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Visual motor integration ability is related to learning

http://www.sina.com.cn    09:24, August 31, 2007    People's Daily - Health Times  
 Visual motor integration ability is related to learning
Visual motor integration ability is related to learning

Xiaoqiang, a 9-year-old student in the third grade of primary school, was smart and cute when his mother took him to the psychological counseling clinic. What embarrassed her mother was that the child was so tardy in his homework that he could only write a word for half a day. Sometimes, the homework that could be completed in an hour had to be delayed for one night.

Zhu Xiaohua, director of the Children's Psychology Research Center of the Department of Psychology of Hangzhou Seventh People's Hospital, Zhejiang Province: Most children who procrastinate in doing homework look very smart and think very actively, but only when they do homework, they look upset. Why? The basic ability required for homework is the ability of visual perception and action coordination. All homework materials must be processed through vision, which is the process of material input; At the same time, there must be hand movements, which is the process of output. Input and output processes are always linked. If children's visual motor integration ability lags behind their actual age and is not enough to cope with a large number of copying tasks, the speed of doing homework will be significantly reduced. In addition, children themselves are much worse than adults in terms of self-restraint, and learning is often based on interest. Therefore, once there is some other stimulation when doing homework, there will be a phenomenon of looking left and right, procrastination. When a child has the above problems, parents should consider that the child may have a backward ability in visual motor integration. Once "diagnosed", they can overcome learning obstacles through systematic training to remedy or improve learning ability.

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