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How to detect early congenital dislocation of hip joint

http://www.sina.com.cn       "Answering Questions on the Way to Childcare"  

   Is the child congenital dislocation of hip joint

My baby is 2 months old. The leg lines of both legs are asymmetric. Some doctors say it is congenital dislocation of the hip joint. What are the symptoms of congenital dislocation of the hip joint, Dr. Zhang? What harm will it do when you grow up? If my baby has this disease, how should I deal with it now?

   Answer: The clinical manifestations of congenital dislocation of the hip are not all the same due to the different ages, degrees of dislocation, and unilateral or bilateral lesions of the children.

Limping gait. The body of the unilateral dislocation swayed to the affected side, and the body of the bilateral dislocation swayed from side to side in a "duck step".

Unilateral dislocation has unequal length of both lower limbs, and asymmetrical leg and hip lines. The perineum widened in patients with bilateral dislocation.

If the treatment is improper or not timely, the child will feel pain in the waist and hip after growing up, which will affect the labor and physical beauty.

The treatment before 6 months is relatively simple: put trapezoidal urine pillow or frog position splint at the perineum of both legs of the newborn or infant to keep both legs in a high abduction frog position. At the same time, make the diaper pad thicker, and it can be cured in 3 to 4 months. After 3 years of age, conservative or surgical treatment was adopted. After 8 years old, the treatment effect is not ideal.

   So early detection and early treatment are the key. How to discover early:

Check whether the length and thickness of the child's lower limbs are the same, and whether the hip lines or leg lines are symmetrical. The problematic leg is short and thick, with many leg lines.

Whether the bilateral or unilateral hip joints are fully abducted for 90 °, and whether the hip joints have "bounce sound" when abducting. The dislocated side cannot be extended to 90 ° and there is a "bounce sound".

Put the child's hip and knee flexion on the platform in the supine position, and it can be seen that the height of the knees is different.

X-ray examination further confirmed the diagnosis.

According to your child's condition, it is recommended that you take your child to the pediatric orthopedics department for further diagnosis, and follow the doctor's advice for nursing and treatment.

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