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Children's waist, legs and feet hurt parents should not be careless

http://www.sina.com.cn    07:56, April 8, 2009    China Women's Network  

Recently, the reporter visited several hospitals and found a very serious practical problem: ankylosing spondylitis has become a major "killer" of adolescent health. In Hebei Traditional Chinese Medicine Apitherapy Center alone, more than 1000 cases have been diagnosed and treated in the past three years, 90% of which are teenagers. Medical experts specially remind that parents must pay high attention to the pain of children's waist, legs and feet.

   The disability rate of ankylosing spondylitis is as high as 80%

Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease with the central axis (spine) as the main part, which can cause spinal fibrosis, calcification and rigidity, involving the sacroiliac joints, causing patients to bend over, and accompanied by varying degrees of damage to the eyes, lungs, cardiovascular, kidney, nervous system and other organs. The onset age of ankylosing spondylitis is usually 10-40 years old, and the peak age of onset is 15-30 years old; The ratio of male to female is 10.5:1. Due to the hidden onset, long course and complex condition of the disease, it is easy to cause missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis in clinical practice, with the misdiagnosis rate reaching 61.8%, even higher for teenagers. Of course, the disability rate has also reached more than 80%.

Xiaoqiang (alias), 20, is a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Xiaoqiang's mother recalled that when Xiaoqiang was 12 years old, he often said that his buttocks and knees hurt. When I went to the local hospital for treatment, the doctor said it was growth pain, a normal phenomenon. The family didn't take it seriously. Slowly, Xiaoqiang developed to stoop and have difficulty walking. The big hospital diagnosed it as sciatica and femoral head necrosis. However, the treatment did not work, but it worsened. Until 4 years ago, Xiaoqiang was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis in a hospital. After more than three months of symptomatic treatment, Xiaoqiang has been able to walk on his feet and live on his own since he was in bed.

Compared with Xiaoqiang, Heilongjiang's birth (alias) was delayed for nearly 20 years. The 32 year old was carried by his family for thousands of miles to seek medical advice. When he was 13 years old, he felt pain in his knees, legs and heels. His parents took him to hospitals and hospitals. He was always diagnosed with rheumatism. Although some medicine could cure him for a period of time, it seemed to be all right, but it recurred every year and became heavier and heavier. His legs gradually atrophied, his toes deformed, and the femoral head necrosis. It was not until his twenties that he was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis.

   Early diagnosis and treatment is ideal for traditional Chinese medicine apitherapy

The reporter visited Han Qiaoju, an expert who has devoted herself to the research and treatment of ankylosing spondylitis for many years. She was also very anxious about the current situation of adolescent ankylosing spondylitis. She said that the current diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis is based on the criteria set by the American Rheumatology Society in 1984. However, if the clinical findings are implemented according to this standard, ankylosing spondylitis has developed to the middle and late stages, and the best diagnosis and treatment period has been missed. Through many years of clinical observation, she found that the early symptoms of this disease in adolescents were mainly knee joint, ankle joint, waist and hip pain, intermittent pain, accompanied by fatigue, and sometimes low fever. At this time, parents should ask the child in detail whether he is weak and has morning stiffness. He also took the child to the hospital for pelvic radiographs, rheumatism, immunity and HLA-B27 examinations for further diagnosis. Early diagnosis and treatment are the key to reduce the disability rate.

Doctor Han Qiaoju said that ankylosing spondylitis was easily misdiagnosed as "growth pain" and "synovitis" in the early stage. In fact, there are differences between them. For example, growth pain is mostly bilateral, mostly seen in the legs of both lower limbs. The pain lasts for a long time and can disappear after rest. Ankylosing spondylitis is mostly characterized by symmetrical or asymmetrical knee joint pain, intermittent attacks, and no relief after rest. Synovitis is usually traumatic synovitis, and secondary synovitis is more common in the elderly.

Doctor Han Qiaoju told the reporter that if we can't make a correct judgment and treatment of the disease as soon as possible, but treat it with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, immune preparations and hormone drugs, although the pain is reduced in the short term, it is easy to cover up the condition, destroy the bone, easily cause necrosis of the femoral head, and seriously damage the organs, causing greater difficulties for future treatment. Some experts pointed out that the current safe and effective treatment of ankylosing spondylitis can adjust the constitution and enhance immunity through traditional Chinese medicine, such as traditional Chinese medicine apitherapy is an ideal choice. (Reporter Zhou Liting)

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