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Which urinary frequency during pregnancy may cause premature delivery

http://www.sina.com.cn    09:12, January 8, 2009    39 Health Network  

Frequent urination is the most common symptom of expectant mothers. However, in addition to normal uterine and head pressure, there are other reasons that can cause frequent urination, such as gestational diabetes, urinary system infection, etc.

Xiao Yin, who has been pregnant for three months, always runs to the toilet recently, and soon wants to urinate again. In fact, frequent urination is the most likely symptom for expectant mothers, which is mainly because the gradually enlarged uterus and fetal head squeeze into the bladder, which makes them feel like urinating, and then develops into frequent urination.

However, I would like to remind all expectant mothers that there are many reasons for frequent urination during pregnancy, including normal uterus and head pressure. In addition, we should be alert to some pathological reasons.

   First of all, what are the non pathological causes of frequent urination during pregnancy?

The bladder is located in the front of the uterus. At the third month of pregnancy, the uterus is enlarged and comes out of the pelvic cavity. The enlarged uterus can be touched above the pubic symphysis. At this time, the enlarged uterus can stimulate the bladder in front, causing frequent urination. In the middle stage, the uterus slowly increases in the abdominal cavity, and the irritation to the bladder is relieved. After 28 weeks of pregnancy, irregular uterine contractions (stiff uterus) can occur in normal time, but there are generally no symptoms; Once uterine contraction stimulates the bladder, frequent urination may occur. If the term is not reached and uterine contractions are frequent, you should seek medical advice in time to prevent premature delivery.

In the later stage of pregnancy, about 38 weeks later, the fetal head drops into the pelvis, which can compress the bladder and cause frequent urination. During the day, when the expectant mother is standing or sitting, the enlarged uterus compresses the large blood vessels in the abdominal cavity, making the venous return of the lower limbs obstructed, the renal blood flow decreased, and the daytime urine volume decreased. Lying in bed at night reduces the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava, increases the renal blood flow, and increases nocturnal urine, which is a very normal physiological phenomenon in the pregnancy of the baby. However, if there are "three more symptoms" of excessive thirst, excessive drinking, and excessive urine with no weight gain, you should seek medical advice in time to eliminate the possibility of gestational diabetes.

Xiaobian said that in addition to the above reasons, frequent urination during pregnancy may also be caused by some diseases. If the following symptoms occur, the pregnant mother should seek medical advice in time.

   1. Urinary tract infection

Although it is normal for many expectant mothers to urinate frequently at the beginning of pregnancy, some pathological signs cannot be ignored. After pregnancy, due to the displacement of the ureter and bladder, urine accumulates in the urinary tract, making it easy for bacteria to multiply and urinary tract infection to occur. If the expectant mother has pain when urinating, or is too impatient to bear, she can check the urine routine to see if it is a disease such as urinary system infection. Pregnancy 4~12 weeks is a sensitive period for fetal teratogenesis. Medication should be carefully used under the guidance of doctors, but it is not absolutely forbidden. You can first drink a lot of water, urinate many times, flush the bladder and urethra, reduce the retention of bacteria in the urinary system, and then properly cooperate with anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce symptoms as soon as possible.

   2. Bladder inflammation

In addition, the frequency of urination may also be due to other causes, such as inflammatory stimulation. When there is inflammation in the bladder, the threshold of nerve perception decreases, and the urinary sense center is in an excited state, resulting in non inflammatory stimulation of the frequency of urination. Urinary calculi and foreign bodies are usually manifested by frequency of urination. Decreased bladder capacity, such as space occupying lesions of the bladder, tuberculous bladder contracture or large bladder stones. The psychoneurotic frequency of urination is only seen in the daytime or before going to sleep at night. It is often nervous or seen in hysterical patients. At this time, it can also be accompanied by urgency and pain in urination. If you urinate frequently with urgency and pain, you must see a doctor in time.

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