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Children with sarcoma should avoid frying fatty food

http://www.sina.com.cn    09:38, July 18, 2008    Guangzhou Daily Dayang  

  More than half of patients go to hospital in the middle and late stages


External application of ointment can accelerate the growth of sarcoma

A Yunfu child had a mass on his knee, which was diagnosed as soft tissue contusion by the local hospital. He opened a lot of ointment and went home to paste it. As a result, the mass grew rapidly. He went to Guangzhou to see a doctor and found it was osteosarcoma. At this time, he lost the opportunity to save his leg because the tumor was too large, and even more unlucky was still to come. The examination found that he had lung metastasis, Even the chance to protect life was lost.

The experts told the reporter with emotion that in the early stage of the onset of long lumps and pain, many patients mistakenly thought they were sprains and bruises, which led to 60% of patients in eastern, western and northern Guangdong who had been treated with traditional Chinese medicine ointment; In the Pearl River Delta and other regions, the proportion is slightly lower, but there are many. "We have seen many patients who have been sticking Chinese medicine for a long time, and the tumor growth rate is significantly higher than the normal level, and some patients even have lung metastasis soon." Wang Jin said that Chinese medicine can produce physical effects, which can support tumor growth and promote its rapid metastasis by promoting blood circulation and removing stasis.

"Sarcoma is highly malignant, and its growth rate is very fast. It only takes two months to transition from the early stage to the middle stage, and then it may enter the late stage and develop into lung metastasis in half a year." Experts remind that never misuse traditional Chinese medicine to promote the development of tumor. If there is swelling and irregular pain in the body, you must go to the hospital specialist for diagnosis to rule out the possibility of sarcoma.

Experts said that in clinical practice, if there is pain or mass near the knee joint of teenagers, it can be diagnosed according to the physical signs, X-ray films and CT findings, and puncture biopsy can be carried out if necessary. Shen Jingnan introduced that the earlier sarcoma is found, the higher the cure rate. Standardized comprehensive treatment is the key to cure sarcoma. "The first diagnosis and treatment is directly related to whether the patient can retain the function of the limbs, and the best time for treatment is the first operation." He introduced that at present, for the clinical treatment of sarcomas, a comprehensive individualized treatment scheme based on surgery, combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, neoadjuvant chemotherapy can kill tumor cells in the body through drugs, which greatly increases the success rate of limb salvage and reconstruction surgery. "At present, the safe limb salvage rate for sarcomas is more than 90%, and the 5-year survival rate is about 70%."

   Patients with sarcoma should avoid fried and fatty food

During the treatment and nursing period, the diet of patients with sarcoma should also be properly adjusted according to the condition, mainly light and easy to absorb.

The following are some beneficial and harmful foods:


Patients can eat more foods that are resistant to bone marrow disease and osteosarcoma, such as ganoderma lucidum, mushroom, kelp, laver, mussel, clam, undaria pinnatifida, almonds and peach kernels.

For bone pain, you should eat more tortoise shells, turtle meat, pangolins, oysters, crabs, shrimp and walnuts.

At the same time, it is better to eat turtle, loach, moray eel, clam, kelp and undaria pinnatifida with enlarged spleen.

Sarcoma patients with anemia should eat pig liver, mushrooms, sesame, bee milk, yellow croaker, peanuts, sea cucumber, grass carp, abalone.

Avoid food:

Avoid smoking, drinking and spicy food.

Avoid mildew, pickling, frying and fatty food.

Avoid mutton, goose, pig head and other hair products.

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