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Ten taboos for expectant mothers in labor

http://www.sina.com.cn    11:43, April 23, 2009    Shunwang - Contemporary Health News  

   The puerpera should make some preparations when they are in labor, and pay attention to the following aspects:

   Fear Pregnant women have different degrees of fear of childbirth. This kind of bad psychology will not only affect the diet and sleep of pregnant women before delivery, but also hinder the stress ability of the whole body, so that the body can not quickly enter the "best state" of labor. In fact, in modern medical conditions, as long as prenatal examination is carried out, the safety of delivery is very high.

   Second, avoid haste Some pregnant women are anxious to give birth as soon as possible before the expected date of birth, and they are restless all day when the expected date of birth comes. They do not understand that there is a range of activities in the expected date of delivery. It is normal for them to move forward 10 days or delay 10 days or so.

   Three taboos: carelessness Some pregnant women are careless and still don't care when they reach the end of pregnancy. As a result, when you are in labor, you are often in a hurry due to insufficient preparation, so it is easy to make mistakes.

   Four taboos tiredness It refers to physical or mental overwork. In the pregnancy period, activities should be appropriately reduced, and the work intensity should also be appropriately reduced, especially attention should be paid to good rest and adequate sleep.

   Five taboos: laziness Some women are afraid of abortion in the early pregnancy and premature delivery in the late pregnancy. They dare not move during the whole pregnancy. Some pregnant women are unwilling to take more activities because of laziness. In fact, the parturient with too little activity during pregnancy is more likely to have difficulties in delivery. Therefore, pregnant women should not live too lazy at the end of pregnancy, nor should they stay in bed for a long time.

   Six taboos The survey shows that pregnant women encounter greater difficulties in life and work, or unexpected unfortunate events, which can make pregnant women depressed, sad and depressed before delivery. This negative emotion can affect the smooth delivery. Some husbands or parents in law strongly hope to give birth to boys, which has caused invisible pressure to the mothers and is also one of the important incentives for dystocia.

   Seven taboos loneliness Generally, pregnant women will be nervous to some extent before giving birth. At this time, they very much hope to have encouragement and support from others, especially their husbands. Therefore, as a husband, he should spend as much time as possible with his wife before giving birth and take care of her daily life, so that she can feel that you are meeting the test with her. This is the husband's best help for his wife in childbirth.

   Eight taboos: hunger Maternal labor consumes a lot of physical strength. Therefore, the parturient must eat well before giving birth. At this time, family members should find ways to let the puerpera eat more nutritious and digestible food, and avoid entering the delivery room without eating anything.

   Nine taboos: travel far Generally, it is not suitable to travel far after the first half month of the expected production period, especially by car or ship. Because various conditions are restricted during the journey, dystocia is very dangerous once childbirth occurs, which may endanger the safety of mother and child.

   Ten Prohibitions on Drug Abuse Delivery is a normal physiological activity, which generally does not require medication, and there is no medication that can alleviate the abdominal pain of the puerpera. Therefore, the puerpera and their relatives should not act on their own, abuse drugs, or inject oxytocin at will to avoid serious consequences.

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