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ZBLOG From Getting Started to Abandoning Video Tutorials Episode 6 Installation and Setting of Free Theme Plug ins and Management of Sidebar Modules

 Installation and setting of ZBLOG free theme plug-in and management of sidebar module

Today we will talk about the installation and use of free theme plug-ins and the management of sidebar modules

Z-BLOG has three built-in themes

If you don't like these themes, we can use other themes

ZB provides an application center for everyone to choose their favorite extensions

This is also a major advantage of ZB

We open the Application Center

Choose a free app

Choose a theme that is pleasing to the eye

Here we choose the simple wireframe theme made by Lao Li

Uh, the advertisement is a little hot. It's learned from Wei Long, the king of hot sticks

Sliding down is an introduction to some applications

Netizens' comments It's useless to look at some users' comments

Because everyone can comment, not only users who have used the installation can comment

Click to get the app

Successfully installed

Click Theme Management in the left menu

Select the theme you just downloaded


Back to the home page

Great change in appearance

I found a problem with the navigation in the upper right corner

take it easy

Back in the background

Click Module Management

Edit Navigation Bar


It looks normal

This operation has been described in the previous tutorial

Continue back to the backstage

Most themes have theme configuration entries in the upper right menu area

Go to the theme configuration interface

The main theme is simple, so the configuration will be relatively simple

Fill in some of your own settings


Go back to the front desk and have a look

It's different

Now install a free plug-in to try

Back to the Application Center

Select the plug-ins you need

We continue to choose Lao Li's free plug-in

Here's a tip

Click the author's name to view all applications of this author

Choose to install the 24 word encryption plug-in

Click Plug in Management in the left menu

Enable plug-in

Most plug-ins provide a setting entry here

If there is no plug-in, it is usually unnecessary to set

Adjust and modify some information according to personal needs

Check the plug-in effect

A very interesting plug-in

Zb also has a very practical function sidebar

Most blog topics will have a sidebar area

This one

The content displayed in the sidebar can be set in the background

Click the left menu Module Management

Zb provides 9 sidebar boxes for everyone to use

Different themes and pages may use different sidebars

The author of this general topic will explain

This simple wireframe theme homepage and article list use sidebar 2

The article page and single page use sidebar 3

The modules in the sidebar box can be freely dragged and adjusted

Let's demonstrate

Look at the sidebar on the front page

Now drag the control panel of sidebar 2 away

Go back to the front desk and refresh

No control panel

Drag into a search module

Check the front desk

Search appears

End of this tutorial


  • three thousand two hundred and fifty-eight Participation, two Comments