Unique girls' blog typecho delicate theme BestGirl

Typecho Theme three thousand one hundred and eighty-nine

The BestGirl theme is a response typecho theme with unique design, which is composed of a pink background, falling petals and small notes. It is not only simple but also very simple. It is slightly cute, but it is a bit hurt. The overall style design makes this theme extremely suitable for girls to build blogs, and is suitable for recording logs, simple words, poetry Quotations, maxims, famous sentences, entries, recipes, notebooks, memorabilia, memoirs and other blog websites with light and short words.

 Unique girls' blog typecho delicate theme BestGirl


  1. After downloading the theme, put the theme folder bestgirl Uploaded to the typecho website /usr/themes/ catalog.
  2. Set the static folder assets Upload to the root directory of the typecho website.
  3. Then go to the background console - appearance - website appearance, and set and change the appearance.

Optional plug-in

  • Like plug-in AnotherLike
  • Colorful Mouse
  • Music player QPlayer 2
  • Random Site Description

Theme download: typecho-BestGirl
