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[Source code] Deploy Cloudsave network disk with pagoda panel, and access OneDrive for Business

[源码]用宝塔面板部署Cloudreve网盘,接入OneDrive for Business 建站推荐

What is Cloudrestore?

Cloudrestore is a network disk system that can quickly set up both public and private. Cloudrestore supports different cloud storage platforms at the bottom, so users don't need to care about the physical storage mode when using it. You can use Cloudrestore to build personal online disks, file sharing systems, or public cloud systems for large and small groups.

Of course, I built it to use OneDrive, which has more functions than OneIndex, OneList, OlaIndex and other directory programs.

Cloud storage: quickly connect with Qiniu, Zaiyun, AliCloud OSS Tencent Cloud For COS and OneDrive API versions, files can also be stored locally or on slave computers.

Multi user: You can use Cloudreve as a personal private cloud, and Cloudreve's powerful multi-user system can also be used as a public cloud platform.

Upload strategy: different user groups can bind different upload strategies, and quickly switch between multiple upload strategies to make full use of storage resources.

Online preview: supports online preview of pictures, videos, audio, and Office documents; Text files and Markdown files are edited online.

File sharing: Users can create private or public sharing links to quickly share files and directories with friends.

WebDAV support: you can map the network disk to local management, or use other file managers that support WebDAV protocol to achieve seamless cross platform.

Responsive layout: the whole station is responsive, and the mobile terminal can also have a good use experience

Installation Start

1. Install the pagoda panel for the ECS normally, and open the basic required ports and 5212 ports.

2. It is not necessary to install other running environments. If necessary, it is recommended to install Nginx.

3. Create a pure static website, bind the domain name, and enable SSL , enable mandatory https access.

4. Get Clouderve, download it remotely and unzip it to the root directory of the website.

Get the main program that has been built and packaged on the GitHub Release page. Each version provides the main program available under the common system architecture. The naming rule is cloudrevie_version number_operating system_CPU architect.tar.gz.

To deploy version 3.0.0 on a normal 64 bit Linux system, you should download cloudreve_3.0.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz

5、 Under Linux, connect SSH, enter the command, directly decompress and execute the main program:

 #Decompress the main program obtained tar -zxvf cloudreve_VERSION_OS_ARCH.tar.gz #Give execution permission chmod +x ./ cloudreve #Start Cloudreve./cloudreve

6、 When Cloudrestore starts for the first time, an initial administrator account will be created. Please pay attention to the administrator password, which will only appear when it starts for the first time. If you forget the initial administrator password, you need to delete cloudrevie.db in the peer directory and restart the main program to initialize the new administrator account.

7. Cloudrestore will listen to port 5212 by default. If the operation is correct without error, you can access it in the browser Http://Server IP: 5212 Enter Cloudreve.

8. Open the pagoda panel, manage the website created in step 3, add a reverse proxy, enter the proxy name, fill in the target URL and save

9. Visit the domain name bound to your website to open Cloudrestore.

Add Systemd process daemon

This must be added, otherwise it may not work properly.

1. Use file management to open the/usr/lib/systemd/system path, and create a blank file cloudrevie.service

2. Write the following code, and replace two PATH_TO_CLOUDREVEs in the following code with the root directory path of the website. Save

 [Unit] Description=Cloudreve Documentation= https://docs.cloudreve.org After=network.target Wants=network.target [Service] WorkingDirectory=/PATH_TO_CLOUDREVE ExecStart=/PATH_TO_CLOUDREVE/cloudreve Restart=on-abnormal RestartSec=5s KillMode=mixed StandardOutput=null StandardError=syslog [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

3. Connect SSH and execute the command (if you operate correctly, there will be no red words such as fail)

 #Update configuration systemctl daemon-reload #Start Service systemctl start cloudreve #Set startup systemctl enable cloudreve

4. Cloudserve process management commands are as follows:

 #Start Service systemctl start cloudreve #Stop service systemctl stop cloudreve #Restart service systemctl restart cloudreve #View Status systemctl status cloudreve

Title: [ Source code ]Deploy Cloudrestore network disk with pagoda panel to access OneDrive for Business
Author authorization: Unless otherwise specified, this document is written by Intoxicated with Chinese style Original compilation and authorization Intoxicated with Chinese style blog Publication.
Copyright notice: This article uses the "Signature Sharing 4.0 International in the Same Way" Creative Sharing Agreement. Please follow the signature agreement when reprinting or using.
Comment List (1) Comments
 Netizen nickname: Intoxicated with Chinese style
Intoxicated with Chinese style administrators 2020-06-10 reply
The official website of Clouderve is:
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