Interview question bank

  • introduce oneself to
  • Describe in detail the projects you are interested in;
  • Understanding of browser kernel, common browser kernel
 Trident kernel: IE, MaxThon, TT, The World, 360, Sogou browser, etc. [Also known as MSHTML] Gecko kernel: Netscape 6 and above, FF, MozillaSuite/SeaMonkey, etc Presto kernel: Opera 7 and above. [Opera kernel: Presto, now: Blink] Webkit kernel: Safari, Chrome, etc. [Chrome: Blink (a branch of WebKit)]
  • Offline storage cache.manifest in html5
  • Please describe the difference between cookies, sessionStorage and localStorage?
  • What are the disadvantages of iframe?
  • How to realize a round clickable area on the page?
 1. Map+area or svg 2、border-radius 3. Pure js implementation requires a simple algorithm to determine whether a point is on a circle, obtain mouse coordinates, etc
  • How is the CSS priority algorithm calculated?
 -The principle of proximity of priority, and the latest style definition shall prevail in the case of the same weight; -The loading style is subject to the last loaded positioning; The priority is: Same weight: inline style sheet (inside the label)>embedded style sheet (in the current file)>external style sheet (in the external file). ! important >  id > class > tag Important has higher priority than inline
  • Div horizontally centered, vertically centered
  • What are the attributes of position;
  • Css creates a triangle principle;
  • JavaScript prototype, prototype chain? What are the characteristics?
 Each object will initialize an attribute, namely prototype, in its interior. When we access the attribute of an object, if no object does not have this attribute in its interior, then it will go to the prototype to find this attribute. This prototype will have its own prototype, so it will keep searching, which is what we usually call the concept of prototype chain. Relationship: instance.constructor.prototype=instance.proto
  • Introduction to immutable data
  • React lifecycle
  • What is the difference between react component and purecomponent?
  • What is the difference between ajax and fetch?
  • promise
  • 0.1 + 0.2 !== zero point three
  • New features or syntax of es6
  • What is the difference between get and post?
  • What is cross domain and what are the solutions?
  • Common http return codes
  • What are the principles of Redux?
  • Have you learned about the react dom diff algorithm?
  • The principle of front-end routing?
  • What apps have been developed with oc;
  • Technical stack selection considerations: vue+vuex+webpack+flexible+sass
  • The feeling and difference of using js/oc, jsbridge and react native
  • What problems does ISColl solve? What is the principle?
  • What are the ways to optimize web page opening speed? What have you practiced?
  • How do you understand the position of front-end engineer? What is its future?
  • Is there github, and have you done any open source projects in github?
  • How to solve any difficult problems encountered in the work?
  • Introduce a project that you are most proud of?

Do some questions

 // 1.  Simple implementation of throttle function throttle(func, duration) { //Write the specific implementation here } window.addEventListener('scroll', throttle(func, 50), false); // 2.  Implement a depth first search algorithm (non recursive) function dfs(tree, name) { //Please implement it here } var tree = { Name: 'China', children: [{ Name: 'Beijing', children: [{ Name: 'Chaoyang People' }, { Name: 'Haidian District' } ] }, { Name: 'Zhejiang Province', children: [{ Name: 'Hangzhou City' }, { Name: 'Jiaxing City' } ] } ] }; Var result=dfs (tree, 'Hangzhou City'); console.log(result);
Last modification: September 16, 2019
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