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[Create a website] Use CloudFlare's free workers Dev builds website

[建站]使用CloudFlare免费的Workers.Dev搭建网站 建站推荐

I believe everyone has used the CloudFlare DNS CDN And firewalls, etc. CloudFlare also launched Workers last year Dev, A serverless execution environment that allows you to create new applications or enhance existing applications without having to purchase, configure, or maintain servers.

Free Admission Package

  • 100000 requests/day

  • Each request can take up to 10 milliseconds of CPU time

  • Lowest latency after first request

  • 30 workers

Deployed to hundreds of data centers worldwide

Free Admission Infrastructure maintained and automatically expanded

High performance runtime without cold start

Native JavaScript and WebAssembly support

Full CLI deployment capabilities

After more than 100000 requests/day or 1000 requests/minute, Worker requests will return an error.

usage method

1. Log in to CloudFlare


2. Create a sub domain name of Workers.dev, which is zblog.workers.dev more than mine

3. Create workers, write code, or paste the project code shared by leaders, save and deploy

4. Click the domain name in the upper left corner to customize the sub domain name. I have deployed website navigation and modified the domain name to www.zblog.workers.dev

CloudFlare Workers project organization

In addition, if you create workers in the www domain name, visiting zblog.workers.dev will jump to www.zblog.workers.dev by default

In this way, it's good to be a station!

Title: [Create a site] Use CloudFlare Free Admission Workers of Dev builds website
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article uses the "Attribution - Noncommercial Use - Sharing in the Same Way 4.0 International" Creative Sharing Agreement. Please follow the Attribution Agreement for reprinting or use.
Comment List (1) Comments
 Netizen nickname: Uncle Bird
Psy tourist 2020-11-26 reply
Not many people use it to build a station, but many people use it to build a ladder
