Zblog tag aggregation independent page generation plug-in RegLabel

Zblog plug-in seven hundred and eighty-five

Someone has consulted about the independent pages that call all the tags in the whole site before. Users who can develop zblog can directly implement it through function code. Users who will not develop can only find code to customize, but also use relevant zblog plug-ins.

The zblog tag cloud plug-in RegLabel is a free zblog plug-in that can call all tags of the whole site on a single page. After the plug-in is enabled, a tag cloud page address will be automatically generated. This page calls all tags of the whole site and displays the number of articles under each tag. It supports the number of custom tag displays and self built templates. Unfortunately, the generated url address is dynamic and cannot be customized.

Plug in usage:

The background application center searches for "RegLabel" installation and can download it from the application center website: Z-Blog Application Center

After enabling the plug-in in the background plug-in management, click the management icon behind the plug-in to enter the plug-in configuration interface, where you can obtain the tag cloud address, set the page title, introduce the article, display the number or enable the self built template:

 Zblog tag aggregation independent page generation plug-in RegLabel

Front end effect:

 Zblog tag aggregation independent page generation plug-in RegLabel

If you are not satisfied with the front-end display effect, you can adjust the style in the theme or plug-in. css file.
