Simple zblog with slides free three column blog topic yd1125free

Zblog template eight hundred and thirteen

This is a blog style lightweight CMS type zblog theme. The overall structure is relatively simple, using a responsive three column layout structure. The left side is a menu, the right side is a sidebar module, and the middle is a list article that supports drop-down automatic loading; It is designed with two-level pull-down menu, carousel chart, return to top, friendly time format and other page elements; Built in are exquisite side bar announcements, popular articles, recommended articles and the latest articles and other modules; It provides rich background theme configuration options, including but not limited to slide settings, SEO settings, navigation menu settings, sidebar settings, etc., with strong customization features.

 Simple zblog with slides free three column blog topic yd1125free

The overall design of the theme is simple and tends to blog theme. If you are interested, you may want to install and experience it.

The theme demonstration can be accessed by clicking the demonstration address in the details of the application center.

Theme download: Application Center
