking breasts

Cause 1: Effect of lactation

During the lactation period, new mothers consume a lot of energy. It is hard to take care of the baby. They are too tired and lack of nutrition, so that the fat stored in the body is exhausted and the body shape is obviously wasted. The fat in the breast stroma is also consumed, causing the breast to relax and shrink; Breastfeeding time is too long, ovarian function recovers slowly, sexual hormone secretion is reduced, leading to shrinking breasts.

  Reason 2: Effect of estrogen and progesterone

During pregnancy and puerperium, due to the effect of a large amount of estrogen and progesterone, the mammary duct hyperplasia, acinar hyperplasia, fat content increase, and the breast is plump. After weaning, the hormone level decreases, the mammary gland atrophy, acinar collapse and disappearance, connective tissue replaces fat tissue again, and the breast shrinks and becomes smaller.

  Cause 3: influence of sex hormones

Some new mothers are indifferent to sexual requirements and lack of sexual stimulation after childbirth, which will also make breasts shrink and become smaller.

The new mother did this:

Pay attention to adequate rest after delivery, let the physical strength recover quickly, supplement sufficient nutrition during lactation, and avoid rapid weight loss in a short time; Breastfeeding time is limited, generally 8-12 months; Postpartum contraception can restore sexual life.

  Lele's mother's worry:

Before, my breast was very straight, but after feeding my baby, my breast gradually sagged. How can I make my breast back straight?

  Causes of breast ptosis

The intersection of the lower edge of the breast and the surface of the torso is called the breast crinkle wall. Under normal circumstances, especially for young women, the horizontal position of the nipple is above the breast crinkle wall. If the nipple is "dropped" below it, it is called breast ptosis. The more severe the drop, the lower the "drop".

The reason is that after pregnancy, due to the influence of hormones, fat tissue and breast tissue in the breast will proliferate, making the breast significantly larger. Of course, the skin on the breast surface will also be stretched. After production, the amount of hormones decreases. If there is no lactation, the fat and breast tissue will decrease rapidly. The skin of the breast that has been stretched will naturally collapse when the contents are reduced. Some women do not know how to protect their breasts during lactation, and do not pay attention to wearing a conformal bra to support and support the breast, which makes the hanging ligament of the breast become loose and cause breast prolapse.

  The new mother did this:

For women with larger breasts, in order to avoid postpartum breast prolapse, they should choose a bra of appropriate size with the increase of breasts during pregnancy, and must not not wear it, otherwise it is easy to prolapse. After childbirth, they should also wear a bra of smaller size with the reduction of breasts, which is enough to provide appropriate support.

It is better to feed breast milk after delivery, because, on one hand, breast milk is the most comprehensive nutrition for the baby, and on the other hand, breast feeding can also prevent the breast from shrinking too fast and reduce the chance of breast sagging. However, it is wrong for some new mothers not to feed the baby in order to maintain a beautiful figure and prevent the breast from shrinking and sagging. In the process of breastfeeding, the baby's action of sucking the nipple will continuously stimulate the breast tissue of the new mother's breast endocrine milk. The more external stimulation the breast tissue receives, the more developed it will be. This is the same with the truth that the more muscle movement, the stronger it will be. Therefore, the new mother who insists on breastfeeding will become more firm, rather than loose and sagging, after breastfeeding.

During lactation, we should insist on physical exercise. Breast expansion exercises can make the breast firm, delay breast shrinkage, and prevent breast sagging;

Massage the breast locally to promote the blood and lymph circulation in the breast and the development of breast tissue, so as to avoid breast sagging.

  Qiqi's mother's worry:

Before I gave birth to a child, my breasts were very symmetrical, but after breast-feeding, I found that my breasts were one big and one small. What happened?

  Reasons for asymmetric size

During lactation, when one breast is fixed, some common breast diseases such as inflammation, breast duct obstruction, etc. can also cause asymmetry of breast size on both sides.

  The new mother did this:

During breast-feeding, the new mother should adopt the correct feeding method. The two breasts should be fed alternately. When the baby only eats one breast empty, the mother should use a breast pump to empty the other side of the breast, keep the size of the breasts on both sides symmetrical, and keep the nipples clean to prevent postpartum mastitis.

