
ROI Estimation.Comprehensive business growth toolkit

Make a strong case for attending ASHG2024by explicitly connecting your institution’s goals,as well as your work and professional development,to the educational opportunities offered。

Draft a附加值指示器到share with decision-makers:

  • Focus on what you will bring back to your home institution(lab,department,university,hospital,etc.)
    • Identify sessions tied to your home institution’s goals as well as sessions related to your work and professional development。
    • Identify exhibiting companies and workshops that have importance to your home institution/career development。
    • Identify networking and collaboration opportunities。
  • 预应力墙成本成本单位:register early,share a room,explore best flight options,and plan a daily meal budget,etc。

使用,使用跟踪报告to document your experience and ROI:

  • Document key takeaways from the sessions and workshops you attend,as well as the posters and exhibits you visit。
  • Prepare a Conference Report to share high lights with your colleagues and to justify your institution’s investment。




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