White exquisite WordPress personal We Media blog blog theme mzalog

WordPress Theme two thousand one hundred and forty-one

A WordPress theme for personal We Media blog, blog blog, geek blog type websites, with a responsive two column structure, delicate white elegant design, reasonable layout, standard and standard code, supports SEO basic settings, and meets the requirements of search engine optimization. The overall theme is clean and comfortable, simple to use and easy to configure. If you are a webmaster who likes the white simple style WordPress theme, The WordPress theme of mzalog will be a good choice.

 White exquisite WordPress personal We Media blog blog theme mzalog

Thematic characteristics

The code is carefully optimized, and the specification is not bloated. The functional modules of WordPress are optimized to reduce the workload of ordinary webmaster optimization.

It comes with the latest articles, popular articles, hot reviews and random articles in a beautiful style, which can be freely selected and called to the sidebar.

Support to customize the title, keyword and description of the home page, category page, tab page, article page and single page to facilitate SEO optimization.

The background theme setting panel is provided to quickly configure the necessary settings of the theme, such as uploading logo, adding advertising/statistics code, and customizing title/keyword/description.

Compatible with IE10+ Firefox, Chrome, Safari and other mainstream browsers on PC and mobile terminals have a good browsing and reading experience both on PC and mobile phones.

Interested partners can visit the following demo address for browsing experience ↓

Demo address: http://wblog.boke8.net/mzalog/

Theme price: ¥ 55 yuan/copy, hard to develop and maintain, no bargaining, Alipay or WeChat transfer transaction, only contact QQ: 1376461866, if you are the one, please do not disturb!