  Huanhuan's mother's worry:

  After giving birth to a baby, the breast becomes larger than before. What is the reason?

At present, there is no exact medical report indicating that there is an absolute correlation between breast size changes before and after delivery. However, there is a saying that those with larger breasts are more likely to shrink after childbirth; Those with small breasts are more likely to upgrade the cup after delivery.

For mothers whose cup will be slightly upgraded, in addition to congratulations, it may be explained that the breast grows again through the stimulation of pregnancy.

   Methods of restoring charming chest shape after delivery

Supplying soy milk, chicken feet, pig hands, nuts, papaya, snow clams, etc. in the recuperating diet can improve the postpartum breast relaxation caused by tissue damage and collagen loss. Eating green papaya powder on an empty stomach can not only reduce weight, but also dredge the breast to prevent breast obstruction, leading to breast cancer, leaf hyperplasia and other diseases, It is a rare good helper for female body shaping and postpartum breast care. You can also eat kudzu root powder to supplement phytoestrogen. However, it is unrealistic to hope that postpartum breast secondary development can be achieved by supplementing estrogen.

Adhere to exercise and exercise according to your physical condition. Pay attention to the intensity of exercise within 6 months after delivery. Don't do too intense exercise. Start with mild exercise, step by step, and consult the obstetrician and gynecologist when necessary. In addition, if breast strengthening plan is being carried out while breast-feeding, breast-feeding should be carried out before exercise as far as possible to avoid excessive arm movement, and a large amount of water should be drunk to prevent dehydration.

If you have passed the lactation period, or the breast has shrunk, you should pay attention to every move in your daily life, and even assist with some physical exercise to help restore the elasticity and bodybuilding of your breast.

Frequently massage Before bathing, water bathing and sunbathing, apply a layer of softening, vitamin containing cosmetic ointment and lotion on the breast, and then massage; For women with poor chest hair, the best way to prevent postpartum breast relaxation is to properly strengthen the chest, back and fitness load physical exercise, such as swimming, boating, etc.

The feeding position should be correct. Let the baby hold the nipple and most of the areola. Try to use the nipple cover. The nipples can be cleaned with warm water in the morning and evening every day. Do not scrub them with soap, alcohol, etc. to prevent local skin from drying or cracking. Do not pull out the nipple forcibly after breastfeeding to avoid nipple damage. Let the baby open his mouth and spit out the nipple.

Learn the correct milking method to avoid breast pain and damage caused by improper manipulation. Wear cotton bras of appropriate size, and change and wash underwear frequently. Do not tighten the waist and chest. If you wear tight clothes for a long time, it will hinder the normal development of the breast, and may also cause nipple retraction.

Keep personal hygiene, change underwear frequently after delivery, wash the body frequently with clean water every day, and keep nipples clean to prevent postpartum mastitis.

When standing, do not bend over and shrug your shoulders. When sitting or lying, do not lean left or right, or it will affect the normal development of the spine, chest and breast.

  Recommended chest care products

FREEDAYSKIN Breast Massage Essential Oil/230 yuan

In addition to stimulating circulation and balancing endocrine, the essential oil can strengthen the chest and soften the body skin.

Clarins Breast Strengthening Gel/560 yuan

Improve chest position and prevent chest sagging. When the breast begins to relax, it can effectively tighten the chest tissue.

Pigeon Breast Massage Gel/130 yuan

This quality uses food grade ingredients such as vegetable oil, which will not have adverse effects on breast milk and infants. It protects the nipples from the stimulation during feeding, and can restore the perfect curve and elasticity of the chest after delivery.

Clarins Chest Regulating Milk/480 yuan

Long term massage can help to make the chest stronger, and make the chest skin softer, more elastic and contoured. It can also slow down the natural aging phenomenon of the chest.

American Yaer Breast Firming Massage Cream/70 yuan

Promote skin metabolism, make breasts fuller, increase the elasticity of chest tissue, and improve the appearance of the chest.

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