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Causes and hazards of sarcoma in children (figure)

http://www.sina.com.cn    09:38, July 18, 2008    Guangzhou Daily Dayang  
 Causes and hazards of sarcoma in children (figure)
Etiology and harm of sarcoma in children

Recently, the reporter learned from the 2008 International Sarcoma Publicity Day held by the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen University that sarcomas, as a dangerous, high incidence and easily ignored malignant tumor, have become the top three tumors in children. Associate Professor Wang Jin, from the Department of Bone Oncology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen University, said that he regarded joint lumps as sports strain, night pain as growth pain, and self application of Chinese herbal ointment to promote blood circulation and remove stasis... All kinds of misunderstandings led to that more than half of patients were in the middle and late stages of medical treatment. "The first diagnosis and treatment is directly related to whether patients can retain limb function, and the best time for treatment is the first operation," Wang Jin said.

  Sarcoma incidence ranked among the top three tumors in children

"Sarcoma is a very dangerous malignant tumor. It can occur anywhere in the body, often in the deep part of the limbs, such as the subcutaneous, periosteum, and both ends of the long bone. Osteosarcoma is most common in young people, mainly in the limbs, with rapid development and short course of disease; leiomyoma, lymphosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, etc. are also common. All sarcomas may have hematogenous metastasis at an early stage. " Professor Shen Jingnan, Department of Bone Oncology, First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen University.

What is more frightening is that the incidence of sarcomas accounts for 15%~20% of children's tumors, and osteosarcoma in sarcomas is mainly among children and adolescents. Wang Jin introduced that sarcomas have ranked second or third in the incidence of childhood tumors around the world. "Take osteosarcoma, a common sarcoma, for example, which mostly occurs in children aged 10 to 20 years old. Research suggests that it may be related to the rapid growth of human bones at this stage, which is easy to cause cell mutations." Wang Jin introduced that 20 years ago, the hospital treated about 20 children with such diseases a year, but now it treats hundreds of children a year, and the number continues to increase. "Last year, we had 600 cases of surgery alone. In addition to people's increased awareness of seeking medical treatment, the clinic clearly felt that the incidence of sarcoma was increasing, but many pathogenic factors were still unclear," he said.

"Sarcoma is also dangerous because its early clinical symptoms are often ignored, leading more than half of the patients to see their doctor for the first time in the middle and late stages." Shen Jingnan introduced that because the early symptoms of sarcoma are not obvious, they are often misdiagnosed as injuries or arthritis, especially for children and adolescents in multiple groups, Most of the time, it is attributed to recent sports injury or even natural pain in the growth period, and I applied the Dieda ointment myself. I didn't go to the doctor until the mass developed rapidly and the pain was severe, and at this time, it may have entered the middle and late stages. According to clinical statistics, 40%~50% of patients were diagnosed with large tumors, which were difficult to resect or had metastasized, and faced the double threat of being forced to amputate due to local recurrence after surgery or having distant metastasis and endangering life.

"In the early stage of the disease, patients will have irregular dull pain and discomfort in their limbs, but careful observation will find that there is no time relationship between them and exercise. At first, it is intermittent pain, gradually turning into continuous severe pain, and the pain at night is obvious. In fact, most of the malignant tumors represented by sarcomas have a significant feature of 'nocturnal pain', especially osteosarcoma." Shen Jingnan said that in the early stage, 80% of patients can feel the lump, 50% of patients will have "night pain", and in the late stage, almost all patients will have "night pain".

In addition, Experts also made a special reminder for the early self diagnosis of malignant synovial sarcoma: "It is a small tumor that can grow slowly in the ankle. The location of the tumor is very fixed but the boundary is not clear. There is a feeling of tenderness when pressed down. At the later stage of the disease, there will also be vein irritation and local skin temperature rise. The hand feels abnormal heat." Wang Jin said that the above specific features of the sarcoma should be a signal to alert patients to disease.

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