预置介质和How to Cite

Abstracts from recent ASHG Annual Meetings are available as downloadable PDFs。An interactive search is available for the most recent years。Clickhere,hereto viewour licensing and citation policies。

1999 abstracts should be directed tomeetings@ashg.org.Please include the year the abstract was presented,the first author’s name,and any other information you have。

Authors of submitted abstracts agreed to the American Society of Human Genetics licensing agement/copyright policy:

The author grants ASHG anonexclusive,perpetual,worldwide license to copy,reproduce and publish the abstract in ASHG’sonline or print publication of ASHG abstracts and/or other compilations or collective works to be assembled and owned by ASHG(together,“Collective Works”)in any form or medium now existing or hereafter created throughout the world。submitting author understands and agrees that ASHG shall own all rights,including copyright,in and to the Collective Works including the right to:

  1. 分布式、reproduce、license、display、perform、lend、lease、or transfer rights to the Collective Works to third parties,
  2. 预应力工作,and
  3. Register the Collective Works in ASHGs own name with the U.S.Copyright Office。

It is understood that the submitting author and/or third parties with copyrights shall retain copyright in and to the abstract contributed by the submitting author to a Collective Work.The submitting author affirms that he/she is the author and owner of the abstract and holds all copyrights in and to the abstract,or has secured any third party permissions necessary to grant ASHG the above rights。The submitting author is responsible for providing any related third party with a copy of this grant of rights。

NOTE:The submitting author has copyright to the individual abstract,so permission to use material derived from the abstract(other than citation)must be obtained from that author。

citing ASHG Meeting abstracts:

Simpson R.S.,Barnes P.,Disruption of the microRNA pathway;(Abstract/Program#X)。Presented at the Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics,Date,Location,(e.g.,October262022 in Los Angeles,California)


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